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Caring For Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment

18625010The last thing you want after whitening treatment is to develop discolouration that takes the sparkle away from your smile. If you’ve recently had your teeth whitened and you’re looking for simple ways to restore the whiteness and ensure your smile glows for many months to come, here are some helpful tips:

Focus on oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the best way to keep your smile looking great, as well as preventing dental disease. Brushing not only removes harmful bacteria and food debris before they can combine to form plaque, it also polishes your teeth, giving them a beautiful glossy sheen and helping to prevent surface staining. When you are brushing, take care to cover all four corners of your mouth and angle the brush head so that you can reach the inner and outer surfaces. Set a timer or invest in a brush that has an in-built timer to make sure you brush for the recommended two minutes.

Keep an eye on your diet

Some foods contain staining agents and colourants that discolour the teeth. Examples include red and white wine, coffee, tea, blackcurrants, fizzy drinks and blueberries. If you’re a fan of any of these products and you can’t bear to give them up, ensure that you rinse your mouth out with water after eating and try to use a straw when drinking.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of staining, so if you can avoid smoking and quit, this will really benefit the aesthetic of your smile as well as contributing to amazing health benefits. Our dental team will be happy to help if you decide that you would like to try and give up smoking.

See your dentist

Seeing your dentist is essential for good oral health, but it also helps to keep your teeth looking bright and healthy. When you have a dental check-up, your dentist will check your oral health and have a good look at your teeth and gums. We also recommend dental hygiene sessions.

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