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Posts Tagged ‘infection’

A Lighter Dental Shade Of Pale With Classy Leeds Crowns

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

585811_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we like to keep things classy and with our amazing porcelain crowns, we can restore damaged teeth without detracting from the stunning natural beauty of your smile.

About dental crowns

Dental crowns are restorations, which are called into action when a tooth is damaged, broken or decayed. Crowns are sometimes called caps and this is because they sit on top of the natural tooth. If your tooth is infected, you’ve had an injury or accident and the tooth is broken or severely damage or you have a very large cavity, you may be advised to have a new crown.

Crowns are custom-made for the patient to ensure that they fit perfectly and they can be made from various different materials. We like to use porcelain crowns because they match the colour of the natural teeth and they also have a beautiful sheen.

Crown treatment

Before a crown is made, the tooth is prepared and this involves taking away all the rotten tooth tissue and shaping the tooth in preparation for the crown. Dental putty is used to make a mould of the tooth and this is then sent away. The crown is then manufactured by an expert dental technician. When your new crown is ready, we will fit in onto the tooth and then fix it firmly using strong adhesive. Sometimes, in the event that the tooth is infected, root canal treatment will be carried out prior to the crown being fitted; this procedure helps to remove infected pulp tissue and prevent the spread of infection through the tooth.

Crowns offer many benefits and they usually improve the aesthetic of the smile, as well as providing additional strength and functionality.

Crowns should last around 10 years provided that you look after the tooth well.

Tender Gums And Throbbing Teeth Need Dental Intervention

Saturday, September 27th, 2014

863081_blogIf you experience dental discomfort whenever you bite hot or cold, it could mean you are suffering from a dental abscess. An abscess requires urgent dental treatment and it’s advised that you come and see us straight way.

What Causes An Oral Abscess?

Oral abscesses are often the result of harmful bacteria trapped below the gum line and left to spread. This then becomes infected and turns in to an abscess when left unchecked. If you touch the abscess by accident when you talk or eat you are likely to cause yourself further pain. If you cannot get to a dentist in time we advise you to take over the counter pain-killers as a temporary solution to the discomfort.

Visit a dentist

You need to visit your dentist to treat a dental abscess as other abscesses can be treated by a GP, these however, cannot. Your dentist will need to drain the area of infection as this will ensure that the majority of harmful bacteria is removed from the infected area. We advise you to avoid eating hard, acidic or chewy food during this period as to avoid further pain. Get in touch with a City Leeds dentist if you start to experience these symptoms. We are here to help!

Is Your Day Blowing Hot And Cold? Get Treatment For Sensitivity

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

3534882_blogTooth sensitivity is a very common problem and with the sun shining and many people looking forward to enjoying ice creams, iced coffees and lollies, it’s the perfect time to get your sensitive teeth sorted. If you suffer pain when you sip on a hot drink, you wince when you bite into an apple or your teeth throb after polishing off a knickerbocker glory, there are things you can do to ease the pain and prevent sensitivity in the future.

What causes sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel becomes thin or worn and the dentin section of the tooth is exposed; this is the part of the tooth, which contains the nerves and blood vessels and this is why you feel pain when your teeth come into contact with something hot or cold. There are various causes of enamel wear, but the most common is acid erosion; this occurs when you eat acidic foods or you eat sugary foods, which prompt bacteria to release plaque acids. These acids gradually wear down the enamel, exposing the dentin and increasing the risk of decay and gum disease.

What can be done for sensitivity?

There are some simple measures you can take to avoid pain associated with sensitivity, including using a straw and cutting up fruit, rather than biting straight into an apple or pear, for example; however, there are longer term solutions available. Sensitive toothpaste is specially designed to protect the tooth enamel, as well as providing relief for tooth pain, and it can really help.

If you have sensitivity, this may be indicative of decay and we advise arranging a check-up with your dentist. If you have a cavity, we can place a filling to reduce the risk of damage to the tooth and prevent the infection from spreading through the tooth.

Heavenly Hygienists Can Help In LS1

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

658156_blogWhen it comes to keeping dental diseases at bay and ensuring your smile looks bright, clean and glossy, our hygienists have got it nailed. Our expert hygienists are on hand to provide advice, administer preventative treatments and help with the management of existing oral health problems, such as gum disease. We recommend our heavenly hygienists to everyone; even patients with beautifully clean and healthy teeth can benefit from a regular trip to the hygienist.

What do dental hygienists do?

Dental hygienists carry out a number of important roles at the practice, from providing younger patients with preventative treatments and offering advice about nutrition, oral hygiene and giving up smoking, to providing intensive cleaning treatments and helping our dentists with the treatment and management of advanced gum disease.

Dental hygienists are experts in oral hygiene and the treatments they provide are designed to clean the mouth thoroughly in a bid to prevent the spread of infection, ensure the teeth look bright and clean and reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

When should I see a dental hygienist?

It is now possible to book an appointment with a dental hygienist directly without a referral from a dentist and we encourage all our patients to visit a hygienist once a year. Hygienists provide powerful cleaning treatments, which remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth, polish the teeth and remove surface stains and cleanse the gums. You’ll be amazed at the difference just a short session with the hygienist can make to the way your teeth look and feel.

If you have a high risk of developing oral diseases or you have existing symptoms, it’s advisable to see a hygienist on a regular basis. Often, with cases of advanced gum disease, patients attend regular appointments with dentists and hygienists.

How Does A Root Canal Work To Fix Dental Decay?

Saturday, June 14th, 2014

3520145_blogIf you say the words root and canal in the same sentence, many people will shudder, but root canal treatment is actually a painless procedure, which could make the difference between saving and losing a tooth. We understand that many patients are nervous about having root canal therapy and we use anaesthetic to numb the tooth and ensure that you feel completely comfortable during the treatment session.

What is root canal treatment?

For dentists, root canal treatment is a commonly performed procedure, which involves cleaning and sealing the root canals. This treatment is usually recommended when a tooth is infected and the infection has reached the pulp, which is the living tissue of the tooth. Once the pulp is infected, the blood supply to the tooth is reduced and eventually, the tooth will start to die. At this stage there is an increased risk of abscesses and without treatment, there is often little option but to remove the tooth.

When you have root canal treatment, your dentist will numb the tooth completely before starting treatment to make sure you don’t feel any pain. They will then drill into your tooth and remove all the decayed tissue from the root canals. Once the root canals have been cleared and cleaned, they will be sealed using dental material; this stage of the process is designed to prevent the infection from spreading further through the tooth.

Once treatment is complete, it is often advisable to place a new crown over the tooth to make it stronger and protect it in the future. A temporary crown will be placed immediately afterwards and then this will be replaced with the permanent crown when it has been made by dental technicians and returned to us; this usually takes around 2 weeks.

Dental Decay? We Have The Right Treatments For You in LS1

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

1787127_blogDecay is one of the most common preventable illnesses among children and adults in the UK. If you have a cavity, we have the solution. We can restore your tooth and reduce your risk of further infection in no time!


We use fillings to fill cavities and strengthen the teeth when they have been affected by decay. Cavities form when acids released by bacteria in plaque nibble away at the protective enamel, eroding it and making it thinner and weaker. Eventually, a hole can form in the enamel and this is known as a cavity. Once there is a cavity, there is a risk that bacteria can spread to other parts of the tooth and this increases the chances of further decay and dental abscesses.

Fillings help to stop the spread of infection and we use white fillings to restore the teeth without impacting on the look of your smile. White fillings are made from dental composite, which can be matched to your natural tooth shade and shaped to fit the cavity perfectly; once the composite is in place, it is then hardened using a powerful light source. This process takes a minute and you won’t feel any pain.

We carry out treatment under local anaesthetic so you won’t feel a thing during treatment.

We are happy to replace existing metal amalgam fillings with white fillings or to fit new white fillings.

Preventing decay

We are also on hand to offer advice about preventing decay. We recommend following these simple steps: eat well and avoid sugary foods and drinks, brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly and keep up with your regular dental check-ups.

Root Canal Treatment Is Now Painless Thanks To LS1 Technology

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

iStock_000001998629XSmallIf your tooth is decayed and infected, you may be advised to consider root canal treatment. We understand that the words ‘root canal treatment’ are enough to send some patients into a frenzy of fear, but we use the latest technology and our expertise and experience to prevent pain and ensure you feel relaxed during the procedure.

Root canal treatment has been performed for many years to treat infected teeth; it is often a preferable alternative to tooth extraction and is generally recommended when an infection has reached the pulp tissue of the tooth. The pulp is the living part of the teeth and it contains the nerves and the blood vessels; once an infection reaches the pulp, the blood supply is cut off and the tooth starts to die. The risk of further infection and dental abscesses is high and root canal treatment can help to prevent these problems.

The actual procedure involves drilling into the tooth and removing the decayed tissue from the root canals; the tooth will be numbed first to ensure that you don’t feel anything and we use specially designed instruments and a state of the art microscope to minimise treatment time. Once all the decayed tissue has been taken out, the root canals are sealed using a special form of dental filling material and a crown is placed over the tooth to make it stronger and more resistant to damage.

Root canal treatment can make the difference between keeping and losing a tooth and we always endeavour to save teeth. With this treatment, you can continue to enjoy a healthy, functional smile.

Ducking a Dry Socket in Central Leeds

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

2839654_blogThere are a lot of things that can go easily wrong in your mouth, so you have to be very careful at all times, especially if you have just been worked on by your dentist in central Leeds. Healing is very important in order to maintain the health of your mouth, even more so if you have just had a tooth pulled out. What normally happens naturally here is that once a tooth has been removed, the hole will be sealed over with a blood clot that will fall out once the gums have sealed up. If however you get clumsy with your toothbrush, the way you eat, or if you choose to smoke straight after the extraction, it will cause the blood clot to fall out prematurely and then you run the gauntlet of getting a dry socket. Essentially this means that you will have the bone of your jaws below exposed to the air and open to infection- and it could get quite nasty if you are not careful. If it happens, you’ll need a daily dressing from your dentist in order to help the healing process and it could take a good week before your gums start to recover from the shock. The dressing will be soaked in a special paste that aids this healing and you are going to have to wash your mouth with either salt water or a medicated mouthwash until the hole seals itself up.

Root Canal work isn`t as bad as it sounds, says a Leeds Central dentist

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

It sounds like a medieval torture, but a root canal is a really painless and efficient way of freeing a tooth of infection. A Leeds Central dentist explains that a root canal is a very special way of saving a tooth that usually would have been lost. It all comes down to infections, which are usually caused by bad bacteria getting into the inner chamber of the tooth. This can be through infected gums or most likely a crack in the tooth itself, once in there the infection tends to keep coming back. Your dentist needs to get right to the centre of the problem, so they will start off with a little gel on the gums to deaden the sensation of the needle for the local anaesthetic. Then they will drill out the centre of the tooth and it will look like you have a hollow tooth, next will come some scraping of the infected area to get out the root of the bacteria build up. Next they will treat the area with an intense light that kills off any bacteria still lurking around. The hole is then filled in with a specially prepared filler, which contains not just a hard material to replace your enamel, but an anti bacterial formula to keep future infections away. The crack will also disappear and you will be able to use the tooth as soon as the soreness wears off in a few days, the important thing is that the tooth will be saved.

Central Leeds dentist saves tooth affected by decay

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Tooth decay is caused by a build up of a filmy, sticky substance called plaque that coats the teeth and releases acid which erodes the protective enamel layer. This causes small holes called cavities to appear in the teeth allowing bacteria to penetrate to the sensitive inner area of the tooth. Inside the tooth is the dental nerve housed in a casing of a softer material called pulp. If bacteria gets into this part of the tooth it can cause an infection that will not only be painful but could result in the death and eventual loss of the tooth.

There are a number of other dental and wider health concerns that can arise as the result of tooth decay. For example, the body’s reaction to infection is to produce more white blood cells, which bombard the infected area. This can lead to a swelling, known commonly as a tooth abscess. This can be very sensitive and painful when exposed to hot and cold food. Abscesses can also rupture, releasing the infected matter into the mouth and spreading the infection to other teeth and even into the bloodstream, which can cause wider health problems.

All of these nasty complications can be avoided by taking better care of your teeth with brushing and flossing. Removing plaque at an early stage will limit the possibility of tooth decay occurring. However, once it has occurred, there are a number of treatment options available to Central Leeds dentists. This includes filling the cavities with composite bonding or attaching a dental crown to the top part of the tooth above the gum to offer a greater degree of protection.

More serious cases of decay may need a procedure called a root canal that aims to remove all traces of the infection from inside the tooth before sealing the tooth with a dental crown. In extreme cases, dentists may need to remove the whole tooth to prevent the infection spreading further if the tooth is beyond repair.