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Posts Tagged ‘Reduced bone density’

Discover The Convenience Of Mini-Dental Implants

Monday, August 4th, 2014

2607696_blogA lot is known about the stability that full size dental implants provide but not as many people are aware of the smaller variety – mini dental implants. They are really great for patients unable to cope with full sized dental implants through lack of bone density. Mini-implants can help you smile with confidence once more.

Mini dental implants

Made from titanium, just like regular dental implants, they act as a replacement for the root of your tooth. Different types of dental restorations can be held in place securely by mini implants but they are most commonly used to secure dentures in place.

Traditional dentures are only secured in place through suction and can be painful and discouraging for some. Mini implant retained dentures erase discomfort, allowing you to enjoy your food as you would with your natural teeth.

The benefits

If you love food, and don’t want to experience the embarrassment of your denture falling out as you speak or eat then mini dental implant retained dentures could be for you. They don’t  cover the roof of the mouth like traditional dentures to be held in place. This means you can enjoy your favourite foods and maintain your dignity without any fear of the dentures falling out. This stability is key to many City Leeds patients dental well being.