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Posts Tagged ‘dental pain Leeds’

No More Toothache!

Monday, September 26th, 2016

3534882_blogThere’s nothing worse than a nagging pain in the tooth. If you’re in pain or have suffered on and off for some time, we’re here to help. Our experts will get to the root (pardon the pun!) of the problem so you can bid goodbye to toothache for good.

Why have I got toothache?

Toothache is a very common problem. Sometimes it comes and goes without much drama but in other cases it just won’t budge. It can get so bad that you can’t even eat properly! There are a few main causes for toothache, including obvious ones like dental injuries, or more subtle reasons like dental abscesses, decay or sensitivity, which is often linked to enamel erosion.

When should I see a dentist?

Get to your dentist pronto if:

  • You suddenly experience excrutiating pain
  • You’re in pain on a regular basis
  • You experience heightened sensitivity, weakness in the tooth or bleeding gums
  • You hurt your tooth in an accident

How is toothache treated?

As a short-term fix, you can take over the counter painkillers to soothe pain, but always follow the dosage instructions on the packet. If your pain is really bad or has been bugging you for a while, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Depending on what’s caused the toothache, treatments include:

  • Fillings or crowns
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Hygienist treatments
  • Abscess removal

Your dentist can also give you sound advice about diet and oral hygiene to keep toothache well away.

Dealing with Dental Dilemmas

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

Types of dental emergency

There are many different types of dental emergency, including:

  • Severe dental pain or toothache
  • Dental fractures
  • Knocked out tooth
  • Severe cut lip
  • Jaw fracture

What to do in a dental emergency

If you have severe tooth pain that is getting worse and not subsiding with over the counter pain relief, contact us and we will try to arrange an appointment for you as quickly as possible. One of the most common causes of serious dental pain is an abscess, which is a fluid-filled sac caused by a build-up of bacteria. You may find it beneficial to rinse your mouth with Corsodyl mouthwash.

If your tooth has been knocked out, try to find it and then rinse it (hold the crown section of the tooth rather than the root) and hold it between your cheek and your gum. If you manage to get to a dentist within half an hour they may be able to re-implant the tooth.

If you have broken or fractured your tooth, call the practice as quickly as possible. If you experience swelling, holding a cold compress against your cheek can help to ease pain and inflammation. At City Dental, we will advise you about treatment options once we know how severe the fracture is.

If you think you may have fractured your jaw, you will need to go to the nearest hospital with an Accident and Emergency department. Your jaw will be X-rayed and then an appropriate course of treatment can be planned.

What To Do If You’re Afraid of Dental Pain

Friday, April 10th, 2015

4361359_blogDental anxiety is extremely common and most people would admit that they feel at least a little nervous when faced with a trip to the dentist. At City Dental Leeds, our experienced and understanding team works incredibly hard to ensure that patients feel comfortable and help nervous patients to overcome their fears.

In addition to providing clients with a relaxing environment, we also use a range of techniques and modern treatments to reduce pain, shorten treatment time and enable patients to feel more comfortable. We are able to carry out certain treatments under sedation and our dentists are always happy to meet with nervous patients to help them prepare for treatment, reassure them and make them feel less anxious.

About sedation

Sedation is an effective way of helping patients to feel more relaxed during a dental or medical procedure. Using sedative medication induces a state of deep calm on the body and mind and under sedation, patients are unable to feel pain. When the effects of sedatives become apparent, patients feel a little drowsy, but they don’t lose consciousness. After sedation, you probably won’t remember much about the procedure and it will take a few hours for the effects of the sedative to wear off completely. We recommend asking somebody to accompany you home and stay with you while you come around.

Sedation is hugely beneficial for anxious patients and it helps to relieve nervousness in the run-up to treatment as well as during the actual procedure.

If you suffer from severe anxiety, haven’t seen a dentist for a long time or  have specific fears such as a fear of pain or needles, we can help. Call us today or bob into the clinic if you are passing and our friendly, compassionate team will do everything they can to ease your worries and make you feel as calm and comfortable as possible.

Dealing with Dental Pain in Central Leeds

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1850411_blogPain comes in many different forms, especially in the mouth- there are so many things that can go wrong, but at the end of the day, it is down to you to deal with it. However, if something does go awry, you don’t have to be alone on this front. Pain in the mouth can come from tooth decay, an ulcer, a chipped tooth, loss of a filling or some cosmetic fitting that can cause lacerations to the mouth, an abscess or something that hasn’t calmed down after treatment. The point is that you shouldn’t hit the panic button and be aware of the nature of your dental pain. Central Leeds has 24 hour dentists that you can tap up if you get worried about anything at all and so you should call them up. But in serious states such as and abscess or the loss of a tooth, you always have the hospital to turn to in a crisis: never be afraid to call people up if you are suffering from any form of dental pain. Also, get loads of products and drugs in so that if anything should strike, you will at least be prepared and you can dumb down the pain until you can get to see someone. Also do your homework: talk to your dentist and go on the internet and find out about things that may possibly go wrong in the future, better still- look after your oral hygiene so that you can avoid these problems in the first place.