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Archive for August, 2010

Dental Scaling Should Be Done Every 6 Months, Says City of Leeds Dentist

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

A dentist from the City of Leeds was very concerned about the dropping standards of oral hygiene even though there are so many dental cleaning products available in the market today. People are still not very educated about how to protect their teeth and in turn, their health. The doctor even talked about the importance o getting regular checkups done so that any problems could be nipped in the bud. A thorough cleaning could also be set up during the time of the dental check up.
Dental scaling is the process whereby teeth are cleaned extremely well at the dentist’s office. It is done with the help of a jet of water that blasts into the space between the teeth and removes all debris and food particles wedged there. It also chips away at the plaque that coats the teeth. Plaque is an extreme health hazard and it has to be removed regularly.
Dental scaling is not an uncomfortable process at all, although you might experience a slight raw feeling immediately after the treatment. You might even bleed a bit, but this is because the plaque needs to be pried away in a few places, thereby causing the gums to get a bit hurt.
Dental scaling will result in you having fresh breath since most of the places where bacteria hide would have been removed. Similarly, all the food that the bacteria eat would also have gone. It is therefore very important for you to get dental scaling done twice a year at least.

Get the Latest White Dental Fillings from the Best Dental Practice in Leeds

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Dental technology has made amazing advances in the past decade. It is now possible to get dental treatment that looks absolutely invisible. People are willing to pay more money to get their teeth repaired with materials that are indistinguishable from their other teeth. Dental fillings are a good example of this.
Many dentists use silver or metal amalgam in order to fill cavities in teeth. These amalgams certainly do a very good job by protecting the cleaned cavity from further decay, but they are very visible as black or silver areas when the person opens their mouth. Having a row of filled teeth can be a constraint for certain people and they might not laugh out loud because they don’t feel comfortable opening their mouth wide.
A Leeds dental practice specializes in offering white dental fillings that make the tooth look almost exactly like the other ones in the mouth. These fillings are made of acrylic and porcelain and they give the filled teeth a very beautiful and lifelike effect. These fillings do cost more money than the ordinary amalgam ones, but people ask for them because they look very attractive. The other advantage is that the dentist has to drill less of the tooth when white dental fillings are being used.
Teeth at the back of the mouth can get amalgam fillings because they tend to be stronger. However, if the tooth that requires a filling is near the front of your mouth, then white fillings are an easy choice.

Leeds Dentist Says Dental Extractions Are Not To Be Feared At All

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

Most people are afraid to sit in a dentist’s chair and the thought of dental extractions terrifies them even more. A possible reason could be that these fears begin during childhood visits to the dentist and remain until adulthood. There are people who are so afraid of handling what they think will be a painful extraction that they delay going to the dentist, with severe consequences.
A dentist in Leeds takes a great amount of effort to ensure that this process is done with the minimum discomfort to patients, since this is obviously something that troubles a lot of people. To begin with, the dentist’s office needs to have a welcoming ambience. This, in place of a forbidding look, with make people feel more at ease. The use of beautiful colours, potted plants, fish tanks and piped music can all dispel fears to a large extent.
If you are due to go for a dental extraction, or you have to take your child there for the same reason, make sure that the dentist explains the whole process out in detail so that you know that there is a clear cut method being followed. You should request for aesthetic creams that will numb the pain of an injection, so that there will be no physical pain at all. The correct use of anaesthetics will ensure that the patient feels the tooth being removed, but will not have any pain.
One such good experience is usually enough to cure a patient’s fear of dental treatments such as extractions.

Leeds Dentist Advises People on How to Protect Dental Enamel

Friday, August 27th, 2010

According to a dentist from Leeds, people don’t take enough trouble to look after their teeth, which is shocking considering how easy it is to do. Most people persist in retaining habits and lifestyles that cause the erosion of their dental enamel, and which leads to a lot of problems for them.
The enamel is the hard covering of the tooth and it serves a very important function. It protects the sensitive inner portion of the tooth and also allows the tooth to do its job of biting or chewing. Unfortunately, this very strong substance can be destroyed very easily mostly because of acids that are formed by food particles left behind in the mouth. It follows, therefore, that people have to clean their teeth very well after a meal so that there is no food left in the mouth to create acids that can destroy the enamel. There are also habits which cause the enamel to be worn away. Brushing the teeth with excessive force or grinding ones teeth together are two examples. Having a diet rich is sweets and colas are also responsible for creating holes in the enamel. People can also accidentally break or chip their tooth enamel by eating very hard food or by playing games without adequate mouth protection.
It is very easy to protect the outer cover of the teeth by making note of these points and putting them into practice without fail. This will without any doubt reduce your need for dental treatment.

Leeds Dentist Gives Tips for Handling Dental Emergencies

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Most people do not know how to handle dental emergencies, and they do the wrong things which results in unnecessarily expensive treatment, or even the permanent damage or loss of the tooth. A dentist in Leeds gives tips on how to handle these emergencies so that the patient suffers as less discomfort as possible, while keeping a great chance of not losing the tooth.
The most common problem that people suffer from is toothache. This can easily become an emergency situation if the pain is severe, and a person can be unable to do anything until the pain is made to go away. Many people place a tablet of any painkiller against the gum in the hope that the pain will subside, but it will only burn the gum. It would be a better idea to clean the mouth with warm water and to apply a cold compress from outside in order to bring down any swelling.
If a tooth has been broken in an accident, it is necessary to visit the doctor immediately. Before that, the mouth has to be cleaned very gently with warm water. The tooth has to be rinsed but not scrubbed, and inserted into the socket for the trip to the dentist. If that is not possible, it can be carried in a container of milk.
Any tooth problem needs to be treated by a good dentist as soon as possible, before it flares up and becomes the cause of a lot of pain and expenditure.

Prevent Dental Decay Rather Than Looking For a Cure, Says Leeds Dentist

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

One of the most common problems that we face is tooth decay and it is far easier to prevent than it is to cure. According to a Leeds dentist, tooth decay usually occurs as a result of neglect. It is caused due to bad oral hygiene that results in food particles being left in the mouth. Everybody knows that it is important to keep one’s mouth clean so as to prevent caries from forming, but we tend to fall short when it comes to actually practicing it.
We can avoid dental decay by making certain changes in our habits. It is absolutely necessary that we brush our teeth at least twice a day. Remember to never sleep with a dirty mouth because that will expose your teeth to acids the whole night long. In addition, we have to remember to rinse our mouth out after we eat anything. A good way will be to drink plain water after a meal. If you have the habit of snacking in between meals, you should consider dropping the habit, or at least cleaning your mouth after each snack. There are certain foods that are major culprits when it comes to tooth decay. Sweets and candy are on top of this list.
Another way to prevent tooth decay is to go for regular dental checkups where the dentist can clean your teeth whilst looking for any new cavities or diseases of the gum. These steps should be sufficient to keep your teeth protected and free of cavities.

Leeds Dentist Offers a Wide Variety of Dental Crowns

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Dental crowns are used to cover up or cap a tooth that has a problem. They are permanently fixed to the mouth and if you take care of them they will last you a lifetime. According to a dentist in Leeds whose practice specializes in making bridges and crowns and uses the latest technology to get the work done, there are many different types of crowns or caps that they offer to their patients.
The type of crown used depends on where it will be located. All crowns are used to cover up teeth that are damaged in some way. In some cases the tooth is just discoloured and in other cases it simply does not exist, due to which it will be placed on top of an implant. The general rule is that crowns that are placed on the front teeth need to be of an expensive material such as porcelain. These crowns have a very lifelike look and a dentist is able to even get the colour to match that of the other teeth exactly. Crowns for the back teeth tend to be more durable since they do more work such as chewing. Dentists usually use caps made of gold and metal alloys. Another popular option is to use porcelain crowns bonded onto a metal shell because it is extremely durable while being attractive at the same time.
Have a talk to your dentist before you opt for any particular type since there are evidently so many options available.

Leeds Dentist Lists 5 Reasons Why Dental Cleaning Is Important

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Regular dental cleaning should be a very important part of your healthcare program says a dentist from Leeds. A person has to go to the dentist at least every 6 months for a thorough cleaning because there are added benefits to it than just having clean teeth. The first and most evident reason is that you will be free from bad breath that is caused by unclean teeth.
There are other reasons why you should get your teeth cleaned and they are not very apparent. One reason why is that it ensures that you don’t lose any teeth due to improper oral hygiene. Your dentist will be able to check you for any gum disease and take appropriate action. Another benefit you will get is a reduced risk of strokes and heart attacks. Plaque, if allowed to build up on your teeth, eventually becomes tartar and then enters your bloodstream where it blocks your arteries. The fourth reason is that your dentist will be able to check your teeth for any signs of decay and repair them before the matter gets out of hand. The fifth reason is that regular dental checkups that happen when your teeth are being cleaned will detect any signs of cancer as soon as they appear.
These reasons should be sufficient for you to fix an appointment with your dentist at the earliest. You will actually end up saving lots of money in the long run if you spend money on regular dental cleaning and checkups.

Leeds Dentist Cautions against Neglecting Dental Cavities

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

A very popular Leeds dentist spoke up about the way the average person neglects their teeth. Dental cavities are a case in point. They are also known as caries and they are one of the most common ailments that humans suffer from. What starts off as a very small cavity can deteriorate with neglect and result in a lot of problems for you. Not only will you experience a lot of discomfort, you will also end up paying a lot of money for expensive treatments that are expensive in addition to being painful.
For starters, a bad tooth can cause you to have bad breath because it will be a place where food particles get lodged. You will find it almost impossible to clean it out and the food will remain there for long periods. The tooth can also get infected, leaving you with an abscess. A tooth with a large cavity will also cause you a lot of pain since the nerve endings will not have a protective cover of enamel. You will find it very difficult to eat or drink very hot or cold foods.
The dentist cautions against neglecting this particular problem because you will have to address it anyway in the end, by which time it would have become quite a big problem. What could have been fixed with a small and inexpensive filling will not have to be corrected with a root canal treatment or in some cases, dental surgery. In extreme cases, you can even lose the entire tooth.

Dental Caps Are Very Easy To Fix, According To Leeds Dentist

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Dental caps are probably the most used treatment for teeth, after dental fillings of course, because they can be used for a wide range of applications. A dental cap, also known as a crown, is nothing more than a shell that is placed on top of the tooth or an implant. It is cemented to the existing tooth or any other base so that it cannot be removed, except of course by the dentist. In effect, a dental cap is exactly like a tooth except that it is made of an artificial substance. A Leeds dental clinic specializes in offering this treatment and they use it for a wide variety of reasons.
It can be used in place of a large filling when there is hardly any tooth left to repair. It can also be used to cover a badly shaped tooth or one that is too discoloured to be able to benefit from tooth whitening treatments. Another use is to cover a tooth that has had a root canal treatment. It is also used very often in order to attach a bridge when the teeth on either side of the gap that has to be filled are spaced very far.
Dentists use a wide variety of crowns in order to suit various requirements. The cost of the treatment escalates based upon the quality of the material used, with the most natural looking caps being the most expensive. Most people reserve these caps for front teeth only, for very obvious reasons.