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Archive for November, 2013

Getting a good Crown in Central Leeds

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

18625044Whenever you have suffered from the problem of tooth loss or severe tooth decay in central Leeds, it is vital that you repair the damage done; this is not just to maintain the quality of your smile, more importantly, it is key to continuing the future health of your mouth; in these situations, dental crowns are going to help you overcome such problems. With tooth loss, crowns can be fitted to implants or used in conjunction with dental bridges; with tooth decay, they can help to restore the tooth back to its normal size again. In either case, getting your mouth restored will help to maintain the ‘bite’ of your mouth and protect the jaw-joints. The crown that is fitted will depend on the work required of it; strong crowns are generally manufactured from gold or porcelain-over-metal, as these can withstand a lot of stress, especially at the back of the mouth. However, if the damage has occurred at the front of the mouth, a full porcelain crown will suffice, and porcelain will look more natural to the aura you give off when you smile, although gold is sometimes used here too, as it portrays a certain bit of glitz and for some people, makes a statement.

How you benefit from Oral Pathology in Leeds

Friday, November 29th, 2013

5828041_blogThere are many strains of dentistry in Leeds that are all designed to care for the health of your mouth, your head and your neck- the maxillofacial areas, and it is especially comforting to know that there is a good team of people that are there for you when things go drastically wrong. Oral pathology is the study of the cause and effects of disease and injury, and if damage has occurred, then pathology will first analyse the problem, give a thorough diagnosis of it and then map out a plan to overcome it. Surgery/treatment will be required after serious injury or even if you have suffered from tooth loss, but also if you are recovering from cancer related problems. The beauty of pathology is that it gives surgeons all the information they need to repair you in times of a crisis. It covers not only the damage to your mouth and jaws, but it works for injury to the face, the upper head and the neck. After any trauma, it is imperative to recover from it and this is why oral pathology is priceless for restoring your confidence before, during and after the event.


Dabbling with your Dental Care in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

2904346_blogWhen it comes to mapping out plans for your future dental care in the city of Leeds, there are many issues to take into consideration. It all starts at home: you will need to buy yourself quality products; toothbrushes, pastes, flosses and mouthwashes and as long as you use them correctly, you will be well on the way to healthy teeth and gums. Watching your lifestyle is of added importance here too- diet, bad habits such as smoking and drinking- all play a parting your oral hygiene. Getting a dentist you can rely on and are happy with is also handy in order to treat you if things go wrong with some of the best technology at their disposal; and educate yourself about treatments and the nature of dental emergencies so you know what to do if you get into trouble. Another issue, and again, vitally important, is financing your treatments; if things get complicated, these things can be expensive to rectify. You can take out an insurance policy but be sure that you check out all of the small print in order that you are covered not only for every eventuality that could arise, but also for anything cosmetic that takes your fancy in the future. Some dentists may even set you up with individual payment plans to cover one-off treatments, so you’ll need to look into this properly.

Arty Aesthetic Dentistry wows Leeds

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Sensual and FreshThe world of aesthetic dentistry in a beautiful one to walk in; it covers all aspects of keeping the mouth looking beautiful in order to continue your radiance and confidence going throughout your life in Leeds. There are lots of arms to this form of dentistry and to be frank, if you have a problem, it can be fixed. It all starts with making sure that your teeth are healthy and look good from the off, braces, aligners, crowns, white fillings- even tooth loss can be reversed with dentures bridges and implants- these will ensure you get off to a good start and your teeth look in good nick. If things go wrong in the future and your teeth become jaded, then you can opt for whitening, veneers or bonding in order to replenish the zest in your smile. But even now, dentist can offer you work on your face as well will dermal fillers and BOTOX that will work out the lines around your lips and face in order to maintain a youthful aura. Aesthetics is all about making you look great and feel great and this is a real boost to your ego whenever you appear in public- knowing that you don’t have to worry about your looks, simply because they are fabulous!

Brushing you way to victory in Central Leeds

Monday, November 25th, 2013

608718_blogOne of the most important ingredients in your oral hygiene is your toothbrush, because if you get this right, you will be well on the way to keeping plaque, tooth decay and gum disease at bay. Don’t be ashamed to ask your dentist to help you with finding the right brush and when you get it, ask if you are using it right. Everyone’s mouths are different in Leeds and when choosing your brush, make sure your get a brush with bristles that suit yours. There are many different styles and shapes to hand-held brushes, so you may have to try a few out first before settling on the one for you. Of course though, electric brushes have become most peoples choice, not only because they do all of the work, but because of their efficiency at cleaning the surfaces of your teeth. Some rotate, some pulse up and down and other are specifically designed to break down plaque and tartar; the water-pick design will even fire a jet of water that can remove foodstuffs from between the teeth and below the gum-line. In any brush you choose, remember that the efficiency of the heads will diminish over time and will need to be changed after a while. Finally, bear in mind that your teeth change as you grow older so you will maybe have to change your brush as well to cater for this.



Getting the best for your Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

357249_blogYou know full well that should anything go wrong in your mouth that you have your dentist to help save you from trouble, but you shouldn’t just take a visit to your dentist in Leeds for granted, and this time spent should be seen as your chance to talk about all aspects of your oral hygiene, from your bad habits, to diet or just talking about brushing your teeth correctly. A dentist can’t be with you all of the time (unless you are married to one) so the more you learn about all aspects of hygiene, the more you will be able to do the best you can at home. The basics need to be addressed first; getting the right brush and toothpaste and then learning to use them efficiently, and though it may take time at first, persevere, because it will serve you well in the future. Then of course, back this up with flossing; buy an inter-dental brush and then flush out your mouth with a quality mouthwash. Do look after yourself as well though; watch what you eat and drink and try to stay away from smoking. There are lots of things to be aware of when it comes to looking after your teeth and gums, but if you get it right, good oral hygiene should see your mouth stay safe throughout your life.

Accurate Angle Orthodontics in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

4207449_blogAngle orthodontics is a very precise study into the art of tooth straightening, the name ‘angle’ coming from one of the fathers of orthodontics- Edward Angle. It is often considered that there are in general five or six different shapes to the teeth in the mouth. However, there are odd cases that crop up from time to time so some braces need to be made specifically to suit certain mouths, especially if the work required is very complex; having these 5-6 common variations though allow manufacturers to come up with a set range of templates to make the braces/aligners with, so it saves on time and gets your treatment on the go quickly. It is because of this intense study and understanding of orthodontics (that has come a very long way over the past 60 years), that means that you get the best device for the job at hand. Such precision allows your teeth to move into a position that will protect your ‘bite’ and also take stress away from your jaw-joints. Yes, it may well be uncomfortable at times throughout the procedure, but afterwards your teeth will be in a position to give you ample service throughout your life in the city of Leeds.

How to find the right Dentist in Leeds

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

3268322_blogYou’d think that finding a dentist would be quite simple, but there can be a lot of things to consider when making your choice in Leeds. Firstly, it is always a good idea to pay a visit, sit down and have a chat with the dentist and find out what treatments are on offer. You can gauge dentists by how they come across to you and if you get on well with one, it’s a good start. Treatments and the equipment being used are very important and if the surgery is modern with the latest technology to carry out complex treatments as efficiently as possible- great. Another important factor to getting a dentist is if you have started a family; you will want a dentist that is going to be good with your kids, keep their records as they get older and be able to deal with the amount of changes that children’s teeth go through. On this subject, if a child of yours requires orthodontic treatments, there will be many visits to the dentists throughout, so you don’t want to choose a dentist that is some distance away otherwise you will be running up lots of bills from travelling. Finally, word of mouth is also a good way to learn about dentists; ask friends, family and work colleagues about their dentists and how they feel about how good the treatments are that they receive: remember that you are paying for your treatments and if you are not happy with one dentist, then move on elsewhere until you are.


Taking-on Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

1788888_blogThere are lots and lots of things that can go wrong with in your mouth in central Leeds and it starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene, the build-up of plaque and the lack of dental visits. If you don’t keep control of cleaning your teeth properly, then film and acids will build up on the surfaces of your teeth. This in turn can lead to caries but inevitably, the enamel of your teeth will soon start to be eaten away and then, decay will set in. If you go to your dentists regularly, this will be spotted, but if you ignore this situation, these caries and acids will break through the surfaces of the teeth and poison the pulp and roots inside. Now you are teetering with danger, because although a root canal can help to save the tooth at this stage, you have still opened a dangerous can of worms that could lead to an abscess and periodontal disease if you don’t change your ways. Teeth decay is and indicator of worse things to come and if you don’t counter it quickly, it could spell danger for your oral health in the future.


The ancient Myths of the Root Canal in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 18th, 2013

4843159_blogOnce upon a time in a land known as the city of Leeds, there once lived an evil dentist that used to prey on patients that were suffering from bad tooth decay and if you found yourself in the chair, this dentist would cruelly drill and splice, sometimes twice, until the you suffered from severe pain- which goes a long way to explaining just why it is that people still have reservations and fears about the nature of root canal treatment. You see, when this treatment first began to be practiced, it was very raw- yes the science behind it was faultless, but the tools however were a little flawed, drills and scalpels, and seeing as the roots can grow twisted and turned, removing them after decay had infected the tooth could be quite complex; in some extreme cases, the dentist would have to slice through the gums and come in from the side. This meant that the whole operation was painful and uncomfortable. However, there is a ‘happy ever after’ scenario to this bad fairytale; science and technology has caught up with the theory behind this treatment and now lasers have replaced the original tools of torture. In seconds the infected pulp and roots can be cleared out painlessly allowing the tooth to be refilled and thus, saving it altogether…..the end!