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Posts Tagged ‘Oral Cancer City of Leeds’

Why We Screen for Oral Cancer

Friday, May 6th, 2016

1950426_sOral cancer symptoms may not present as painful or be visible to the naked eye. Delaying dental check-ups for long periods and not having oral cancer screening increases the number of people with oral cancer detected in advanced stages.

Why is screening so important?

It is very important to screen for oral cancer so that it may be identified and treated early before the disease impacts overall health or becomes life-threatening..

Symptoms of oral cancer

Patients may request oral cancer screening of they have concerns over any symptoms. Oral cancer may manifest on any part of the mouth, including the tongue and lips as:

  • sores
  • ulcers
  • a lump
  • discoloured skin
  • swollen neck lymph nodes

Signs include difficulties with swallowing, chewing and speaking.

Screening and diagnosis of oral cancer

During regular dental check-ups, dentists may ask patients if they experience such symptoms as part of the oral cancer screening process. Dentists conduct a physical examination of the mouth and where necessary may do a gum or tongue biopsy to see if any cancerous cells are present. Other diagnostic tests may include X-ray or CT scan.

Treating oral cancer

Once oral cancer is diagnosed, patients are provided with information specific to the type and stage of the cancer, and what treatments may be appropriate. The cancer may need to be surgically removed with or without radiation therapy. If you would like more information on oral cancer please contact City Dental in Leeds for more information.

Oral Cancer Diagnosed Early in Leeds

Friday, October 16th, 2015

3708143_blogLeeds dentists are fully trained to spot early signs of oral cancer

Dentists are not only trained to spot and diagnose problems with your teeth and gums, such as tooth decay and gum disease, they are also fully trained to notice the early indicators of oral cancer.  This cancer is treatable if found in its initial stages and has a high survival rate, but can be fatal.  Oral cancer is another reason why you should be sure to visit your dentist every six months.

You are at higher risk of contracting oral cancer if you are a man, as they are twice as likely to develop the disease as women.  Other high risk groups include those who smoke tobacco and drink alcohol, but about one in every four oral cancer patients are either women or people who don’t smoke or drink.  Even if you are not in a high risk group you should still be vigilant about oral cancer.

If you find small swellings in your mouth or patches that are rusty then you should report this to your dentist.  Any bleeding from the mouth might be an early sign of oral cancer and these symptoms are sometimes accompanied by sudden weight loss or difficulty and pain in the mouth while eating.

Your dentist is best placed to examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer at your six month check ups but you can use your finger to examine your mouth at home for swellings and look in the mirror for discoloured patches.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? City of London dentists are here to help

Ask your City Dental Leeds dentist for more information about how to guard against oral cancer. Methods include ceasing the smoking of tobacco, cutting down alcohol consumption and keeping your diet healthy.

How Oral Cancer Screening can Mean the Difference Between Life and Death

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

944335_blogIt may sound dramatic and far-fetched to say that a trip to the dentist could save your life, but with oral cancer screening, this really is the case. We are eager to encourage as many of our patients as possible to undergo screening in order to ensure that any potential signs or symptoms can be spotted at the earliest stage. Screening takes just a few minutes, but it can really make the difference between life and death.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is found in the soft tissue inside the mouth and throat. Although it is relatively unknown compared to some other forms of cancer, it is actually becoming increasingly prevalent in the UK and it kills more people every year than cervical and testicular cancer combined. In the last ten years, the number of cases has almost doubled and experts predict that this is a trend that will continue in the future.

The main symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • slow-healing ulcers and mouth sores
  • abnormal swelling and lumps
  • difficulty swallowing
  • a persistent sort throat
  • red or white patches in the mouth

There have been major advances in cancer treatment in recent years, but in the case of oral cancer there has been little improvement in survival rates. This is largely due to the fact that many people are not diagnosed until an advanced stage where there is a high risk that cancerous cells have already spread.

Why is screening important?

Symptoms of oral cancer can be hard to spot and this is why screening is so important. With screening, we use the latest technology to spot early changes in the tissue, which may be early indicators of cancer. Once these changes have been identified, further tests can be arranged and a diagnosis can be confirmed or ruled out. Early diagnosis can have a radical impact on survival chances, increasing rates from less than 50 percent up to over 90 percent.

What happens when you have an oral cancer screening test?

Oral cancer screening is quick, painless and very simple. We use specially designed technology to look inside the mouth and identify abnormal changes in the tissue, which are highlighted using different shades of light. The test takes just a few minutes and you won’t feel any pain or discomfort at all.

Call us now to book your oral screening test.

Managing Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

We all know our mouths quite well in the city of Leeds and should be able to identify problems when they arise. Getting down to the dentist fast will probably eradicate any problems. But it is when things like ulcers, cold-sores, sore throats and jaw aches keep offending regularly rather indicates sometime worse is afoot, and it could be oral cancer. If you are seriously concerned about anything going awry, your dentist will do a few tests on you in order to identify the problem. If your worse fears are realised and you do have oral cancer, then you will be sent for treatment immediately. The thing about oral cancer is that though it seems to be on the rise, if caught early on, it can be treated successfully, though it will be a battle the will change your life and the way you live your life after the treatment. Though the disease remains a bit of a mystery as to why it still continues to flourish, modern lifestyle is considered to be at the root of it. Poor diet will diminish the fight that your immune system puts up against disease and the stresses of modern living can also make you weak. But smoking, heavy drinking and cheap fast foods are also considered to lend a hand to the disease which is why you should learn all you can to avoid the disease from your dentist, and how to go about fighting it if diagnosed.