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Dealing with Decaying Teeth in Central Leeds

Tooth decay is something that takes its time to take hold and it will do it very covertly as well. It normally starts with poor oral hygiene and a lack of visits to see your dentist in central Leeds. But it starts immediately when the acids from bacteria are allowed to eat into the teeth’s enamel, over time it will go unnoticed, but then you may find yourself suffering from shooting pains in the teeth. Catch it now and you may be lucky enough to get away with a filling, but ignore it and then you will require root canal treatment just to keep the tooth in the mouth- even then you have seriously reduced the life of the tooth. After this you start to descend into tooth loss, but not only this, you can suffer from periodontal damage to the bone structure in the jaws and worse still, gum disease, which can work it’s evil into the bloodstream and poison the bodies vital organs. Essentially, if you suffer from pain, get your teeth fixed up, but more importantly, make sure you retain a high level of oral hygiene in the first place so that your teeth don’t get to this stage. If you have any doubts, you should confer with your dentist about avoiding tooth decay.

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