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Crossing the Bridge in Leeds

2433646_sIt is a testament to dental bridges that the have been plugging up holes for decades in Leeds; generally it means that they work damn well, and they have evolved to be even better than before as dental technology has improved. The more popular bridge of today is one that is cemented to adjacent teeth and then anchored by a mini dental implant; this is also good for a long bridge that is used where several teeth have gone AWOL. There are other techniques used in bridgework such as the use of wires and resin to bond the new crown into place, though this is rather ‘old fashioned’ and have become rather superseded due to massive improvements in implant technology. Whichever you go for, you will have to up your cleaning techniques and learn to clean under and around your bridge but if you crack this, your bridge will last you a long, long time. Filling in a hole left by a lost tooth will also stop bacteria from forming and infecting surrounding teeth; teeth that can also start to move towards the gap. As well as this, your vanity and confidence will also be restored and a bridge will most definitely put that smile of yours back on track again

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