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Crooked smile corrected with braces from Leeds dentists

If you have a crooked smile you probably want to correct it so that you can show off your teeth with pride. Being able to do so will improve your ability to handle social situations as you find you deal with them with greater confidence. In order to do so you should ask your dentist about having a brace fitted.
Braces work by making small adjustments to your teeth to move them into the desired positions. In order to achieve this, your dentist will attach brackets to your teeth and then thread wires through them. These wires can then be tightened and loosened as needed so that your teeth are gradually moved to where they ought to be.
Your dentist will need to take a mould of your mouth, probably using dental putty. From this mould your dentist can then determine the optimum position of your teeth. At regular appointments your dentist will make the adjustments necessary having assessed the stated of your mouth.
Braces can be fitted at any age. Although they are ideal for younger people whose mouths are still developing, braces can work just as effectively for older people and you shouldn’t be put off asking about braces just because you are not a teenager.
There are other options available for straightening teeth these days such as braces which are virtually invisible and those that need to be worn for far shorter amounts of time. But braces are still the most effective way to deal with alignment issues in your whole mouth. Some of these new types of braces cannot rotate teeth, for example.
Sort of your problems with crooked or misaligned teeth by asking your Leeds dentist about braces.

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