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Importance of oral hygiene explained by Leeds dentist

There are many reasons why dental hygiene is very important. Firstly, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. All food goes in through the mouth and it is also used for breathing. Having an unhygienic mouth can expose your body to many bacteria that can live in the mouth if not properly controlled. It is also true that the smell given off by this bacteria can be carried out of the mouth by breathing giving you the unpleasant condition of bad breath. For these reasons, it is important to keep the mouth as clean and fresh as possible.

There are obviously dental reasons for keeping all parts of the mouth clean as well. Teeth and gums can become surrounded in a bacteria-rich substance called plaque if it is not removed. This reacts with the decaying bacteria to release acids that cause a breakdown of the protective enamel layer of the teeth. This is the first step towards tooth decay, infection and ultimately tooth loss. Plaque that builds up on the gums causes irritation and periodontal disease. This can be particularly nasty, causing the gums to bleed and exposing the blood stream to further infection. There is an established link between gum disease and heart disease so there is a real reason to keep your teeth and gums as clean as possible.

Apart from the obvious and serious health consequences you also have to consider the financial cost of poor oral hygeien

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