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Posts Tagged ‘jaw pain’

The Daily Grind: We Can Help You Overcome That Bruxism

Friday, July 4th, 2014

3534882_blogYou may notice the stresses and strains of daily life when you’re panicking about getting somewhere in time or you’re lying awake in bed at night thinking about tomorrow’s presentation, but there are signs that stress might be getting to you, which are less noticeable. If you regularly wake up with headaches, pain in and around your jaw, ear ache or your partner complains about a disturbed night’s sleep, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a subconscious action, which many of us carry out on a regular basis without even knowing.

Bruxism can be associated with loose fillings or crowns or orthodontic issues affecting the alignment of the teeth, but it is most commonly linked to stress or anxiety. Grinding the teeth together may be a sign that you are feeling stressed, worried or concerned. Studies show that people who have stressful jobs, as well as those who have certain personality traits, such as being a perfectionist or a worrier, are more prone to bruxism.

How can we help?

Bruxism can cause stiffness and restricted movement in the jaw, headaches and migraines and damage to the teeth. If you suffer from dental grinding and bruxism, we can help! We can offer advice about dealing with stress and anxiety and we can also fit a protective bite guard, which helps to prevent the teeth from clashing together when you are sleeping. The guard is similar to a mouth guard, which you would wear for sport; it is custom-made to fit you perfectly, so you should be able to sleep comfortably. Wearing a guard will help to protect your teeth and prevent aches and pains, as well as enabling your partner to enjoy a peaceful night of sleep.

Grinding yourself into trouble in Leeds

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

2839654_blogThere are many issues in your mouth that can affect the health of your teeth, gums and body; the main obvious players are plaque, tooth decay and gum disease- but there are also other sinister beasties at work, one being teeth grinding. In a busy city like Leeds, the demands put on you can lead to stress and if you don’t leave this on the streets when you go home at night, you can take these stresses to bed with you and without knowing it, you will be grinding your teeth in your sleep. The early signs to look for are fatigue in the mornings and aching jaws; your dentist will also pick up on the wear and tear on your teeth and fit you out with a mouth-guard to prevent further destruction. However, this is not the core of the problem; the stress will remain, as will the grinding process. If this doesn’t stop, you will damage your jaws joints, cause problems throughout your head, and wreck your neck and upper back. Addressing what the causes of teeth grinding are will take some form of therapy to analyse what is behind the stress and once you have identified the problem, then you need to embark on a course of curing it. Teeth grinding is a very dangerous and destructive condition and it is essential you do something about it- fast.

Your Migraines May Be Caused By Dental Problems, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Have you been troubled by migraines for long? These headaches are indeed very debilitating and people who suffer from them are always on the lookout for a cure. There gets to be a point where the usual medications don’t work, at which time they start looking around for various other methods of getting rid of these headaches. Unfortunately, a good number of people do not get the right treatment for this condition because they are just not aware about any other reasons that might be causing it.
If you suffer from regular migraines, sometimes accompanied by a pain in your neck or shoulders, have you considered seeing a dentist? A City of Leeds dentist certainly thinks you should. There are certain dental conditions related to problems of the jaw that can cause pain not just in the jaw but in the surrounding areas. If your symptoms are accompanied by a clicking or popping sound in your jaw, then you can be certain that there is a connection between them.
There is an entire branch of dentistry devoted to this subject and it is called Neuromuscular Dentistry. Make sure that the dental practice you visit has a dentist who has specialized in this. You have to be very forthright in describing your symptoms and should not hold back anything because you think that it might not have any relevance to your case. With any luck, you should get a cure for your migraines as well as for any dental problems that usually accompany them.