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Posts Tagged ‘Periodontal disease Central Leeds’

The Effect Periodontal Disease Has On Your Health

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

944335_blogPeriodontal disease can cause a number of problems to oral health, often leading to the need for treatment like dental implants if not properly taken care of. It leads to bad breath and a growing number of studies have found that it can also cause a loosened hold on teeth from the gums and the eventual loss of teeth.

The disease is usually brought on by poor dental health and is becoming an increasingly common risk to oral health worldwide. It can be hindered from both the dental studio and at home and many dentists are urging patients at risk of the disease or who already suffer from it to use additional oral cleaning equipment such as rinses, floss and tongue scrapers.

A study at Kyushu Dental College in Japan attempted to answer the question: “Does periodontitis cause halitosis or does it occur alongside oral odour?” Halitosis is another word for bad breath and can be caused by a number of things, including dry mouth or particular foods and potentially periodontitis.

The study was conducted by observing the oral health of those with periodontal disease and those without. 101 adults volunteered for the experiment and their oral health was inspected. The volunteers included those with good oral health and those with periodontal disease. Saliva samples were taken from each patient in an attempt to discover exactly how periodontitis and bad breath are related.

The study eventually discovered that the presence of the bacteria – bacteroides forsythus – in the main area of the mouth shows positive links to bad breath. The bacteria is usually only found underneath the gums of people suffering from advanced periodontal decay.

The discovery of the exact bacteria present in the mouth of a person suffering from periodontal disease should go a long way towards curing halitosis in those with the disease, with eventual hopes that a prevention of the disease can be found. If this is not the case treatment such as dental implants may be recommended.

Learn About Periodontal Disease And Its Symptoms

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

3268322_blogPeriodontal disease is a stage of gum disease. It infects the tissues that support your teeth and the bone that surrounds them.  Along with tooth decay it’s one of the two most major threats to a person’s dental health and thus should be taken very seriously.

Symptoms of gum disease

It begins as gingivitis as the gums become red and swollen, eventually causing them to bleed. If it’s left untreated for a period of time, gingivitis can then develop into something a lot more severe called periodontitis and this can spell disaster. With periodontitis the teeth can be severely loosened and may even fall out entirely. This is because periodontitis causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and the surrounding bone can be lost. It is important to do your best to ensure that this disease doesn’t take effect or have time to develop. It’s a good idea to look out for some of the symptoms that precede periodontal disease, including bad breath, red or swollen gums, pain when chewing, and sensitive or loose teeth. But if you don’t manage to prevent it from occurring there are ways to manage it.

How can it be treated?

To keep gingivitis at bay it’s absolutely vital to both floss and brush regularly as this stops bacteria building up in between teeth and on the gums. Seeing a dentist at least once a year could mean the difference between gingivitis being caught early and therefore not developing into the far more severe periodontitis. If you suffer from any of the preceding symptoms that were mentioned earlier, it’s even more necessary to see a dental professional. A dentist is able to do a lot more intensive treatments that will help, such as prescribing medicines, deep cleaning of the tooth root surfaces and sometimes, if necessary, corrective surgery.

Book an appointment today for a dental check-up at City Dental Leeds.

Watching out for Periodontal Disease in Central Leeds

Friday, December 27th, 2013

4390244_blogOral hygiene is a very important part of your daily routine in central Leeds and it must be maintained to the highest standard you can; you also have your dentist in tow should you ever miss something. You see, your mouth is very vulnerable to the constant threat of plaque and this is where all problems start in the mouth. If allowed to progress, it can lead to the gums becoming diseased, the teeth decayed and then you could be into periodontal disease- plus the threat of an abscess or too. This will eat away at the bone structure below the teeth and in time, you will start to lose them. If your mouth has got to this stage, it will take a monumental and costly effort to turn around; it could involve quite complex bone and tissue grafting and it could jeopardise the future health of your mouth. If you show any signs of bleeding/weeping gums or suffer from toothache, then do something about it straight away; get to your dentist and get patched upon to prevent periodontal disease setting in.

Avoiding the pitfalls of Periodontal Disease in Central Leeds

Monday, December 26th, 2011

There are so many things to be aware of when it comes to looking after the health of your teeth and gums in centralLeedsand it can often blind you with science. So, it may be wise for you to sit down for a couple of days and dedicate yourself to learning all about the health of your mouth and how it all works. Problems start quickly if you are vague with your oral hygiene and to throw in a scenario- what would happen if you didn’t clean your teeth ever: the food left between your teeth would start to rot and breed bacteria and soon you’d have a build up of plaque and tartar around the teeth. This will cause gum disease and tooth decay, with the possibility of abscesses forming. In the meantime, the tooth decay will start to eat deep into the jaw bone and then you are into periodontal disease. This condition means that you are in serious trouble; for a start you may have lost all of your teeth at this point, but if you haven’t you a going to have to work very hard to turn this condition around. It may require some bone and gum grafting to get your mouth back on track and…….. Well, as much as this is a horror story, it can be avoided with a few simple rules. Oral hygiene- keep it good and regular after every meal and especially if you love your stodgy and sugary foods. Check your bad habits such smoking and drinking and try to cut down, but most importantly, ensure you maintain a good relationship with your dentist and make regular visits, even if you have the slightest of doubts about your mouth.