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Archive for November, 2014

Who Would Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

352388_blogA trip to the dentist can make anyone feel nervous and we understand that many of our patients feel anxious when they are preparing to undergo dental treatment. We offer sedation as a means of making treatment less stressful for patients and enabling them to go through treatment without feeling any pain.

What is sedation?

Sedation is a technique, which we use to make patients feel completely relaxed when they have treatment. Sedation is not the same as general anaesthetic and it doesn’t make lose consciousness; instead, it induces a profound state of relaxation. Once sedative medication takes affect, you won’t feel any pain, but you will be aware of your surroundings still; you can talk to your dentist if you want to and you’ll be able to hear them.

After sedation, it’s likely that you’ll feel a little sleepy and drowsy and it will take a few hours for the effects of the sedative to wear off fully. You won’t need to stay after treatment and we recommend asking a friend or family member to take you home and stay with you. Most people don’t remember much about the procedure when they have been sedated.

Who can benefit from sedation?

Sedation is highly beneficial for nervous patients because it helps them to feel calmer before and during treatment. It is also advantageous for patients who are having a long or complex procedure and those who struggle with fears, such as a fear of the dental drill or needles.

We also find that many patients who struggle with a sensitive gag reflex find sedation beneficial.

If you’re a nervous patient and you are worried about having dental treatment, we can promise you that you’re in the best hands at City Dental Leeds. Our friendly team is here to help and we use all the latest techniques to ensure that you feel completely comfortable. Call us today to find out how we could help you.




Three Easy Ways To Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

4487372_blogWith cosmetic dentistry, we can transform any smile! If your teeth are in need of TLC and you’re longing for a perfect new smile for Christmas, here are 3 easy ways of improving the look of your smile:

  1. Tooth whitening: tooth whitening is among the simplest and most affordable ways of transforming the look of your teeth. We offer incredible home whitening, which produces excellent results and means you can enjoy a bright new sparkling smile without the need to even leave home. You simply wear custom-deigned whitening trays for 2 weeks at home and you’ll have a beautiful new smile! The trays are comfortable and light and you can wear them at home, so they don’t interrupt any work commitments or social events.
  2. Veneers: veneers are a great option for anyone who wants that flawless looking smile. Wt veneers, chipped and worn teeth can be a thing of the past and you can look forward to showing off an incredible, bright smile at Christmas time. Veneer treatment usually involves 2 or 3 sessions and takes a total of 2-3 weeks. Veneers are placed on top of your natural teeth and there are lots of different shades and designs to choose from, so you can get fully involved in the creation of your new smile.
  3. Cosmetic bonding: even the smallest chip can affect the look of your smile and you’ve got chipped or worn teeth that are detracting from the splendour of your pearly whites, cosmetic bonding could provide the perfect solution. This simple procedure takes just an hour and it’s painless. Your dentist will simply shape dental composite to build up any worn patches and repair any damaged or chipped teeth. Even though the changes appear to be fairly minor, the overall impact is incredible.

If you have more extensive issues or you want a complete transformation, we can also combine treatments to create a bespoke smile makeover. Call us now or pop in and visit when you’re doing your Christmas shopping and we can discuss treatments with you!

Mouth Ulcers-What Are They And How Can I Treat It?

Saturday, November 29th, 2014

758140_blogMouth ulcers are small sores, which develop in the mouth; they are not usually anything to worry about, but they can be painful and if they linger around, it’s best to get them checked out.

About mouth ulcers

Ulcers are painful sores, which are found most commonly on the inside of the cheeks or lips; they usually develop after you’ve cut your mouth. Many people find that they get an ulcer when they’ve accidentally caught the inside of their cheek or their tongue when chewing food. Ulcers can be yellow, grey or blue in colour; sometimes they are completely harmless, but they can be often be painful, especially if you touch them by accident when you’re brushing your teeth or eating something sour or sharp, such as a fizzy sweet or a crisp, for example.

It’s common to have an ulcer, but if you develop them on a regular basis, this can be symptomatic of stress and feeling unwell or run down.

What can I do for an ulcer?

In most cases, ulcers go away within 7 days without the need for any treatment; however, if you have an ulcer that is causing you problems, you can buy gels to help reduce pain. These are available at chemists; if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your pharmacist or give us a quick call.

In very rare occasions, ulcers can be symptomatic of oral cancer and we strongly advise patients to arrange an appointment with us or their GP if they have ulcers that appear to be healing very slowly. If you’ve had an ulcer for 2 weeks or longer, it’s best to get it checked out. In the vast majority of cases, there will be nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Sometimes, ulcers appear when you’re stressed and tired; if you’re find that you are stressed out on a regular basis, try to reduce stress levels by taking time out to relax, using breathing exercises and sharing any problems you have.

Banish Gum Disease And Bleeding For Good!

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Gum disease is the last thing you want to deal with in the run-up to Christmas, so we have compiled a brief guide to help you banish bleeding and painful gums for good!

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults in the UK; however, it is preventable. The most important thing in the fight against gum disease is a good daily oral hygiene regime. Brushing and flossing help to remove and break down food debris and bacteria in the mouth before they get the chance to join forces and form plaque; plaque is a sticky substance, which attacks the enamel and irritates the gums. We recommend brushing twice a day for 2-3 minutes each time, flossing daily and using inter-dental brushes to clean the tiny gaps between the teeth.

Sticking to a healthy diet can also really help to stave off gum disease; we recommend adopting a healthy eating plan and avoiding eating sugary and acidic foods, such as cakes, sweets, fizzy drinks and fruit juice, on a regular basis. It’s particularly important to avoid snacking on sugary and acidic drinks and foods between meals.

Smoking increases the risk of gum disease because cigarettes contain hundreds of harmful chemicals and smoking affects blood flow to the gums. If you would like to quit smoking, we are here to help!

We also can’t stress the importance of regular dental checks and hygiene sessions enough!

What to do if you think you may have gum disease

If you notice bleeding when you brush, your gums are sore or swollen or you have bad breath, we recommend calling and making an appointment. Even if you don’t have gum disease, it’s much better to get checked out; if you do have early symptoms, these can usually be treated very effectively. It’s very important to treat gum disease as it progresses quickly and can result in permanent damage to the mouth.

Tooth Replacements In Just One Visit

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

2433646_sDentistry has advanced so quickly that we are now able to create a completely new smile in just one day! Gone are the days of waiting around for months or even years to get your dream smile; with All-on-4 we can replace missing teeth and produce a natural looking, highly functional smile in no time!

What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is an implant system, which offers same-day results for patients with missing teeth. All-on-4 uses four dental implants: two at the front and two at the back. The implants are fitted and then attached to the new teeth on the same day. Traditionally, implant treatment takes several months, but with this system, the results are visible immediately.

How does All-on-4 work?

Normally, it takes between 6 and 10 dental implants to secure a full arch of new teeth; however, with All-on-4, only four implants are needed. This system is different to other implant treatments because the back implants are placed at 45 degree angles instead of 90 degree angles and two of the implants are positioned at the front of the mouth. The bone tissue is strongest at the front of the jaw.

Who can benefit from All-on-4 treatment?

All-on-4 can be beneficial for anyone who has a large number of missing teeth and is searching for a solution, which not only delivers a great looking smile but also allows you to eat and speak with complete confidence. With implants in place to anchor the teeth, you won’t have any concerns about your denture slipping or sliding and you can enjoy a wide range of foods.

All-on-4 offers a really speedy solution for tooth loss and you can enjoy the benefits of treatment straightaway without having to wait for months to show off your new smile.

If you’d like to find out more about amazing All-on-4 call us today!

Let Us Introduce The Mini Dental Implant System In Central Leeds

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

2797271_blogWe’re very happy to offer our patients mini dental implants in the heart of Leeds. These innovative appliances really are testament to the belief that good things come in small packages!

About mini dental implants

Mini dental implants are as the name suggests, mini in terms of size.; they are made from titanium and they are used to replace the root of a missing tooth. Mini implants are often recommended when there is insufficient bone mass to support a larger implant; mini implants are also commonly used to support a denture and they provide amazing levels of stability.

How are mini dental implants fitted?

Having mini implants fitted is less invasive than traditional implant treatment and there is nothing to worry about; we simply place the mini implants into sockets in the jaw bone using a specialist minimally invasive technique. Usually, implant treatment requires months of healing; however, with mini implants, this is not the case, as the implants can be fitted without creating an incision in the gums. The head of the implant remains exposed and we are able to attach the denture shortly afterwards.

Why choose mini dental implants?

Mini implants offer many of the same benefits as traditional implants; both treatments last a very long time, both provide amazing aesthetics and exceptional levels of stability and functionality and both are easy to maintain. The procedure to fit mini implants is les invasive and this means that healing is quicker; the process is also less daunting for patients who suffer from anxiety.

Implants help to solve many of the issues commonly raised by patients with dentures. With implants in place to secure and support the denture, there is no risk of a denture slipping, the denture will feel more stable and you can enjoy increased bite power and improved speech. Implants also help to improve the overall facial aesthetic, as well as the look of the smile, as they provide greater support for the cheeks and lips to create more definition.

Five Small Changes To Your Diet Can Overhaul Your Oral Health

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

2429879_blogWhen it comes to your diet, even minor changes can make the world of difference to your oral health. Here are 5 simple ways to change your diet to benefit your teeth and gums:

  1. Drink more water: water is really important, not just to prevent headaches and dehydration, but also to keep your mouth moist and reduce the risk of dry mouth and to cleanse your mouth and wash away bits of leftover food. Drinking water is also a good way of neutralising acids in your mouth. You should aim to drink around 2 litres of water per day. If you don’t like to drink plain water all day every day, add a small amount of sugar-free cordial.
  2. Go for natural sugars to satisfy sweet cravings: sweet foods are really bad news for your teeth, so try to keep an eye on the amount of sugar you consume on a daily basis and stick to the recommended daily guidelines. If you have a sweet tooth, try to stick to foods that contain natural sugars, such as fruits, and create healthier snacks and desserts. Good choices include natural yoghurt with berries, oat-topped fruit crumble, baked apples or pears with cinnamon and rice pudding.
  3. Avoid eating between meals: grazing between meals is not just bad for your waistline, it’s also harmful for your teeth. When you eat, the enamel softens as a result of bacteria releasing acids; it takes time for the enamel to recover and harden. This means that if you eat throughout the day, your teeth are constantly under acid attack and your enamel is vulnerable. If you are hungry and you’d like a snack, avoid anything sugary or acidic and go for a healthy option, such as raw vegetables, a pot of yoghurt (avoid flavoured yoghurts as they contain a lot of sugar) or a wholemeal cracker.
  4. Dilute juice: fruit juice is marketed as a really healthy product, but it actually contains a lot of sugar, as well as being very acidic. Studies show that many of the juices on the market contain more sugar than fizzy drinks, so look out for labels and always dilute fruit juice. It’s best to drink juice at mealtimes and to follow your drink with a glass of water or milk.
  5. Don’t forget your dairy: dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, which is really important for building healthy and strong teeth and bones. Calcium helps to make the teeth stronger and protects them from damage and injury. Always ensure you hit the recommended daily intake of calcium; good sources include milk, yoghurt and cheese.


Low Or Non-Sugar Alternatives For Those With A Sweet Tooth

Monday, November 24th, 2014

302075_blogMany of us admit to having a sweet tooth and it can be hard to resist the lure of a decadent dessert or a sumptuous sweet snack even though we’re well aware of the health and oral health implications; if this sounds familiar, we can help! Here are some low or non-sugar alternatives to curb those sweet cravings:

Snack options

Many people like to reach for a chocolate bar or the biscuit tin when their energy levels start to drop mid-morning or around the 3pm mark, but doing this can actually be counter-productive for your energy levels, as well as contributing to an increased risk of weight gain, diabetes and oral health problems. If you fancy a snack and you’re constantly battling cravings and dreaming of puddings or treats, here are some healthier options:

  • fruit
  • natural yoghurt
  • low fat chocolate mousse
  • granola
  • nuts
  • home-made smoothie (avoid buying smoothies in shops, as they are usually packed with sugar)

Dessert options

Many of us are familiar with the craving for a morsel of dessert after a main meal but you don’t need to gorge on a full packet of biscuits or a giant wedge of cake to satisfy your sweet tooth. There are lots of healthier dessert options, as well as artificial and natural sweeteners, which can be used for baking and cooking to make puddings healthier and reduce your sugar intake. Suggestions include:

  • strawberries dipped in dark chocolate
  • oatcakes with a thin layer of nutella
  • baked fruit with yoghurt
  • Green yoghurt with peaches, berries or banana
  • fruit loaf
  • sorbet
  • sugar free jelly
  • frozen yoghurt

If you have any questions about diet and nutrition or you’d like advice about using sugar substitutes or cutting down your sugar intake for better oral health, we will be happy to chat to you at your next check-up; you can also give us a call at any time.


We Offer A Range Of Treatments For Damaged Or Broken Teeth

Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

585986_blogDental injuries, accidents and daily wear and tear can all take their toll on your teeth, but if you need restorative treatment or a replacement for a missing tooth, you’ve come to the right place. We cat patch up worn, chipped or broken teeth or find the perfect tooth replacement treatment for a missing tooth in no time.

Treatments for damaged and broken teeth

We have an array of restorative treatments available to cater for all your dental needs. Whether you’ve chipped a tooth on a humbug, you’ve broken your tooth playing sport or you’ve lost a tooth in an accident, we have the best solutions out there and we will have you smiling with confidence before you know it.

For chipped teeth, there are various options. Veneers are a popular choice for anyone who is looking for a glamorous smile, while composite bonding is a great treatment for those who are looking for a simple, quick and affordable fix. This treatment involves using dental composite, the material used for white fillings, to fill in chips, add more height to worn surfaces and make weakened teeth stronger. The procedure takes an hour, there’s no pain involved and you can enjoy the benefits immediately. If your tooth is weak as a result of a cavity, we can fill the tooth to make it stronger; treatment takes less than an hour and we use local anaesthetic to prevent discomfort.

If your tooth is broken and the damage is too extensive for a filling or bonding, we may recommend an inlay or onlay or a crown. Inlays and onlays are usually referred to as the middle ground between fillings and crowns and they are colour matched for a flawless finish. Crowns are used very commonly for broken teeth and they can also be used to strengthen infected and decayed teeth. Crowns are positioned over the top of the tooth to make it stronger; they are made from various materials, including ceramics, such as porcelain, so they can blend in with the natural teeth.

Treatments for missing teeth

We also offer dentures, dental bridges and dental implants for patients with missing teeth. Call us today if you’re in need of restorative work and we can help you decide which is the best solution for you.


We Offer A Range Of Finance Packages

Saturday, November 22nd, 2014

3389934_blogAt City Dental Leeds we understand the importance of flexibility to our patients and we strive to promote a positive experience for every patient. As well as ensuring that we offer the best treatments out there, we also aim to provide a comfortable, stylish space for our clients and we provide a range of flexible finance options to make treatment more accessible and affordable.

Dental finance

We recognise that many of the treatments we offer are not affordable immediately for some patients and this is we offer finance plans, which enable clients to spread the cost of treatment. With finance, patients agree to a fixed term and monthly payment amount, which means that they pay the total price of treatment over a prolonged period of time, rather than paying the total bill up-front. This means that our treatments are available to a wider range of people and more clients can enjoy the wonders of cosmetic, restorative and orthodontic dentistry.

We are able to offer finance on a range of treatments, from the latest cosmetic braces to smile makeovers and dental implants. Simply call us to arrange a consultation or pop in and see us to learn more about dental finance and how it could benefit you.

Membership and Denplan

We offer a membership scheme with Denplan, which helps patients to cover the costs of routine dental care. In return for a small monthly payment, patients receive a care package, which includes 2 check-ups (per year), a hygiene treatment, dental X-rays (when required), dental care advice and access to urgent dental care. Patients also receive discounts on cosmetic dental treatments. The essential membership plan does not include non-routine treatments, restorative treatment, sedation or referrals for specialist treatment. To find out about the benefits of our Denplan scheme and to learn more about what is included, simply give us a call or ask us about it when you’re next in town or at the clinic.