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Get Great-Looking Teeth with Mini Implants

3177025_blogTry an alternative teeth solution with mini implants at City Dental.

With technology advancing on a daily basis, dentists and their patients are getting spoilt for choice with a variety of different dental treatments. From transparent removable aligners to porcelain veneers, there’s a dental solution out there matched to your needs. But have you heard of mini implants?

What are mini implants?

Used to support dentures and crowns, mini implants are placed using a simple non-surgical approach – and the sheer ease of this procedure means you can have it done in the morning and have full use of them by evening. Lasting about 90 minutes in total, a light anaesthetic is injected into the gums, followed by the insertion of the implants either into the gum or bone. The implants are then screwed into the bone and able to accommodate dentures immediately after surgery. Because of this, mini implants have proven to be very successful, as opposed to the three to six month healing time that comes with the standard implants.

How can I get them?

Firstly, seek out a professional trained within the field of mini implants. This type of procedure may not be suitable for you, so it’s always best to talk to an experienced practitioner who can carry out an oral health examination as well as evaluate your medical history. Whilst you can have mini implants done once the bones have stopped growing, those with certain medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes or periodontal disease may need further treatment before the implants can be fitted.

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