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Posts Tagged ‘Mouth cancer screening’

Why We Screen for Oral Cancer

Friday, May 6th, 2016

1950426_sOral cancer symptoms may not present as painful or be visible to the naked eye. Delaying dental check-ups for long periods and not having oral cancer screening increases the number of people with oral cancer detected in advanced stages.

Why is screening so important?

It is very important to screen for oral cancer so that it may be identified and treated early before the disease impacts overall health or becomes life-threatening..

Symptoms of oral cancer

Patients may request oral cancer screening of they have concerns over any symptoms. Oral cancer may manifest on any part of the mouth, including the tongue and lips as:

  • sores
  • ulcers
  • a lump
  • discoloured skin
  • swollen neck lymph nodes

Signs include difficulties with swallowing, chewing and speaking.

Screening and diagnosis of oral cancer

During regular dental check-ups, dentists may ask patients if they experience such symptoms as part of the oral cancer screening process. Dentists conduct a physical examination of the mouth and where necessary may do a gum or tongue biopsy to see if any cancerous cells are present. Other diagnostic tests may include X-ray or CT scan.

Treating oral cancer

Once oral cancer is diagnosed, patients are provided with information specific to the type and stage of the cancer, and what treatments may be appropriate. The cancer may need to be surgically removed with or without radiation therapy. If you would like more information on oral cancer please contact City Dental in Leeds for more information.

Screening for Oral Cancer This Easter

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

4843159_blogThis Easter, you may be busily Easter egg hunts or days out, but spare a moment for your health. Oral cancer screening takes just a few minutes, but it could save your life. Don’t delay, call and book your appointment today.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is an increasingly common form of cancer found in the soft tissue in the mouth and throat. Last year, more than 6,000 people were affected by oral cancer in the UK and the numbers are rising year on year. The main risk factors for oral cancer include drinking alcohol, smoking and HPV infection (human papilloma virus). If you smoke and drink heavily or frequently, you are more than 30 times more likely to develop oral cancer than a non-smoker who drinks infrequently.

Sometimes, oral cancer doesn’t cause obvious symptoms, but potential warning signs to look out for include red or white patches in the mouth, lumps or swelling and ulcers or sores that take a long time to heal (more than 2 weeks).

Why is screening important?

Screening is incredibly important because it can help to ensure that treatment is provided at an early stage, when the chances of survival are much higher. If cancerous cells spread and cancer becomes more aggressive, the chances of survival decrease. Sadly, at the moment most cases are diagnosed at a late stage and consequently, survival rates for this type of cancer have stalled. With screening, we can spot signs before they become visible to the human eye and this facilitates diagnosis and treatment at a very early stage.

Screening is nothing to panic or worry about. There’s no discomfort at all and we simply use a state of the art camera to look into the mouth and detect abnormal changes in the soft tissue. The test doesn’t take long and it may give you peace of mind.


Confronting Oral Cancer in Leeds

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

It is a life-changing event if you are diagnosed with oral cancer, and you will more than likely have many unanswered questions and worries. This is where the battle really begins and you need to rally yourself for the fight and get as much support from family and friends as you can.

The greatest chance you have is if you can catch the problem in its infancy and the general signs can be a repetitive sore throat, sores or constant lumps and ulcers. You know when something is awry in your body and you’d be straight down the doctors if you felt something wrong. Similarly, you should do the same in concerns to your oral health and get to the dentists if something doesn’t feel right in your mouth.

Through a series of tests, the dentist will be able to ascertain if there is an issue, and if so, check you straight in for treatment. Early diagnosis has proved effective, for there is a high recovery rate in Leeds from oral cancer. But the fight doesn’t just stop when you are given the all-clear. You must then sit down and analyse what got you into this pickle in the first place and that means taking a long hard look at your lifestyle leading up to the diagnosis. Did you smoke, eat badly or drink excessively, because those habits will all need to be stopped to ensure that the cancer doesn’t come back.

There are a lot of support groups in place that can help you through this hard time in your life and your dentist can help to point you in the right direction.