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Archive for September, 2012

Battling Bleeding gums in Central Leeds

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

Gums are quite a delicate part of the jigsaw in the mouth. For some people in central Leeds, they are strong, cause no problems at all and can be cleaned with a wire brush, but for most, they can be tender and need looking after and that means using a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth with otherwise you could cause them to bleed and if they do, you will need to rinse with an anti-bacterial mouth-wash and salt water until the bleeding stops. However, bleeding gums indicate something ‘darker’ at work, namely the onset of gum disease and this is a nasty one that you really need to get on top of and quickly. A visit to your dentist can evaluate how bad the problem is and de-scale and clean below the gum-line (serious gum disease could mean grafting and bone reconstruction), then it’s down to you to ensure that you keep your mouth clean at all times. The reason you must throw all of your resources at this condition is simple- in the long run gum disease can lead to heart failure. Try to curtail the excesses of your lifestyle like smoking and drinking, use herbal products in your oral regime and vastly improve your diet. Make no mistake, gum disease is a killer.

Thumb Suckers of Leeds

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

A child picks up very cute habits in Leeds, even when it’s in the womb and thumb sucking is one of them. It appears to be a great source of comfort and is the first thing it will turn to if it doesn’t have a dummy in the mouth. But it’s a habit that they should grow out of by the time their secondary teeth come through, or being more precise, a habit they need to be out of when the secondary teeth come through. Over a prolonged period of time, thumb sucking can do quite a lot of damage so it must stop. To do this, you can offer incentives to get them to stop, buy specially designed gloves or thumb guards, or keep enlightening them about how bad it can be to carry on sucking and if need be tell them exactly how bad: as new teeth come through, they are fairly weak until they set in but constant thumb sucking throughout this growth can make them deformed and crooked, cause problems in the oral cavity and in the ‘bite’, lead to facial deformities and cause the child to talk with a lisp. However, you must be sure that the way you tell them doesn’t become a confrontation as this can have the opposite affect to what’s required.

Dealing with a Dry Socket in Central Leeds

Friday, September 28th, 2012

The mouth has a great natural sense of recovery when it comes to getting over a trauma, especially when a tooth comes out. The socket should naturally heal over, preventing infection, and so the rest of the mouth can adjust and move on. This normally depends on a blood clot forming in the hole that will help process. In some cases however, the clot can dissolve prematurely or fall out and this leaves the jawbone vulnerable to the air and the socket becomes dry and painful; it is also exposed to infection. If you find yourself in this position, you need to get along to your dentist in central Leeds for a diagnosis. Normally, your dentist will clean the wound and apply a healing paste to the hole before dressing it: you will be required to have this done daily until the wound starts to heal. You must also be wary of how you eat and to be sure that you use an anti-bacterial mouthwash each day- and avoid smoking. During this time, you may also need to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory tablets as a precaution against any problems arising. If you keep on this course, the wound should be fully healed after a couple of weeks.

Overcoming Ankylosis In The City Of Leeds

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

The body is a wonderful machine in the city of Leeds, a body that has the ability to repair itself when thing go wrong and this is especially true of how it adjusts to change during growth. This can also be said of the way our teeth adapt, especially when the secondary ones come through. However, on occasions, things go wrong and our system fails us and even the tiniest default can lead to major problems further down the line. When secondary teeth come through, the baby teeth should by that time be long gone and the roots should have dissolved, but in some cases, the roots can fuse to the jawbone causing ankylosis, and this can upset the growth of the new teeth. The new teeth can become suffocated by these roots and this can stunt growth as well as making it crooked. It will normally only happen to the odd tooth, but this can also affect the growth of surrounding teeth and cause infection. The growth of secondary teeth is important so it’s essential that they are allowed freedom to grow unhindered and if a tooth is suffering from ankylosis, there may well be little option but to have if removed for the sake of the health of others.

The Benefits Behind Chewing Gum In Leeds

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Chewing gum has always been seen as a bit of a taboo, even in Leeds: rude to do in public, banned at school and generally a social no-no. But how wonderful it is to see this gum fighting its corner, whilst having the whole of the dental and medical world behind it? That is certainly not going to go down well in the headmaster’s office. The thing is though, the actual chewing process is considered to be good for the brain, but it is the mouth where all the advantageous action comes. Chewing gum is a good way to keep the teeth and gums clean and healthy. It can stimulate the minerals in the teeth’s enamel, clear the surfaces of acids, whilst helping in the removal of food lodged between the teeth, and by doing all of this, it reduces the causes/chances of bad breath. For the gums, it can increase the blood flow in them and help breakdown bacteria in the mouth. Its most important contribution though comes with the promotion of saliva levels in the mouth. Saliva is the natural defence in the mouth and fights bacteria. By chewing gum, it increases the level of saliva in the mouth and hence, keeps the natural balance in the mouth.

Tackling Tooth Decay In Leeds

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Through all of the cleaning that you do to your teeth when you are at home, you are trying to stop ugly issues cropping up in your mouth. The products to help you in your crusade are everywhere and jump out at you whenever you go shopping in Leeds, so there should be no reason why you should have poor oral hygiene. You also have your dentist to help you along if you come unstuck. But life isn’t so black and white, in a matter of days of you coming of the oral hygiene wagon, plaque is waiting behind the scenes and ready to unleash its army of gum disease and tooth decay into your mouth. With tooth decay, it starts with the build-up of acids on your teeth and if left to their own devices, these acids will eat their way through the enamel and into the teeth: the obvious early symptoms of this will be pain. A filling or a root canal will be needed if the problem has reached this stage and this can help to save any infected tooth from further damage, even loss. It can also prevent further teeth from suffering the same fate and stop infection in the gums.


Brilliant Flossing and Brushing in Central Leeds

Monday, September 24th, 2012

You’ve probably heard it time and time again, but for some people in central Leeds, they need reminding of the importance of oral hygiene. Look at the bigger picture: if you get the right products to floss and brush with, you will help in preventing plaque growing in the mouth which will then lead to gum disease and tooth decay. These will damage the gums, ruin the teeth and possibly lead to heart failure in the future- you will also have to take out a second mortgage in order to pay for corrective procedures. Keeping your teeth free from bacteria here is key, so after every meal, the teeth and gums have to be free from foodstuffs that may have got stuck, otherwise the  bacteria and acids turn to plaque and will attack the surfaces of the teeth. Flossing will help get in deep when it comes to intimate cleaning and get rid of anything lurking between the teeth and around the gums. Then you can get to work in earnest by brushing the surfaces of the teeth. Finding a good tooth brush and a good dental floss that suits your teeth and gums will be a matter of trial and error in the beginning but persevere and get it right and you will avoid complications in the future.

Grasping Gum Disease By The Throat In The City of Leeds

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

There are some conditions that start quite innocently in the mouth but then turn out to be right killers: an abscess can get out of control quickly, sleep apnea can get you over time, but then, so can gum disease. Gum disease will affect quite a few people in the city of Leeds during their lives but it should by no means be taken lightly. You have to revert to the original perpetrators to find the cause of the problem. It all starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene and the avoidance of dental check-ups that allows the old enemy of plaque and tartar to set up shop around the teeth. These will start to release toxins into the gums which in turn become infected. The early signs are weeping and/or bleeding gums combined with a bad taste in the mouth. To combat the problem at this stage, involves some deep scaling from the dentist and the use of medicated toothpastes and mouthwashes at home. Rinsing with salty water can help, as can the use of herbal products. If the problem is allowed to get worse however, the gums will start to recede and the teeth will become loose and in danger of falling out. During all of this time though, the diseased gums would have started to release toxins into the bloodstream and end up deposited in the body’s most vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver and before long, they will fail. So it is imperative that a dentist is brought on board immediately in order to save your teeth…..and your life.


The evil of Sleep Apnea in Central Leeds

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

When someone hears of an elderly person dying in their sleep, it’s normally followed up with the comment ‘it’s a peaceful way to go’….yeah that is if you are old. But it’s not what you want if you have a lot of years in front of you, even if it is a peaceful way to go. Lurking in central Leeds is a silent killer that does just that though- sleep apnea. This condition cannot be picked up by doctors directly and apart from a few symptoms, you wouldn’t pick it up either, especially if you live alone. When you shut down to sleep, the vital organs kick-in to regulate your breathing: the brain will send signals to the lungs to keep breathing, which supplies oxygen to the heart and then back again- all three work together. However, throw an obstacle into the equation and over time, the system will fail and you could get to die in your sleep. This obstacle normally comes at the point that air goes into the body- the nose and mouth. If you snore, it could be a symptom, but if you are extremely fatigued during the day, it’s a sign that you are sleeping uncomfortably and that you need to turn your life around. A dentist can supply you with devices to help with your breathing and through a doctor, you can find out through a sleep therapy course the extent of the problem, but if you smoke and drink heavily, and are overweight, it is your lifestyle that also needs addressing in the end.


The Benefits Of A Porcelain Crown In Leeds

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

If you have suffered any damage to your teeth from either injury, tooth decay or indeed tooth loss, it is important to get the damage repaired in order to maintain a healthy bite in the mouth. Injury and tooth loss may require root canal treatment if the pulp inside the tooth has become infected and once this has been done, a crown is required to rebuild the tooth, similarly with tooth loss, a crown will be used in a dental bridge or in conjunction with dental implant in order to replace the loss. In Leeds, the crown can be made from anything you fancy, but the more common material of choice is porcelain as it is the closest material that mirrors the enamel of the teeth. For damage towards the front the mouth, a full porcelain crown can be used as there are no so many stresses and forces going through these teeth. At the back however, a lot of chewing and biting is done and so the crown needs to be stronger. In this case, and if you still want that natural look, you will have to opt for a porcelain-over-metal crown for strength. Prices vary from dentist to dentist, but they generally start from around £200 but it is a price worth paying to maintain the health and the beauty of your mouth.