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Archive for September, 2013

You and your Yellow Teeth in the City of Leeds

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

658156_blogIf you like having a fragrant and wayward life in the city of Leeds, you will be shoving a lot of things into your mouth every night and why not eh? You work damn hard so you deserve it. However, such fragrances during the week will take a toll on your teeth and overtime, the will become discoloured and start to yellow. One of the best ways to get over this, aside from keeping up a high level of quality oral hygiene, is to get your teeth bleached in some way. Now you can either go down to the shops and buy good products like toothpastes, bleaches and DIY kits; these will work fine and help you get over the initial issue of yellowing teeth. But if things have gone really bad and you fancy a proper boost in order to get your smile back on track, pop along to your dentist and have a word. There are amazing laser treatments on the market right now, as well as getting kits that will not only hide away the yellow, but will leave your smile looking sensational…what are you waiting for- go for it!

Handling a Rotten Tooth in Central Leeds

Saturday, September 28th, 2013

4868361_blogA rotten tooth is the direct result of terribly poor oral hygiene in central Leeds but if you don’t act on it, it can lead to horrible complications in the future. A tooth becomes rotten when plaque is not removed from around it: plaque is the start of all evil in the mouth and if you don’t brush your teeth properly, it will leap in with gay abandon. Caries will first start to appear and then you will need a filling; left any longer though and the decay will get inside your tooth and poison the pulp and the roots, Now you are in gum disease and abscess world and you really don’t want to be going down this avenue at all- because both are vicious and dangerous to your health. As long as you maintain a high level of oral hygiene at home and watch what you put in your mouth each day, you should fend off any threat of decay attacking your teeth. However, your dentist is your best ally on this front; just a quick look will determine if anything is going wrong, and if it has, it will be fixed quickly- but don’t take any chances when your teeth show signs of going rotten.


The dangers caused by a Dry Socket in Leeds

Friday, September 27th, 2013

2487210_blogIf you have to have a tooth extracted of late in Leeds, you can just think that it will heal over normally- well think about this. You may just think that the body will instantly heal itself up in a crisis but it relies on you to not put rubbish in your mouth in order to do so; post-op, smoking and drinking and poor food can affect any healing process and if you are not careful after a tooth has been removed, you could easily find yourself suffering from a dry socket and it isn’t pretty. After a tooth has been taken out, a blood clot forms naturally over the wound and this helps the gums to heal themselves. But if this process is interfered with, the clot will fall out and leave the wound open; that equates to the raw bone being exposed to the air and then not only will it be excruciatingly painful, you will be fair game to infection. If this happens, you will need daily dressings from your dentist in order to recover; you will also have to behave yourself during the next couple of weeks and be extra attentive with your oral hygiene and use medicated mouthwashes in order to get through this.

Rooting out the rotten in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

3534882_blogIt is very easy to get complacent about caring for your teeth in the city of Leeds if you are young and care-free…that’s one of the joys about being young, you feel indestructible. But your oral health is important to your overall health and things can go wrong very quickly if you don’t care for your teeth properly. Plaque can build up very fast in your mouth and before you know it, you will be suffering from tooth decay. In the early stages, you can get patched up with a filling, but leave it any longer and the decay will eat into the inside of your teeth and then once this has happened, you will need root canal treatment in order to save your tooth and avoid the threat of periodontal disease and abscesses developing. This involves removing the rotten pulp from inside your tooth and then the infected roots down below, only then can the tooth be filled again and ultimately saved. It may sound rather dramatic but thanks to laser surgery, it has become a routine operation. However, bear this in mind: look after your oral hygiene and talk about stuff with your dentist. If you have to have this treatment, it means that you are being careless with your health- just be careful and mindful in the future eh?

Veering towards Porcelain Veneers in Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

1567900_blogThere are many things that can get out of hand in your mouth very quickly in central Leeds; your teeth for a start can grow a little crooked. But as you get older, you can get troubled by your teeth losing their colour and looking worn down; gaps can also appear- leaving your smile in a bit of a state. But don’t fear because all of these problems can be tucked away behind porcelain veneers and get you up and running at the most in a couple of weeks- in a day if you go down the CEREC road. You first have to have the porcelain from the front of your teeth removed in order to make way for the veneers- it isn’t painful, just a tad uncomfortable, but once this is done, then the dentist can take impressions of your teeth so that the veneers can be made. When they are good to go (namely once they have been made), they are just simply cemented onto the front of your teeth and you are done; the results are simply terrific and you will have a smile back to be proud of.

The perfect answer to your problems- Porcelain Crowns in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

2433646_sTooth decay and also losing a tooth means that you need to get patched-up in order to continue the general status quo of your oral health. But the dentists in the city of Leeds have the answer and it comes in the form of a porcelain crown. These can be coloured and designed to fit perfectly into the mouth and give the impression that nothing has gone wrong in the first place- that’s how good they are. There are two variations on the theme when it comes to porcelain crowns: the first is a full porcelain crown- beautiful, yet it can’t do a shed load of work so just for the aesthetics, it will be generally be fitted towards the front of the mouth. However, a porcelain-over-metal crown is made of sterner stuff and can take a pounding and a lot of work to boot. This will be generally fitted at the back of the mouth in order to cope with the forces that come from chewing and stuff. But anyhow, both will look marvellous and help to maintain the general persona of your mouth when you smile and talk.

Hateful Oral Cancer in Leeds

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

835423_blogCancer in any form is never nice, but in the mouth it is even worse. Even specialists in this field can get perplexed in Leeds because defining oral cancer is a bit of a guessing game: how is it that someone can smoke all of their life without any problems and yet the next person who has never smoked goes down with the disease- is it in the genes? Who knows? However, you should be aware of a few things and then be aware of the signs. Excess in every part of your life from over smoking, drinking and a poor diet will weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to attack from all manner of things. But if you start to notice symptoms not going away, like mouth ulcers, sore throats, aching jaws, or basically anything, you should get checked out immediately and it will only take a few tests to determine if anything is wrong with you. Get in quick and you have a great chance of beating this disease- the stats are good, and though you will have a battle on your hands, you can get through this if you are prepared for a fight. You will need support from every area you can find, but be brave- you can beat this horrible disease, however you need people around you to do it.

Protecting the mouth in Central Leeds

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

373639_blogEveryone in central Leeds likes to blow off steam from time to time and there is no better way than getting a bit of exercise in, and sport is a grand way of keeping yourself fit. But if you like to rough it up with the games that you play, then you are going to have to protect yourself, not only with your body, but with your face- especially with full-on contact sports. So you will need to get a mouth-guard otherwise you are not only going to annoy your dentist when you have to be repaired, but you will jeopardise your future in the games that you love. Impact to the mouth can be seriously reduced by getting a good mouth-guard that will not only absorb any pressure to the jaws, protect your teeth and gums, but also prevent injury to the upper head and your neck: treat yourself; go out and get a guard made up bespoke that will do the job akin to the sport that you play. If you don’t, then be prepared to pay out for any injury that you sustain and maybe the surgery that follows.

The benefits of having Mini-implants fitted in the City of Leeds

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Grandparent and daughterSince the day that dental implants came along, they were a revelation to tooth loss and they seemed to be the ultimate answer to dentures. But as technology refined this procedure, implants have been taken to a different level, especially the tiny ones. Full-on implants do an amazing job when it comes to tooth loss, but then so does the mini-implants of the world. These have been utilised in all areas of dentistry. For a start, in the city of Leeds, mini-implants can be planted into your jaw in no time what-so-ever- in just a couple of hours with the minimal of damage and they play great roles in the problem of tooth loss as well. They help to give better strength to dental bridges and improve their longevity. They can be a solid way of supporting small crowns when a tooth has been lost. But the revelation of having a mini or two fitted has helped to improve the freedom of denture wearers: a few of these strategically placed in the mouth can lock a denture firmly into the mouth and again, give tremendous strength and support.

‘Looking good!’ Leeds and Lumineers

Friday, September 20th, 2013

4756357_blogWe all know that things can go wrong in the mouth over time and the smile can diminish as the years go by; teeth lose their colour, they become gapped and worn down. But if your smile is very important to you in Leeds, then you need to do something about it and a way of getting around all of this damage is to have it all hidden away behind Lumineers. These are delicate and wafer-thin little porcelain plates that will solve your problems. They aren’t as brutal as full veneers because they don’t involve the removal of the teeth’s enamel. Once your teeth have been measured up by a few moulds being taken, then the Lumineers can be knocked-up in a lab and once done and they arrive back with your dentists, it is just a simple task of planting these beauties straight onto the front of your teeth with cement and once in, your teeth will look phenomenal and all of your problems before will be neatly tucked away behind.