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Archive for November, 2011

Nursing your Heart through Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Your heart- just consider that for a moment you lovely people of Leeds….it pumps the blood around your veins, it helps to regulate your breathing, and isn’t it wonderful when it misses a beat when you fall in love? Well then damn well look after it because it is the very core of your existence and what you do to your body on a daily basis is vital. Diet and your teeth are also an important part of the equation because they can also impact on the heart. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can have detrimental effects throughout the body so it is vital that you get up to speed and check with your dentist that you are getting this right and looking after your teeth the right way. Why, well here’s the reason- gum disease; this can start to poison you and your blood. You may never be aware of it but over a lengthy period of time, constant poisoning can start to lead to a build up of nasties in the arteries and soon, the very heart of you will give up the ghost and start to falter. Good oral hygiene, regular dental appointments, good diet and a balanced lifestyle will ensure that when you are finally ready to stretch out on a beach in Tahiti in a beautiful retirement, your heart will be murmuring for all the right reasons!

Beautiful Flossing in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Okay, we’ve got the general idea of how to do the basics when looking after our teeth in central Leeds- good toothpaste and a good brush…that should do it. Well not quite so actually, because as is human nature, we can get a bit complacent by trusting the products we buy and be lazy in the knowledge that what is said on the packet is going to do the job. Not so, for all the best-laid plans can come unstuck: sometimes if you are a little dozy, you may not be quite getting into the places where you need to be with your toothbrush, which is why you need to floss as well. Flossing is an art-form in itself and the reasons behind it should be quite obvious; if you can learn how to get this right, and whatever it takes to do so- from your dentist or from going on-line, then you will be removing oddities from between your teeth and keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Things can get very radical in the mouth extremely quickly so the basics need to be backed with a drop of flossing to ensure you skip dangers such as tooth decay and gum disease and avoid a hefty bill at the dentists.

Everything you need to know about Dental Implants in Leeds

Monday, November 28th, 2011

So, what is a dental implant, how does it work and can you get it in Leeds? Yes you can and if you have suffered from tooth loss, this could be the answer to your dreams to avoid the threat of having dentures fitted in the future. Read up on it and you will find it is not as exclusive, expensive and intricate as it used to be. It has also become an easy and efficient treatment to have done. It doesn’t sound pretty mind- the idea of having a bit of titanium located somewhere into your jaw sounds awful. But calm yourself, because if you want to get yourself smiling again, then jump right in with this treatment; it’s brilliant. An implant replaces the original root and comes with a couple of guarantees as well: once in, it is in for the duration of your life and doesn’t suffer from the infections that your natural teeth do. From here on in, you can have beautiful false replacements that will look as good as the teeth you have lost; implants are so versatile. They help to support dentures, bridges and crowns and really do help to support the overall health of your mouth, and prior to popular belief, they are not that expensive anymore. And that is all down to technology and the way dental technology has learnt from the past and embraced new methods.

Smelly Breath and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Are you finding that you are becoming more alienated and lonely in central Leeds even though you know you are fantastic? Well it could be that your breath might be a wee bit ‘whiffy’ and that you may be suffering from gum disease as well. Smelly breath can make life very unsociable for you but the reasons behind it can be difficult to rectify. Bad odors in the mouth indicate problems and if you suffer from gum disease, it only complicates the problem. Gum disease will dry the mouth out and cause the gums to bleed and weep, that will lead to bad smells in the mouth. Essentially, you have been lacking in good oral hygiene. If you have reached this stage, then you are going to have to work damn hard to reverse it. Getting your butt down to the dentists is a priority here so that they can check how bad the situation is at this point in the game. They will be able to administer emergency help through a myriad of treatments, but if you don’t wake up and realize how to look after your own teeth through looking after them, you will not only lose your teeth, but you certainly won’t be invited to many more parties- that’s a given.

Caring for your Children’s Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

4196468_blogIf you are a parent in the city of Leeds and have just had a child, then get ready for the ride of your life because the next 20 years of your life is going to be a bit of a rollercoaster. Looking after your child takes a lot of work, as does looking after there teeth too. But the advantage you have over your parents is the world has gone global and now you can go to the internet for any help you need. And with a good pediatrician, a good dentist and good research into your kid’s teeth, you will be fine and dandy. From teething, secondary teeth, the fitting of braces through to wisdom teeth, it’s never been easier to care for the dental health of your child. Dental procedures have advanced and there are fantastic little treatments to protect the teeth. But all said and done, in the end, you shouldn’t get complacent just because everything is in place to rectify problems- as a parent, you should also try to prevent the problems from arising at the start by ensuring you teach your child how to brush correctly and feeding them with the best food that you can to build their immune system and give them the best possible start in life.

How to identify a ‘Real’ Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Friday, November 25th, 2011

There’s an altercation and then there’s an emergency and when it comes to your mouth, it’s very important to distinguish between the two so that you don’t end up looking a fool and wasting your dentists time over nothing, but also, knowing when to save your life in the city of Leeds when something gets to disastrous levels in your mouth. Firstly, the basics- look after your mouth and you will reduce the risk factor. Secondly, make sure you are prepared for any eventuality that may crop up with having ‘products’ in the house to comfort you until you can get treatment. Now, it comes down to identifying problems and you should really ask your dentist about this so that you know what you are doing. Losing a filling, a veneer or a crown is not the end of the world, nor it getting a chipped tooth either and little problems like this can wait; yes they can cause minor irritations in the mouth but these can be eased with a few choice herbal remedies and mild pain-killers until you can be seen by your dentist. Tooth loss through an accident is a tad more serious and you should get the problem addressed as soon as you can so that the problem doesn’t escalate. But the real no-no is getting an abscess, and this is the time to call in the reinforcements, because within hours, an abscess can floor you and put your life in danger by infecting your blood and your brain. It’s down to you at the end of the day to prep yourself for an emergency and know how to deal with it.

How Smoking can cause Gum Disease in Leeds

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Smoking is that little devil that is so easy to sell your soul to in Leeds; it still has that element of a ‘cool’ thing to do, especially if you are young- it’s a sign that you are growing up. Okay, if you think that way, that’s fine, but if you take a long term projection, you should also bear in mind the dangers you are exposing your teeth too. Smoking has a nasty habit of drying out your mouth which in turn, leaves your mouth vulnerable to the build up of plaque and tooth decay- from this of course comes one of the greatest dangers to your mouth- gum disease. This can destroy your gums and teeth very quickly and again, if you look into the future, your body’s organs as well. There is nothing wrong about being brash and indestructible and doing what you please, but everything should be done in moderation because you will only have to pay for it in the long term and the when gum disease sets in, to recover from it is going to take some very drastic measures and hurt your bank account as well. It’s a very frightening scenario so if you really need to find a solution- try spending money on giving up the cigs.

The connection between having a Dry mouth and Cavities in Central Leeds

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

If you have ever suffered from a dry mouth in central Leeds, it can become very irritating- it makes you and your mouth feel uncomfortable: it can also mean your diet and general oral hygiene are pretty woeful. There are ways to counter the problem, but counter it you must at all costs because it can become deadly to not only your teeth and gums, but to the rest of you as well. Whatever the reasons, a dry mouth is an indication that the saliva levels in the mouth have dipped below what they should be and if the problem is not resolved, it can lead to some very complicated issues arising. Saliva is the natural way of fighting off plaque and removing acids that build up on the surface of the teeth. However, remove the saliva and the gums will dry out and the acids will start to make in-roads into the teeth. At this point, the teeth can be repaired with a filling, but cavities will form and if left unattended, can lead to even deeper cavities forming and causing deep decay in the tooth. A root canal will be required but you should be warned that something is out of control if it reaches this level- cavities can lead to gum disease; you will lose your teeth if you don’t take action, but worse still, such terrors will start to infect the blood in your body and then infiltrate the vital organs in your body….you have been warned!

Painful Wisdom Teeth in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

A pain in the backside is nothing compared to a pain in the mouth in the city of Leeds and one of the most annoying is the time wisdom teeth rear their heads and decide to put in an appearance- this is a very tricky and complex time for some people. For some, the teeth come through quite easily and it’s all done and dusted in a couple of weeks. For others however, the wisdom teeth can grow at all angles which will involve having them removed, but before hand, they can be very painful. But there are ways you can make the whole experience a little easier. If you liaison with a dentist before this all gets started, they will be able to advise you about what’s coming; you can take pain-killers to take the ‘sting’ out of the process until the teeth come through and there are some good natural remedies around to help soothe the process. But throughout, one of the greatest factors to be aware of is to keep your mouth hygienic so that you avoid infection to the gums. Good cleaning, flossing and mouthwashes can help to avoid pain and infection; chewing gum can also help ease the process. But you should also not stand on ceremony either because if the pain becomes unbearable, you may need to take emergency measures by calling your dentist or getting your backside down to the hospital.

Dentist in Leeds Discusses the Importance of Children’s Oral Health

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Oral health for your children should begin even before you can see their first teeth. While the teeth may not be visible to the naked eye, your children already have twenty primary teeth upon birth! Your baby’s gums must be cared for while new teeth are coming in.

Your dentist in Leeds has many tips for children’s oral health and can offer advice on avoiding foods that will harm your children’s teeth. Make sure you visit your dentist with your baby at least by his or her first birthday. Working together with your dentist means that you can plan the best ways to care for your children’s teeth.

Visits to your dentist can also help detect potential problems with your children’s teeth while teaching them to be comfortable with visits to the dentist. This way, your child will grow to have no fear of proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. At about two and a half years of age, your dentist might want to use topical fluoride to harden your children’s enamel and prevent common childhood dental diseases. By this age, all of your children’s primary teeth should be visible.

Of course, baby teeth are not be permanent, but dental cavities will be painful and costly for both you and your children. Frequent visits to your dentist will ensure excellent oral health for your children and they will be protected from tooth decay and gum disease.