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Posts Tagged ‘cavities’

Prevent Dental Decay With A Quick And Simple Leeds Check Up

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallDental decay can be a real pain, but with our quick and simple check-ups, we can make sure that your teeth remain healthy, strong and cavity-free. We recommend 6 monthly check-ups for adults and children.

What happens when you have a check up?

Routine check-ups only last a few minutes and you don’t need to worry about a thing; we promise that there won’t be any pain and we do our best to make you feel as comfortable as possible in the dental chair. A check-up is a chance for us to have a look at your teeth and gums and check the soft tissue in your mouth; we will check the teeth for any signs of cavities or decay and make sure there are no signs of gum disease. We record any changes in your notes and discuss any potential issues with you; if you do need treatment, such as a filling, we will arrange an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. We offer oral cancer screening, but we also carry out checks during our routine check-ups. We can also offer advice about teeth cleaning and oral hygiene, diet and giving up smoking.

The importance of check-ups

Check-ups are important for a number of reasons; firstly, they give us a chance to spot developing problems at an early stage and this prevents you from suffering, increases the chances of successful treatment and saves you money. Oral health is really important, not just because we don’t want you suffering with aches and pains or swollen gums, but also because research suggests that gum disease can increase your risk of developing other serious health conditions, including heart disease.  We also perform oral cancer checks as part of your dental check-ups and the earlier signs are spotted, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

With regular check-ups, you can make major strides towards a beautiful, healthy smile; call us today to book your appointment.

Halt Gum Disease With Your City Of Leeds Hygienist

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

2990539_sYou may assume that you only need to see a dental hygienist if you’ve already got gum disease or you suffer from bad breath, but this isn’t the case and almost all patients would benefit from seeing a hygienist from time to time.

Our hygienists are an integral part of the team and they provide a range of services to help you enjoy good oral health and reduce your risk of developing decay and gum disease.

Our hygienists work with the dentists to lower the risk of gum disease in some patients and treat and manage the condition in others. By providing regular cleaning sessions and treatments, such as scale and polish, your hygienist will do everything they can to remove harmful bacteria from your mouth to prevent gum irritation and pain.

Oral hygiene is the key to preventing and fighting gum disease and you only need to dedicate five minutes of your day to cleaning your teeth to see the benefits. Without brushing, bacteria collect in your mouth and combine with saliva and food particles to form plaque, a sticky film, which irritates the gums and contributes to the formation of cavities. Once gum disease hits, it becomes more advanced and early treatment is essential. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, is easily managed with good oral hygiene, but periodontal disease is much more serious and requires intensive, long-term treatment.

If you notice signs of gum disease, including bleeding, swollen and sore gums, give us a call and we will make you an appointment as quickly as possible.

Leeds dentists tell patients that cavities can be filled more effectively using cosmetic bonding

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Cavities can occur in teeth for a variety of reasons, from the relatively straight forward, like a build up of plaque to the more complicated and less well known like xerostamia (commonly known as dry mouth). Whatever the root cause, it is necessary to get any cavities filled as soon as possible because once a tooth starts to decay it won’t just stop of its own accord.
In the past the only possible solution to cavities was to get your dentist to fill them up with metal. These are still very common especially amongst older generations of people. Dentists have never been entirely happy with this type of filling as the metal could be rather difficult to work with. Patients too have often found them to be unsightly and felt that the look of their smile has been spoilt by dark patches on some of their teeth.
To the relief of dentists and patients alike, dental cavities can now be filled with a substance that looks far more discreet and is much easier for dentists to work with. This process of filling cavities in such a manner is called cosmetic bonding. The dental composite that is used is far more malleable than metal and so dentists can be much more accurate. It is able to be matched in the tone of its colour with the surrounding teeth to provide a really discreet look for the patient.
Ask your Leeds dentist about cosmetic bonding. Even if you already have existing metal fillings in your mouth, dentists are able to replace them with new, white fillings using cosmetic bonding so that the look of your smile is improved dramatically.

Central Leeds dentists help parents with their children’s oral hygiene and produce healthy smiles

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Bringing up children can be fraught with difficulties and you will probably spend much of your time worrying about whether you are doing the right things so that your offspring are growing to be healthy and happy. Nobody wants to fuss over their children too much and leave them without a sense of self reliance but you should be taking steps to ensure that they have healthy teeth and gums and do not have to go through the pain of an oral condition.
There is no easy way of saying it but, if you have a dental condition in childhood, you will have to live with the consequences. Cavities which need to be filled at a young age will always need to be there; the tooth will not grow back. But there is no need for despair; by following a simple set of guide lines you can help your child to achieve a healthy smile.
Brushing teeth is as crucial for children as it is for the rest of us. But it can be more difficult to get children to do it. Giving incentives can help with this as a child might be more inclined to brush if he or she gets a reward at the end of it. The hope with this method is that brushing becomes routinized and they will soon stop thinking about the reward and do it for its own sake.
Build up a relationship between your child and your Central Leeds dentist from an early age. This is so that your child sees the dentist as a normal part of life and won’t develop dental phobia about something he or she actually knows very little. This is also so that the dentist can monitor the health of the youngster’s mouth and see off any complications before they might arise.

Get white fillings from City of Leeds dentists to improve the look of your smile

Monday, February 28th, 2011

The development of cavities in your teeth can be a painful process and must be dealt with. Unfortunately you will have little choice but to have a filling put in place to shore up the hole or holes that have appeared in your teeth. This is to ensure that the nerves inside are not interfered with and infection cannot take hold.
What you do have a choice about, however, is the type of filling which you opt for. Or many years now the only option has been metal fillings which look unsightly in the mouth. Thanks to advances in technology your fillings no longer have to be the colour of dark metal because scientists have found a way to construct fillings that are white and so fit in with the colour of the rest of your teeth.
Using white resin to fill cavities is an awful lot safer than metal fillings which attracted controversy over the years and could be notoriously difficult to fit. The resin is incredibly durable and is now extensively utilised to fill in cracks in teeth which have been damaged in that way too. It is incredibly adaptable too and your dentist will be able to match it to the colour of your surrounding teeth, even taking into account the subtleties of shading and texture.
If you already have metal fillings and are becoming sick of the sight of them in your mouth, you can even have them replaced by white fillings to give you greater peace of mind in social situations. Next time you see your City of Leeds dentist be sure to ask them for all the information about white fillings and how they can improve your smile.

Leeds dentists effectively diagnose and cure dental pain

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Having a pain free set of teeth is something that many of us take for granted. But teeth are an incredibly sensitive part of the body and any pain that you have there will make normal, every day activities such as eating, drinking and talking, that much more difficult. There are a number of causes of dental pain and you should seek the advice of your dentist if it should occur.
A common cause of dental pain is if plaque is causing the enamel of your teeth to break down and cavities are forming. These small holes in teeth allow the nerves inside to be interfered with and can be very painful as a result.
Teeth can also break down and become painful if you suffer from bruxism or nocturnal teeth grinding. You might not know that you have bruxism but dental pain can alert you to this as the process of grinding makes your teeth feel painful. It might be that you are brushing your teeth too hard and wearing away the enamel which normally protects the teeth.
What the diagnosis will be will depend on where the pain is occurring and what activities bring it on. Your dentist is expert in all areas concerning the health of your teeth and will be able to give them a thorough examination to determine the cause.
Treatment might not be necessary if it is simply a case of improving your brushing and flossing technique. Fillings, on the other hand will need to be filled to stop the process of decay from continuing. Talk to your Leeds dentist if you are experiencing dental pain and the problem will be sorted out before you know it.

Dispelling Root Canal Myths In The City Of Leeds

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

For some reason, the evil legend that is the root canal still tends to strike fear into its prey and once the victim has had the excruciating treatment, pain ensues for months. Sound familiar- well it does to most dentists in the city of Leeds! In all reality, a simple look on the internet could dispel any myths that surround the procedure. The reason for having a root canal stems from bad oral hygiene, allowing plaque to develop and form cavities. If the tooth is to be saved, then the cavity must be cleared of decay, the roots removed and the gap that’s left filled. In times gone by, the tooth would have been ‘pulled’ and here lies one of the myths that surround root canals. If a tooth is causing pain, an extraction is not only considered to be less painful, but cheaper too (the truth is, a root canal is no more painful than a filling). But removing a tooth (when it needn’t be) leads to all sorts of problems. The surrounding teeth can suffer trauma, start to move and become loose, leading to gum disease and infection. Another myth that stems out of this treatment is based on other people’s experiences, like that of your parent’s in the bad old days, “my god! This is what I’m in for!” If in this modern world, you still listen to gossip, believe in fairies, monsters and death by root canal, maybe a little research and a consultation with your dentist will dispel such myths, allowing you to sleep at night with the light out and get out more.

Central Leeds dentist saves tooth affected by decay

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Tooth decay is caused by a build up of a filmy, sticky substance called plaque that coats the teeth and releases acid which erodes the protective enamel layer. This causes small holes called cavities to appear in the teeth allowing bacteria to penetrate to the sensitive inner area of the tooth. Inside the tooth is the dental nerve housed in a casing of a softer material called pulp. If bacteria gets into this part of the tooth it can cause an infection that will not only be painful but could result in the death and eventual loss of the tooth.

There are a number of other dental and wider health concerns that can arise as the result of tooth decay. For example, the body’s reaction to infection is to produce more white blood cells, which bombard the infected area. This can lead to a swelling, known commonly as a tooth abscess. This can be very sensitive and painful when exposed to hot and cold food. Abscesses can also rupture, releasing the infected matter into the mouth and spreading the infection to other teeth and even into the bloodstream, which can cause wider health problems.

All of these nasty complications can be avoided by taking better care of your teeth with brushing and flossing. Removing plaque at an early stage will limit the possibility of tooth decay occurring. However, once it has occurred, there are a number of treatment options available to Central Leeds dentists. This includes filling the cavities with composite bonding or attaching a dental crown to the top part of the tooth above the gum to offer a greater degree of protection.

More serious cases of decay may need a procedure called a root canal that aims to remove all traces of the infection from inside the tooth before sealing the tooth with a dental crown. In extreme cases, dentists may need to remove the whole tooth to prevent the infection spreading further if the tooth is beyond repair.

Get that dentist clean feel with scaling and polishing at Central Leeds dentist

Friday, May 7th, 2010

The clean feeling you get after you have been to the dentist is hard to beat and almost impossible to recreate at home, no matter how hard you try to clean your teeth. That is because dentists are experts and able to use special tools and techniques to get your teeth as clean as they can possibly be. This will almost always involve techniques called scaling and polishing.

Scaling is the process of using a small, sharpened hook to scrape the plaque and tartar away from the surface of the teeth. Plaque builds up around the surface enamel of the teeth and causes erosion, which leads to cavities, the main cause of tooth decay and infection. Plaque can be removed at home with brushing and flossing but if allowed to remain will eventually become tartar. This is an ugly yellow-brown substance that discolours the teeth and also continues to erode the enamel. Tartar can be removed by scaling, which not only returns the teeth to a whiter, more natural and healthy colour, but also protects them against further damage from erosion. The dentist or hygienist will carefully scale all the areas of the teeth, removing built up plaque and tartar by scraping it loose. This may sound a lot more unpleasant than it actually is and is in fact an almost completely painless procedure.

After the teeth have been fully scaled they can then be polished. This involves buffing the surface of the teeth with an electric cleaner. This not only makes the teeth look much better, but also leaves them very smooth and more difficult for plaque to cling to. This can be carried out as a one off procedure or part of a wider smile makeover. Ask your Central Leeds dentist for more information about scaling and polishing.