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Archive for June, 2012

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth in the City of Leeds

Friday, June 29th, 2012

There are quite a few reasons why we suffer from sensitive teeth in the city of Leeds, but the results are always the same- mainly great discomfort and it can cause a lot of problems in our everyday lives. The most common cause is done by overzealous brushing with abrasive toothpastes that wears away at the teeth’s enamel and then gets into the nerves. The build-up of plaque can lead to acid erosion and then tooth decay and gum disease which again, break down the enamel. Grinding and over-stated tooth bleaching also have the same affects. The first way to overcome this is to pay a visit to the dentist who can rectify any decay with a filling or a root canal. Then you can have fluoride treatments or even a sealant fitted to help protect the surfaces of the teeth; those who grind their teeth can have a mouth-guard made up. Outside of the dentists, it is down to you to help quell the sensitivity; for a start you can use a softer brush and find yourself a good de-sensitizing toothpaste. Fluoride mouth-washes are also excellent at re-mineralizing the enamel in the teeth and protecting the nerves.

The Destruction of Teeth Grinding in Leeds

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

It is one of the problems that tends to dip below the radar of oral issues because it can go unnoticed  for a very long time until it becomes serious- teeth grinding or bruxism, but this is a condition that needs to be addressed quickly in order to stop damage throughout the body. Stress and anger are the two main protagonists here and in a bustling little city like Leeds that places a lot of demands on people, it is rife. A lot of need to de-stress after a heavy day, otherwise we can take this angst into the bedroom and into sleep, and this is where a lot of grinding may well take place. A gum-shield can protect damage to the teeth, but it will not stop damage happening to the jaws, head a neck. Hopefully, with some anger management and stress counselling, these problems can be identified and avoided before they become a problem elsewhere. If however, the problem is allowed to continue, the damage to the jaws and neck (this can also affect the central nervous system) will require some pretty complex surgery to rectify. If you visit your dentist regularly, they should be able to spot any signs of wear in your teeth and then advise you as to which direction you should take in order to stop the grinding getting out of hand.

Dealing with Decaying Teeth in Central Leeds

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Tooth decay is something that takes its time to take hold and it will do it very covertly as well. It normally starts with poor oral hygiene and a lack of visits to see your dentist in central Leeds. But it starts immediately when the acids from bacteria are allowed to eat into the teeth’s enamel, over time it will go unnoticed, but then you may find yourself suffering from shooting pains in the teeth. Catch it now and you may be lucky enough to get away with a filling, but ignore it and then you will require root canal treatment just to keep the tooth in the mouth- even then you have seriously reduced the life of the tooth. After this you start to descend into tooth loss, but not only this, you can suffer from periodontal damage to the bone structure in the jaws and worse still, gum disease, which can work it’s evil into the bloodstream and poison the bodies vital organs. Essentially, if you suffer from pain, get your teeth fixed up, but more importantly, make sure you retain a high level of oral hygiene in the first place so that your teeth don’t get to this stage. If you have any doubts, you should confer with your dentist about avoiding tooth decay.

Shaping up with the Inman Aligner in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Teeth straightening has always been a touchy subject for the people in the city of Leeds and all over the country, for history has shown that it doesn’t exactly evoke dental romanticism. Lengthy treatments a mouthful of metal and the ridicule to boot….for some, awful times. However, those with dodgy front teeth- run through the fields and scream freedom because an aligner has muscled its way into our hearts and taken us to dinner on a white horse- yes, the Inman aligner has landed and can save your day, this brash, heaven-sent device will blow your socks off. It works on the theory of keeping the teeth on the move, meaning fast results and it does it by rocking the teeth back and forth until they rest in the desired position; the aligner pushes and pulls. It’s design means it only concentrates on the front teeth, but it also has the luxury of being removable throughout the treatment and that can only be good for your oral health. But you better be sitting down for this next bit, for this brash little beast can work as quickly as 6 weeks….you okay? As has been mentioned, it’s not for everyone, but if it is for you, your teeth can be sorted out in a couple of months and finally, you can get closure on how your teeth have looked and annoyed you for years- book in today!

Discretion with Correction with Invisible Braces in Leeds

Monday, June 25th, 2012

There is a pretty good chance that most of us in Leeds are going to have to go through the pain and heartache of having a brace fitted at some point in our lives, and that is two years of psychologically being the ugly duckling with the playground ridicule that comes with it, not to mention how uncomfortable it is to wear. It is then very fortunate that future generations will not have to go through this torment as the world of dentistry has got its act together and started to knock-out aligners that leave the wearer feeling like a swan and that are ‘invisible’ when fitted into the mouth. The materials used in aligner manufacturing are more sympathetic on the eye and more aware of their surroundings- they match the colour of the teeth, from the plates to the wires and when wearing a fixed brace, that is heaven sent. But that is nothing compared some of the clear aligners from America; they truly are ‘invisible’, being made from a clear plastic, but they can also be taken out at any time AND they work far quicker than most other options around. Other braces and aligners can work from 6 weeks to 6 months so here, their invisibility work with speed- they are done and gone before you know it, and anyone else realises it. Ask your dentist about all these fantastic devices and your suitability before opting for second best.

Gum Disease is Rife in the City of Leeds

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

If you like a good horror story in the city of Leeds, the you should take a look at how much damage gum disease can do to your mouth and body because it truly is horrible. This disease is caused firstly by poor oral hygiene which allows plaque and tartar to form in the mouth around the base of the teeth where the gums meet. Once this happens, the gums become infected; this can lead to tooth decay and between them, bring on periodontal disease that will eat away at the bone structure below the teeth. This is the point at which your teeth will start to fall out as the gums recede. Now this is bad enough, but whilst all this is going on, the gum disease will be leaking toxins into the blood and into the heart that in time will fail, along with other vital organs. Is that enough horror for you? The point is, if you have any signs of blood after brushing, you are starting to have problems and they need to be addressed immediately. Your dentist can rectify this by deep cleaning your teeth and gums and you may be able to stop the disease by upping your oral hygiene and also incorporate herbal remedies into your program. But, you must also take a good look at your lifestyle and diet as well to give yourself a chance.

Your Mouth Saving Oral Hygiene Routine in Leeds

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

If there is any legacy that the modern world has given us, it must truly be the art of looking after our teeth and gums. Just take a look at how the market for oral hygiene in Leeds has been flooded with an amazing array of products to help us look after ourselves and let’s not forget that we have our prince, the dentist to save us as well, so how could it ever go wrong….?! Toothbrushes are remarkable these days, from brilliant hand held ones with different angled neck and a array of styles built into the brush-ends to ensure they reach in like never before; this could be also said of electric toothbrushes that also do the most amazing things inside your mouth, whilst you just point it in. The latest is a brush that fires a jet of water below the gum-line for a deep clean. Your daily brushing is also supported by dental floss and small inter-dental brushes to give you a deep clean as well. The main aim of all this is to stop the catalyst of all oral problems, plaque, from getting a foothold in the mouth and toothpastes and mouthwashes are generally concentrated on doing this, while the fluoride in these products helps to re-mineralise the enamel in your teeth at the same time- making them stronger. If that isn’t enough, there is also a massive range of herbal products to choose from to keep your mouth healthy- these are great oral times.

The Crowning Glory for Your Teeth in Central Leeds

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Tooth decay is one of those things that is going to be around as long as Central Leeds will be, as it is so difficult to battle against and whatever fantastic products you through at it, it will break through your line of defence at some time. It slowly eats away at the tooth’s enamel and when it gets inside, you will be lucky to get away with a filling or a root canal but if it is allowed to continue, you will suffer from tooth loss. In the case of a root canal, you will have to have a partial crown fitted once the decay has been removed, to restore the length of the tooth to its former glory. If you have the money, you can literally have a crown made from anything, but on earth, there are three major choices. You can have a full porcelain crown if it is fitted where the forces going through it are minimal, but for strength, porcelain-over-metal or gold crowns are the best options. In the case of tooth loss, crowns can be incorporated into bridges, but if you have an implant fitted, you will need a full crown fitted, again, from the material of choice and necessity.


Technology with Cad/Cams in Dentistry in Central Leeds

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Ah, the age of computers eh and where would we be without them? Especially the world of dentistry as so many treatments rely on their use, which for the patients of central Leeds means excellent news, because this technology has speeded up the treatments we have no-end, especially cosmetic ones. The perfect example of this is CAD/CAM technology- computer aided design and manufacture. If ever you have had veneers, a bridge or a crown made, the fitting is perfectly fine but can often take a couple of weeks to manufacture and that can be awkward if you are a busy person, but with CAD/CAM, you can be done in the hour. When you sit into the chair, a series of digital images will be taken and fed into the computer that then designs your fitting. This information is then transferred in to a milling machine that makes your fitting while you are being readied by the dentist. This takes around 20 minutes before the dentist fits you a new tooth. Even better about this, is if something is not quite right, it can be corrected in-house. Today’s world is all about time and those cunning dental engineers in their laboratories certainly know how to come up with ways of saving it!

You and Your Wisdom Teeth in the City of Leeds

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

From a very young child, you are going to have to go through a lot of woe as you begin to grow and you will go through some very traumatic times, from teething to secondary teeth. Along the way, you may have to have fillings and top cap it off, it’s likely you will have to endure possibly a couple of years of teeth alignment- it’s like you spend most of your time at the dentists! So, it can’t get any worse, can it? Well good people of the city of Leeds, it does, because now you have to face the next stage of your oral growth- wisdom teeth. Now there are some who walk among us who will have absolutely no problem here, with a little care, the teeth will erupt perfectly into the mouth and won’t even need pulling- hate those people eh, because for the rest of us, wisdom teeth are a pain in the mouth! Because in most mouths there is not enough room to grow and break through, the impact in all manner of directions and that’s when you have to have them removed. This can be quite a hard operation and more often or not, is best carried out in a hospital if you go for the extraction of all four at once. Recovery is also a delicate time; there will be pain, discomfort and you have to be very careful to avoid infection…teeth eh? Who wants them!