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Lumineer’s are now the first choice for people, says a Leeds central dentist

A Lumineer’s is a veneer, plain and simple. However, it isn`t that simple and that fact makes it a brilliant choice for many people with teeth problems, says a Leeds central dentist. Discolouration is just one problem these unique ceramic veneers solve; they also cover gaps, chips, cracks and even misaligned teeth. Fitting them is a really easy process and requires little prep work by your dentist, one tooth or a whole row can be fitted in one sitting. Normal veneers are fitted by first having a lot of prep work; this was due to the thickness of the veneer which is made from ceramic clay. Depending on the type and thickness, the equivalent amount of enamel is required to be shaved off the tooth; this exposed part is then replaced with the veneer to bring it back up to its original thickness. They last for between 3-5 and 10-15 years depending on the type and thickness. That problem doesn’t exist with the Lumineer’s however; the formula used to make them allows the orthodontist to make them super thin like a veneer should be. The strength and method used to make them also allows them to keep their colour, and their longevity is also longer. The other property they have that makes them a good choice is that you can have them removed at any time in the future, and they will be just as they were originally. This allows you to have the choice in the future to try out new technology; with a normal veneer you can only replace them with another veneer.

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