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Posts Tagged ‘dental injury’

Accidents And Injuries And How To Prevent Them

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

4225775_blogMost of us have first hand experience of accidents and sometimes, there’s no way of avoiding injuries, but when it comes to your teeth and gums, there are often steps you can take to protect your teeth and avoid unexpected trips to the dentist. Here are some top tips to avoid dental injuries this autumn:

Wear a gum shield: the autumn is here and many people will be taking to football, rugby and hockey fields. If you plat sport, even if it’s just knocking a ball about from time to time, it’s important to wear a gum shield if there is a risk of injury. Mouth guards help to protect the teeth, gums and jaws and prevent injuries including avulsion (when the tooth is knocked out), fractures and chips. You can buy DIY gum shields, which you mould yourself from sports shops, but we strongly recommend investing in a dentist-made gum shield for a perfect fit and superior quality. Gum shields are recommended for contact sports, fighting sports and martial arts.

Take care when you eat: eating hard foods is one of the most common causes of chips and breaks, so be careful about what you eat and try to avoid anything, which is very hard, such as sticks of hard rock and boiled sweets.

Look after your teeth: strong, healthy teeth are more resistant to injury, so make sure you take care of your teeth; brush twice a daily, visit your dentist for regular check-ups, floss and avoid eating sugary and acidic foods on a frequent basis.

Resist the temptation to use your teeth as a substitute for scissors or a bottle opener: if you’re in a rush or you simply can’t find what you’re looking for, it can be tempting to bring your teeth into action, but using your teeth as a bottle opener or a label cutter can cause severe damage, including chips, fractures and injuries to the gums.



Dental Disaster Prevention Here In Leeds

Saturday, May 31st, 2014

5538155_blogDental disasters often happen when you least expect it and if you have an accident or you need urgent help, we will do all we can to fix you up and free you from discomfort.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to prevent accidents, but there are often steps you can take to lower your risk of damaging your teeth and gums. Here are some ideas to help prevent those unwanted dental dramas:

Wear a mouth guard

If you’re a sports fan and you like to participate in any activity, which carries a risk of dental injury, we strongly recommend wearing a mouth guard. We provide performance-enhancing custom-made gum shields for players of all ages and abilities. Wearing a gum shield helps to protect the teeth and gums from injuries caused by impact or contact and we advise wearing one for boxing, martial arts, rugby, football, hockey and lacrosse.

Keep up with your check-ups

Seeing your dentist on a regular basis will ensure that your teeth are in good shape. If your teeth are healthy and strong, there is less chance of them getting damaged. We advise 6 monthly check-ups.

Avoid using your teeth for certain jobs

It sounds odd, but many people admit to damaging their teeth because they used them to try and open a bottle or cut something. Try to avoid using your teeth in this way, as there is a real risk of injury and your teeth are not designed to act as an emergency bottle opener!

Wear a seatbelt

Seatbelts are designed to save lives in the event of a collision or crash. They really can make the difference between life and death and they are a very effective means of reducing the risk of dental injuries, as they prevent you falling forwards and hitting your face.

If you do suffer a dental injury, contact us and we will fit you in as soon as we can!

Preparing yourself for a Dental Emergency in Central Leeds

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

3534882_blogIt is very easy to get frightened when an emergency crops up in the body, and especially in the mouth. It is easy to panic in situations such as this and often to go over the top with your decision making. However, it is all the more reason to be aware of a dental crisis and to know what to do should one crop up: talk to your dentist and go on line; find out places to go around central Leeds- there are 24 hour surgeries and also, you can go to a hospital when things go wrong, so do your homework. Of course, such homework will also help you to identify the nature of the emergency. If you have a filling fallout, a veneer or a crown come loose, or even get a chipped tooth, yes of course this can be an ‘emergency’ and can be discomforting, but it can be held at bay with some painkillers or herbal products until you can be seen by your regular dentist. Problems like a tooth abscess or an injury though will clearly need immediate attention so you shouldn’t take any chances because time is of the essence here. Whatever the situation though, if any problem is troubling you, never feel that you can’t make that call- after all, your future and your oral health could be on the line here.


Braving a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

5538155_blogAmidst the shock of a crisis cropping up in your mouth, you should never underestimate the nature of a dental emergency in the city of Leeds. Now we are not saying that you should be calling up a dentist or rushing yourself to a hospital in the middle of the night just because a veneer has come loose, but you would be wise to educate yourself as what to do should things wrong and the exact nature of what the emergency is. Having the number of an after hours dentist, knowing where the hospital is, plus having a few soothing products lying around the house is a good start though and there also hot-lines you can call for advice. Emergencies generally are split between serious and not so serious. If you have a tooth knocked out or an abscess breaks out require instant attention and now you can be forgiven for ringing people at all hours. However, the problem of fittings coming loose, a chipped tooth, a toothache or the eruption of a wisdom tooth can wait until you can get in and see your dentist and this is where painkillers and soothing gels come into play if you have them. However, don’t ever be afraid to call someone; you don’t know how serious things can get, but by talking the problem through it can help calm you down when things go wrong.

Getting clued up for a basic Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

2143132_blogYou never know just when a problem will crop up in your mouth in the city of Leeds; there are some quite nasty ones out there, such as getting and an abscess breaking out, or having a tooth knocked out and in these situations, take route one to the hospital or a dentist as fast as you can. However, there are situations that are classed as minor emergencies and you need to be ready for them should they occur, because they are manageable until you can get along to your dentist for treatment. Losing a fitting of some-sort, getting an ulcer, a toothache, a breaching wisdom tooth or having a chipped tooth will be irritating and can leave your tongue and gums sore, but there are some simple ways to fight these until you can get seen. Consult with your dentist as well on this so that you will always be ready for the worst. Having some painkillers in the bathroom cabinet, some herbal products, medicated mouthwashes and the use of salt water should get you by until your dentist can patch you up again. The thing is that you try and remain calm and don’t panic when something goes wrong.


Working through a Dental Emergency in Central Leeds

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

2839658_blogIf something goes wrong with your mouth in central Leeds, you can be forgiven for getting into a bit of a panic and it can be quite a worry as to what to do exactly. The thing is, you would be very wise to do a little bit of homework beforehand so that you understand the nature of a dental emergency and how you could handle it, because with some conditions, knowing what to do could possibly save the day for you. For example, if you have a tooth knocked out, it can be set back in if you are fast enough and get to a dentists or a hospital. Similarly, an abscess can become life threatening so again, you’ll need to seek instant help in order to get antibiotics inside you to neutralise the poisons in your blood. However, there are some things that you need not panic about too much: if a veneer falls out, a crown or filling comes loose, yes- it can be uncomfortable and with a chipped tooth for example, it can cause lacerations to your tongue and gums, but these are minor emergencies that can be combated by painkillers and maybe some clove oil until you can get along to see your dentist. You can always go on-line for advice or better still, talk to your dentist and find out more about the nature of a dental emergency.

Protect your teeth with mouth guards available from City of Leeds dentists

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Many of us may find ourselves in situations where our teeth need protecting. Whether we play a highly physical sport such as lacrosse, rugby, American football or boxing or indulge in activities such as mountain biking or gymnastics which can cause injuries to the mouth, our teeth can be put at risk. Some of us even have the tendency to grind our teeth during sleep. Protecting our teeth in these situations is vital to ensure that we don’t suffer the pain and inconvenience of tooth loss or chipping.

The best way to ensure our teeth our well protected is to wear a mouth guard. Minimal protection is offered by stock protectors available from sports stores. These ready-to-wear items are convenient and affordable but are not especially recommended by dentists because of the risks that they leave open. Boil and bite mouth guards fit your teeth better but still don’t offer comprehensive protection.

Dentists recommend that custom fitted mouth guards are worn in situations that could be dangerous to teeth. These products fit comfortably and offer increased protection. They are custom fitted to suit the individuality of your mouth. Your dentist will take moulds of your teeth and then a guard is constructed by a technician using the model as a guide. As such, custom fitted mouth guards are more expensive.

Mouth guards protect against and can limit the risk of loosing or breaking a tooth or suffering nerve damage or injuries to the tongue or gums. By using a mouth guard to avoid these afflictions patients can save themselves the time and money that restorative procedures will mean, not to mention minimising the pain involved if an accident to the mouth should occur. Mouth guards are widely available from City of Leeds dentists.

Prevent damaged teeth with mouth guard from city of Leeds dentist

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Mouth guards are protective devices worn over the teeth to prevent dental injury. They are often worn during sporting activity and to protect teeth against sun-conscious grinding, known as bruxism.

There are three main types of mouth guards called stock mouth protectors, boil and bite mouth protectors and custom-fitted mouth protectors. Both stock and boil and bite mouth protectors are the generic mouth guards that can be bought from most sporting goods suppliers. Dentists do not recommend either of these as they often offer very little protection because they are not designed for the individual patient’s teeth. Custom-made protectors are individually designed and fitted for your teeth by a dentists and offer a high level of protection. The dentist will manufacture the guard from a mould taken from your teeth to ensure a close and protective fit. Because this type of guard involves work by the dentist it may be more expensive but it does provide the most comfort and protection. It is also worth noting that a knocked out, chipped or damaged tooth will be extremely expensive to fix so the best prevention is better than the cure.

Mouth guards are usually only fitted over the top teeth but a City of Leeds dentist may also decide to make a guard for the lower arc. An effective mouth guard should be tight fitting, durable, easy to clean and very resistant to tearing and other damage. Dentists recommend that anyone taking part in any physical or sporting activity should wear a guard, even if the activity is non-contact such as skateboarding or gymnastics. This is because over half of the dental injuries in the UK are caused by some form of sporting activity.

Mouth guards should be cleaned with cold water, a toothbrush and toothpaste before and after each use and stored in a container when not in use. Only very occasionally should the mouth guard be washed with soapy water. It is important to replace mouth guards that have become worn, as the protection may be limited. It is also important to remember to upgrade children’s mouth guards as their teeth develop and grow. Have a mouth guard fitted at a City of Leeds dentist and prevent painful and costly dental treatment.