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Archive for January, 2014

Why Leeds leans towards Veneers for help

Friday, January 31st, 2014

386703_blogIt’s a sad fact of life but the sheen of your teeth won’t last you forever in Leeds: they may become discoloured and generally become beaten-up; they may even become cracked and chipped and the gums may well begin to recede with the passage of time. However, you can do something great about it and you should take a look at veneers. These will fall into two major types; composite and resin. Composite are generally made from some form of porcelain- a material that compliments the natural hue that the enamel of your teeth give off. It involves having small and delicate fittings made up from moulds or digital images and when they are ready to rock, they are simply cemented into place- making them very strong, hiding up all of your problems and will last you a long time if cared for; as long as they don’t become cracked. Resin based veneers don’t have long a shelf life as composite but they are much more versatile: resin based, various layers are laid over the surfaces of your teeth until everything is covered up and then they are sculptured and polished. Both of these types of veneer can be colour coded if only a few teeth need working on so that they will fit in with the general ambience of your mouth; in either technique, your teeth will look young and sensational once more.

Planting roots in your mouth with an Implant in Central Leeds

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Beautifully HappyIf you find that you have lost some teeth of late in central Leeds- for whatever reason, you’ll need to fill in the hole again for both cosmetic and health reasons. Now if you are going to make a choice, you may as well go for broke and get the best option that is going to re-stabilise your mouth for life, and today that should be the dental implant. Once this little baby has been planted into the jawbone through quick and painless keyhole laser surgery, it will be strong and will be with you for life. Implants have rather made an incredible impact in overcoming tooth loss; it gives an incredible sense of freedom back to the wearer and anything that is attached to it is anchored firmly in the mouth. It can be used to house individual crowns, it works brilliantly in bridgework, for it helps to secure the fitting firmly into place, but for denture wearers it has been a godsend; half-a-dozen of small mini-implants located around the mouth will lock the dentures tightly up against the gums, leaving the wearer without fear of them falling out again. Implants procedures are widespread because they are so easy to put in place these days, so many dentists are able to do the job; in layman’s terms, it has seen the costs of performing the procedure drop. So come on, do yourself a favour and put that smile back on your face again- for ever!

Sense and Sensitivity to your Teeth in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

3534882_blogThere are some conditions that can be a right pain in the mouth in the city of Leeds and one of them is if you suffer from sensitive teeth and it’s generally down to the exposure of the softer tissue of the teeth. This can be down to many things: over excitable brushing can wear away at the enamel and when exposed to hot and cold temperatures, you will get short, sharp shooting pains; as it is if you suffering from receding gums caused by gum disease. Teeth grinding is very destructive to the surfaces and will wear away the enamel if it isn’t dealt with. Tooth decay can also leave the teeth feeling sensitive whenever they are touched by anything; cracked or chipped teeth will also leave the teeth sore, and they can feel fragile after they have been worked on by your dentist. The first thing to do is to get your teeth looked at to identify the problem; the dentist can then get to work on them accordingly. Having fluoride treatments and using a fluoride mouthwash will help to re-mineralise the enamel and make it stronger. Switching to sensitive toothpaste and to a softer brush will help tremendously and you should see results after just a few days if the cause of the sensitivity isn’t serious. Lay off sugar based foods and drinks as they will rot the teeth quickly. But be aware that this type of problem is a cautionary tale and you need to care for your teeth better in the future otherwise you might find yourself in serious trouble.

Grinding yourself into trouble in Leeds

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

2839654_blogThere are many issues in your mouth that can affect the health of your teeth, gums and body; the main obvious players are plaque, tooth decay and gum disease- but there are also other sinister beasties at work, one being teeth grinding. In a busy city like Leeds, the demands put on you can lead to stress and if you don’t leave this on the streets when you go home at night, you can take these stresses to bed with you and without knowing it, you will be grinding your teeth in your sleep. The early signs to look for are fatigue in the mornings and aching jaws; your dentist will also pick up on the wear and tear on your teeth and fit you out with a mouth-guard to prevent further destruction. However, this is not the core of the problem; the stress will remain, as will the grinding process. If this doesn’t stop, you will damage your jaws joints, cause problems throughout your head, and wreck your neck and upper back. Addressing what the causes of teeth grinding are will take some form of therapy to analyse what is behind the stress and once you have identified the problem, then you need to embark on a course of curing it. Teeth grinding is a very dangerous and destructive condition and it is essential you do something about it- fast.

Kicking back at Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Monday, January 27th, 2014

464425_blogIf there is one thing that you are never going to avoid at some point in your life in central Leeds, it’s tooth decay. The problem is a result of a combination of things- bacteria, plaque, poor oral hygiene and failure to see your dentist. Bacteria will settle around your teeth, making it a strong possibility that plaque and tartar will breakout; the acids from these will soon start eating away at the teeth’s enamel. Caries may form and if it continues, these will eat through and infect the pulp and roots inside. This is why you should always be on the ball with your oral hygiene and remove these acids the best you can so that you ensure things don’t reach this level- and you’ll know if they do because your teeth will suffer from shooting pains whenever they come into contact with anything. If you also keep visiting your dentist, the early signs of tooth decay will be spotted and treated accordingly. If you get the problem in its early stages, your dentist may only need to administer you a filling, but a root canal will be required if the inside becomes infected. There is another more dangerous aspect to tooth decay; if you simply ignore it, you run the risk of getting an abscess and this is a dangerous condition that you will want to avoid, for in some cases they have proved to be fatal.

Rocket Inman lands on the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

2904341_blogUnless you are making a shed load of money from being a character in a Disney cartoon, having ‘goofy’ front teeth can seriously hold you back and impair your self confidence when trying to express yourself to others: the longer you leave it will also make you less inclined to embark on some lengthy orthodontic treatment; well scratch all of those thoughts because help has descended on the city of Leeds- the Inman aligner. This rocket ship of a device is specifically designed for a condition like buck teeth and it won’t take long either. The device will be made to the dimensions of your mouth and once in, a bar on the inside of your teeth, and a wire on the outside, will rock your teeth loose and then tug them into place fast. How fast? 6 weeks fast!! Now that has got to be an attractive offer to end years of suffering. Throughout the treatment, you can take the aligner out when desired, but as long as you keep it in for at least 22 hours a day, the job will get done. After, you will need to wear a retainer occasionally to prevent the teeth bouncing back, but it won’t take long before they ‘bed-in’ and you will have ended years of woe. Come on, 6 weeks, got to be worth a look eh?

Is it true- Invisible Braces? Yes please says Leeds!

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

4207449_blogAs anyone that has had a mouthful of metal shoved into their mouth will tell you, one of the greatest issues to overcome with getting your teeth straightened is one of vanity: though fixed braces do a great job, in the past they could look quite ugly and you could go through years of insults and ribbing. Many fixed braces use more subtle materials today for discretion, but if you want complete anonymity when getting your teeth aligned, take a look at some of the transparent aligners on offer: made from clear plastic, they are also removable for hygiene and they work faster than traditional braces, but also remember they will be very hard to spot in the mouth- which is probably their biggest asset of all. There is also another technique which is also invisible to the outside world- lingual braces. These are fixed braces but what sets them aside from others of their type is that they are fitted to the inside of the teeth, which means you can’t see them at all! Shop around; talk to your dentist in Leeds and also, go on-line and find out all you can about these orthodontic options. Having braces and aligners like these fitted will help to avoid the jibes and retain your confidence through which can be a traumatic time in your life.

Why you needn’t fear Root Canals in Central Leeds anymore

Friday, January 24th, 2014

585811_blogIt is very easy to fall off the wagon and ignore your oral hygiene in an effervescent party-place like central Leeds- at least you’re having fun eh? But if you continue to do this and don’t look after your teeth and gums properly, they will bite back at you in the form of tooth decay. This will start by your teeth becoming sensitive and painful to the touch- get in now and a filling will suffice; leave it and the acids will break through the enamel and poison the inside of your teeth. If this happens, you will need root canal treatment to clear out the rotten rubbish inside your tooth, and the very mention of this procedure can conjure up horrible images for some people. It involves the dentist removing first the pulp and then the roots so that the tooth is completely free of all the infected matter within. Once this is done, then the tooth can be refilled, crowned and ultimately saved. Now in the past this was a spiteful and nasty little operation done with drills and possibly scalpels if the roots were complex, but fear ye not folks. Laser surgery has taken over from the drills and scalpels and the whole process can be done quickly and painlessly these days…but here’s the thing- try to look after your teeth in the future and avoid this procedure in the first place!


The grief of Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

2591127_blogMake no mistake about it, gum disease can be a killer and unless you fight it on all fronts, it could be the death of you in the future in Leeds. You see, this condition is a direct result of you being flippant with your diet, your lifestyle and your oral hygiene and if it gets a hold, it is very difficult to tackle. If you find your gums are bleeding or weeping, get to your dentist ASAP and get treated; and whilst there ask for advice. You will have to turn your life around; change your ways and improve your lifestyle- certainly improve your oral hygiene. Bring in herbal remedies as they are good for tackling gum disease, and massage you gums each day, as this will promote blood flow. If you care to ignore this problem, good luck; it will lead to tooth loss, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Whilst the disease is doing a number on your gums, it is leaking toxins into your bloodstream which will be fed and deposited in all of your vital organs- especially the heart. In time these too will become diseased and in the end they will simply give up the ghost and fail….do you really need any other reasons to fight gum disease and look after your teeth and gums?

Leeds lives for its Oral Hygiene

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

608718_blogIt is easy said than done for dentists to advise you on the importance of looking out for your oral hygiene; if you did, it would make their job a lot easier. However, life isn’t that simple and it is very easy to forget the basics when you’re having fun in a city as dandy as Leeds, but if you try to follow a regime or two, you will be at least trying to look after your mouth. Your personal lifestyle plays an important part in this and what you put into your mouth is important; a balanced diet will help keep your immune system strong and thus your teeth and gums too- and try to keep the smoking and drinking down. Okay, lecture over, now down to the basics: get yourself a decent toothbrush, paste, some floss (maybe some inter-dental brushes) and a good mouthwash and once you have settled on what you think is right for you, learn how to use them properly so that you get the best results- and use them at least twice a day, preferably after meals so that you remove bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth; and don’t forget to give your tongue a good scrub from time to time, as this holds more bacteria than any other part of your mouth. The final brick in the wall here is your dentist: pay them a visit often; they can see things you can’t and if you do go off the rails, they will be there to pick up the pieces for you when you get into a pickle.