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Posts Tagged ‘gum disease City of Leeds’

Going for Gold with Gum Treatment

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

2823674_blogAt City Dental Leeds we’re always aspiring to provide gold star standard treatment for our clients and when it comes to gum disease, we have an array of preventative and curative measures. We strongly believe that prevention is always better than cure and we’re here to keep gum disease firmly at bay. If you have signs of gum disease or you wish to maintain a clean bill of oral health, you’ve come to the right place.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral disease, which is caused by harmful bacteria releasing acids that irritate the gums. The main symptoms of gum disease include swollen or sore gums, bleeding (which is most noticeable when you clean your teeth), tenderness and redness. The early signs of gum disease are usually relatively easy to treat and this is why it’s so important to see your dentist if you notice symptoms. If mild gum disease is left untreated, it can develop fairly quickly and advanced gum disease is much trickier to treat.

The main risk factor for gum disease is poor oral hygiene, but a diet packed with sugary foods, smoking and avoiding regular dental appointments can also elevate the risk.

Preventative measures

The best way to fight gum disease is to maintain good oral hygiene at home, see your dentist every six to nine months for a check-up and try to steer clear of sugary and acidic foods and drinks. It’s also really beneficial to be aware of the potential warning signs and to act on them if they become noticeable. Booking an appointment at an early stage helps to stop gum disease in its tracks. In order to keep the mouth as clean as possible, we recommend brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing every day. We also highly recommend seeing a dental hygienist at least once every 12 months for a deep clean.

Treating gum disease

Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, can usually be tackled with oral hygiene treatments and good cleaning techniques at home. In more severe cases, a number of sessions is usually recommended and these will be provided by our dentists and dental hygienists, who work together to ease symptoms and stem the spread of infection. The aim of gum disease treatment is to prevent the situation from getting worse and ensure that you don’t feel any pain. We tend to use a combination of techniques and treatments including regular hygiene sessions, scale and polish and root planing.

Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Bleeding Gums

Friday, June 12th, 2015

364999_blogIf you notice bleeding when you brush your teeth, we strongly recommend calling and making an appointment. Bleeding gums are sometimes a sign of gum disease and the sooner we can sort this problem out, the better. Sadly, with gum disease, the longer you leave it, the worse it becomes and severe gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among UK adults. If you’ve spotted blood when you brush, now is the time to see your dentist.

About gum disease

Gum disease is one of the most common preventable illnesses among UK adults. It is caused by harmful bacteria in the mouth, which give off acids that irritate the gums and result in them becoming inflamed and painful. These acids are also responsible for enamel wear, which increases the risk of cavities. Plaque, the main risk factor for gum disease and decay, forms when bacteria join forces with food debris and saliva. It is a sticky, colourless substance that clings to the teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene should be sufficient to keep plaque at bay, but we also highly recommend paying attention to your diet and steering clear of foods that contain a lot of sugar and acidic foods and drinks.

When should I see a dentist?

Sometimes gums bleed because of an injury or over-brushing, but often bleeding gums are symptomatic of gum disease. If you see blood when you brush your teeth, your gums are swollen or sore or they look very red, we recommend calling and making an appointment. It is always better to treat dental issues early, as there is a risk of them becoming more complex and severe. Mild gum disease (gingivitis) is relatively easy to treat, however advanced gum disease (periodontal disease) is much more serious and often results in tooth loss. We advise six monthly check-ups for all patients, but if you do develop symptoms between appointments, don’t wait for your next scheduled check – call as soon as you can.

If you would like any information about gum disease or would like to make an appointment, simply call us or pop in during office hours.

We Can Make Gum Disease a Thing of the Past

Monday, May 4th, 2015

3177025_blogAt City Dental Leeds, our aim is to make dental diseases disappear and ensure that our clients feel confident when they smile. Prevention is always better than cure and we offer advice in addition to routine and preventative dental treatments to help banish decay and gum disease and enable patients to stay free from pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Whether you have a clean bill of oral health or you have existing signs and symptoms, we can make gum disease a thing of the past!

What is a gum disease?

Gum disease is an oral disease that causes the gums to become swollen and painful. It s caused by bacteria and is most commonly a result of poor oral hygiene. The gums become inflamed and sore when bacteria release acids that irritate them. These bacteria are present in plaque, a sticky film that develops when saliva combines food debris and bacteria. Plaque clings to the gums and the surfaces of the teeth and it is also responsible for causing tooth decay.

There are 2 principal forms of gum disease. These are gingivitis and periodontal disease, also referred to as periodontitis. The former is a mild form of gum disease, while the latter is a severe form that causes irreparable damage to the gums and the bone structure beneath the gums.

The most common signs of gum disease are inflammation, redness and tenderness in the gums, along with pain and bleeding. Most people first suspect they have gum disease when they notice their gums bleeding when they clean their teeth.

When should I see a dentist?

If you notice any warning signs of gum disease, including swelling, soreness or bleeding gums, it’s always advisable to see your dentist. It’s relatively easy to treat gingivitis, but if gum disease is left alone, it can develop quickly and once it becomes advanced, it is much harder to manage.

If you do have signs of gum disease, our excellent dentists and dental hygienists will work together to draw up a treatment plan that aims to minimise damage to the gums and oral structures and reduce pain. The treatment of advanced gum disease usually involves frequent oral hygiene procedures.

The shocking links between Gum Disease and Diabetes in the City of Leeds

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

302075_blogGum disease is an absolutely diabolical condition that tears through the mouth and body causing possible tooth loss and heart failure in the future in the city of Leeds, and if that isn’t enough, it can bring on the problem of diabetes. The poisons from diseased gums leak into the bloodstream and diminish the immune system and with this down or weakened, it is very easy for diabetes to step in and damage you even more. But this works the other way too, for diabetes also diminishes the immune system, breaking down the saliva levels that the mouth requires to naturally take on the fight against bacteria, and so, this leaves you wide open to gum disease. At the first sign of blood on a toothbrush, you need to seek help and work hard at ridding yourself of it to avoid complications in the future. Similarly, you will have to work hard if you already have diabetes and ensure you are using the right medication so that you don’t suffer from gum disease.

Ridding your Bad Breath caused by Gum Disease in Leeds

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

361951_blogNot only does gum disease love to ruin your mouth and other vital organs in your body, it can leave you reeling from bad breath as well when it breaks out. Now this can be highly dangerous to your health, but on a superficial level, it can be embarrassing and socially unacceptable for you in Leeds, especially if you have a high profile job going on. So then what to do? Well for a start you need to get yourself checked out with your dentist and get treatment. You will need to also change the way you think about your oral hygiene and then improve it; enlist the help of herbal remedies and use them daily, as well as massaging your gums with these products. Next on the agenda is lifestyle and diet; if you smoke and drink, then stop, at least until the condition is under control. But diet and foods are probably the most important elements of getting over this. You need to vastly improve your immune system with better foods and drinks; avoid sugars and caffeine, but if you have a sweet tooth, try chomping on raisins, cranberries, kiwi-fruits, apples and on top of this, carrots and celery- all of these are very good for the gums. This won’t be an easy ride, but you must fight these conditions with all you have.


Battling the evil of Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

364999_blogAnything with the word ‘disease’ in the title should be enough to trigger some life in you and work hard to rid yourself of the problem in the city of Leeds; as it is with gum disease- this is a nasty and disgusting piece of work. It may well start innocently enough with a little blood on your toothbrush, but now you have left a door open to it and if you don’t act now, you will be leaving yourself vulnerable to heart disease and tooth loss in the future- that’s just what this spiteful condition can lead to. Curing it in the early days is not so hard to do, but if you leave it- well you have already been told; it can be the death of you. Get your dentist and a hygienist on your side fast in order to help tackle this. You will need to address things such as your diet, habits like smoking and drinking and you will definitely have to improve the way you look after your oral hygiene. It doesn’t matter at what level the disease is at, you must fight it on all fronts and throw the kitchen sink at it if need be- it’s your health we are talking about here.

Fighting Gum Disease with fury in the City of Leeds

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Some problems that spring up in the mouth are fairly easy to treat in the city ofLeedsand cause no real further threat once they have attended to. The same however cannot be said of gum disease; a disgusting and devastating problem that needs to be attacked on all fronts in order to stop it in its tracks, for once your gums have fallen foul of this disease, it can come back quickly if you are not constantly on your toes. It is where things such as plaque and tartar have been allowed to get hold around the base of the teeth, and if your have poor oral hygiene and a poor diet, you are going to increase the chances of your gums becoming infected. This will not only see your gums weep, start to bleed and then recede, but the toxins from the infection start to poison the bloodstream and infect the body’s most vital organs. You need to get help from your dentist straight away; they can ascertain how advanced the problem is and then start treating it straight away. They can deep clean below the gum-line and disinfect the roots to stop the infection spreading, and then keep doing it regularly until the problem has stopped. But it also takes a lot of effort from you too at home. You must improve your hygiene and bring in some herbal remedies which are excellent for fighting gum disease. You must stop smoking, at least until the problem is under control and you must also improve your diet so that your immune system gets stronger and supplies the mouth with plenty of saliva.

Getting to grips with Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Friday, August 24th, 2012

On a daily basis, your mouth is always under threat from bacteria and if left unchecked, it can help plaque to build up around the teeth and before you know where you are, you may well suffer from gum disease and you’ll know when you have because your teeth will bleed after brushing and in time, your gums will start to recede, but as well as leading to tooth-loss, there are also more sinister implications of gum disease.

It literally start to feed toxins into the bloodstream, poisoning the bodies vital organs as it goes, causing them to fail in the long run. At the first signs of trouble, you should get to your dentist in the city of Leeds for treatment. This may take the form of some deep cleaning below the gum line, but the worse the problem gets the more intense and complicated the treatments become. Of course, a lot of the work has to be carried out by you at home.

Your oral hygiene must be improved radically in order to fight off the threat; there are herbal remedies on the market that can work wonders with gum disease so this should definitely be looked into. Another area that can be improved is your lifestyle: if you smoke, drink a lot and have a bad diet, these must change otherwise you will just help feed the disease. Your dentist and your hygienist will give you all the advice and support you need in these areas too.

Avoid Heart Disease with Good Oral Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in the UK, millions of pounds are spent each year treating patients and trying to establish new therapies and preventative treatments. Recently however, research has indicated that preventing conditions such as heart attacks and strokes may be as simple as picking up your toothbrush and maintaining good oral hygiene.

The link between oral hygiene and heart disease is not completely clear at present, but is strongly believed to be related to gum disease. One proposed mechanism is that bacteria found around the diseased gums enters the blood stream when the gums are raw and bleeding. The bacteria that enters the circulatory system has been discovered in several ‘plaques’ (clotted bundles that block arteries ), leading to a theory that bacteria found in gum disease acts directly in the formation of clots in the blood stream, a predisposing condition for heart disease.

Another theory for the City of Leeds to consider is that diseased gums lead to an inflammation of the gum tissue, an immune response to infectious bacteria, and that this in turn could lead to the constriction of arteries and the formation of dangerous clots.

In order to prevent heart disease, several steps towards better oral hygiene should be considered. Firstly, brushing and flossing is essential in order to remove any excess plaque or food debris from between the teeth and on the tongue. Less bacteria in the gaps between teeth will lead to a lower risk of developing gum disease, which should in turn lower the risk of heart disease in individuals.

Secondly, a healthy, low-in-sugar diet is important not only as this has a direct implication on the heart itself, but also as sugary foods put individuals at a higher risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Finally, gum disease can be caused by tobacco-based products and cigarettes. In order to prevent the development of gum disease or to ensure treatment of the condition is successful, it is vital that smoking be stopped immediately.



Are the Smoker of the City of Leeds at a Higher Risk of Developing Gum Disease?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

It has been common knowledge for many years now that smoking can lead to gum disease, but how does this happen? Currently, there are several theories surrounding the mechanisms by which gum disease may be triggered by smoking. Firstly, restricted oxygen delivery to the gums may be caused by blood vessels constricting in response to the tobacco smoke and nicotine found in cigarettes. In addition, a recent study has shown that smokers themselves are more likely to be infected with bacteria that his highly aggressive and effective in causing gum disease. Finally, it has been proven that the excessive consumption of cigarettes can lead to a depressed immune system, one that is less able to fight off infections as and when they occur, leading to a dangerous build up of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Gum disease manifests itself in several different ways, but the most common symptoms are gum recession, bleeding gums, bad breath, inflammation of the gums and loose teeth. If you are found to be suffering from any or a mixture of these symptoms there are treatments available. Treatment can either be via a non-surgical root planning procedure, in which your dentist will scrape away the diseased gum tissue to remove the bacteria or a surgical therapy to eliminate disease pockets by removing all of the infected gum tissue.

For smokers in the City of Leeds this may serve as a wake-up call. The current prevalence of smokers in the city is 30%, that’s 175,000 individuals at the highest risk of developing gum disease.

Luckily there is also good news; it has been found that former smokers respond better to treatment of this disease than those who currently still smoke. Therefore, it can be concluded that patients with gum disease who stop smoking prior to their therapy will respond and recover much better than if they chose to continue to feed their habit.