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Posts Tagged ‘root canal procedure’

Stop Infection in its Tracks with a Root Canal Procedure

Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

585986_blogTooth pulp infection may occur due to tooth decay, a dental abscess or oral injury where a tooth is damaged. In such cases, root canal treatment may be necessary to remove the decayed pulp tissue, seal the inner tooth and to restore the tooth structure to good health.

Root canal surgery is used to clear oral infection, prevent tooth loss and protect the body from infection. Incessant toothache is a sign that dental pulp infection may be present.

In some cases, the tooth may be so damaged that tooth extraction is necessary. Patients then have a range of choices to replace the missing tooth, such as crown, bridge or dental implants.

Root canal treatment procedures

Initially, an oral examination is done with dental X-rays or imaging to identify the extent of dental damage and oral infection. During the operation, patients are given a local anaesthetic for pain-free treatment. In some cases, a general anaesthetic may be provided.

Surgical instruments are used to remove infected tooth pulp from the root canal and tooth. A special dental fluid is then used to wash the root canal and tooth out, removing all tissue and debris so that the site is clean and ready to be sealed. Dental filler is used to seal the treated tooth before a tooth restoration, such as a dental filling or crown is fitted.

Root canal treatment and recovery

For a week after treatment, patients should avoid biting on the site. Initially, painkillers may be used to treat any discomfort. Once the tooth is restored with permanent dental restoration, there should be no pain. Teeth cleaning and dental check-ups should continue as normal. If you think you would like a check-up for oral infection please contact the team at City Dental in Leeds.

What Is Involved In Root Canal Treatment?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

585811_blogRoot canal treatment is an endodontic procedure, which means that it involves the tooth pulp; the pulp is the living tissue of the tooth. Usually, root canal treatment is performed when a tooth is decayed or infected and the infection has spread to the pulp and it is often an alternative to tooth extraction.

What exactly does root canal treatment involve?

Before you have root canal treatment, your dentist will numb your tooth completely using local anaesthetic which helps to ensure that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. Once the tooth is numb, your dentist will use a drill to access the root canals and any decayed or damaged pulp tissue will be removed and the canals will be cleared, cleaned and sealed. The root canals are filled with gutta percha, a dental filling material, to prevent the infection from spreading. Once the procedure is complete, a temporary crown is usually placed and this will be replaced by a permanent restoration around 2 weeks later. Placing a new crown strengthens the tooth and helps to reduce the risk of further infection. Before the crown is placed, the tooth is shaped and an impression is made; the impression is sent to a dental laboratory and your new bespoke crown will be fabricated by a skilled technician.

Are there any alternatives to root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is usually considered as an alternative to tooth extraction, which involves removing the tooth; in effect, this procedure can help to save a tooth. In most cases, a dentist will do everything to can to prevent removing a tooth and root canal treatment is generally preferred to extraction. In cases where the damage or decay is very severe and it is not possible to save the tooth, extraction will be carried out and it is advisable to consider tooth replacement treatment. Replacement options include dental implants, dental bridges and dentures.

Is root canal really as bad as everyone says?

There’s an assumption that root canal treatment is a scary and painful experience, but in reality, this is not the case. The procedure is conducted under local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain. It is true that you may experience mild discomfort after the effects of the anaesthetic start to wear off at home; however, taking over the counter pain relief can usually ease temporary discomfort. If you are anxious about having root canal treatment, don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist.


Treatment For Tooth Decay In The City Of Leeds

Saturday, November 8th, 2014

This festive season, don’t let dental decay spoil your fun! If you’ve got dental pain or sensitivity, this may be a sign of infection, but there’s no need to panic: we can provide root canal treatment to ease your pain and protect your tooth.

If a tooth infection has spread to the pulp tissue, root canal treatment is a means of saving the tooth; often, the other alternative is to extract the tooth. The pulp contains the living tissue of the tooth, including the blood vessels and the nerves; once the pulp has become infected, the tooth starts to die and the risk of infection spreading through the tooth increases.

What happens when you have root canal treatment?

Before root canal treatment begins, the tooth is numbed using local anaesthetic; this ensures that you remain completely comfortable during the procedure. Once the tooth is numb, your dentist will drill into the tooth to reach the root canals; they will then remove the decayed tissue and clean the root canals thoroughly; the root canals will then be filled using dental material called gutta percha. The root canals are then sealed. It is common to place a new crown after root canal treatment; this helps to make the tooth stronger and it can also have aesthetic benefits.

The benefits of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a really effective solution for an infected tooth and it often prevents the need for extraction. Many people worry that root canal treatment will be very painful, but we use local anaesthetic teamed with our expertise to ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed throughout. This treatment reduces the risk of infection spreading through the tooth and helps to decrease the chances of needing the tooth extracted in the future.

Patient’s tooth saved with porcelain crown from Leeds dentist

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Porcelain crowns are ceramic caps that are fixed over damaged teeth to protect them from further damage and preserve their functionality. They are commonly used to repair damage caused by chipped, cracked or broken teeth and can also be used to add extra security to dental processes such as root canal procedures and fillings.

If a tooth is fractured or a portion is chipped away, a dentist will initially try to repair the damage with composite resin, or dental bonding as it is otherwise known. If the area damaged is too large, or the fracture too severe, the only option may be to use a crown to cap the tooth and preserve its structural integrity. Likewise, if a filling or dental inlay is sufficiently large it may need a dental crown to provide extra security from further damage and in some cases to enable the patient to keep the tooth.

Porcelain is a type of ceramic that is very durable and also has the benefit of appearing just like tooth enamel. Porcelain can be chosen to closely resemble the colour of the patient’s existing teeth which also makes it look more realistic. Porcelain crowns may be more expensive than crowns made form other ceramic material or bonding but they will last much longer and are therefore cheaper in the long run. A porcelain crown can last as long as twenty years compared to the average five-year life span of other materials.

Dental crowns are not always the first choice of repair as they involve the removal of enamel before they can be fixed. This enamel removal is becoming less important as technology improves and crowns become thinner, but dentists are always slightly reluctant to remove any enamel unless absolutely necessary. Crown technology has also seen the advent of computer-aided design and manufacture which is greatly reducing the amount of time needed to fit a crown.

Dental crowns are a vital part of both preventative and cosmetic dentistry. They can make the difference between keeping a tooth and losing it and can also fully restore the appearance of the dental arc. A Leeds dentist will be able to examine any damage you have sustained to your teeth and assess whether you would benefit form a porcelain crown.

Dental check ups from City of Leeds dentist prevents dental decay

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Look after your teeth and they will last a lifetime. So the saying goes, and there really is a lot of truth in it. Caring for your teeth involves making only small sacrifices but just these few preventative measures could prevent years of misery caused by dental decay and other associated dental problems. Having problems with your teeth is no laughing matter as anyone who has had a root canal procedure will tell you but can easily be avoided by following a few simple rules.

The first rule of dental care is to brush and floss thoroughly every day. Dentists recommend that patients brush their teeth twice a day for three minutes and floss at least once a day. By doing this you help to keep plaque at bay. Plaque is a bacteria-rich substance that erodes tooth enamel causing dental decay and eventually tooth loss. By regular and effective brushing you can stop the build up of plaque and help protect your teeth. This is the most important way of maintaining good dental health.

Very close on its heels however, is keeping up regular check ups with your dentist. It is advisable to see your dentist every six months even if you are experiencing no problems with your teeth. Even the most ardent and strict tooth cleaner may be susceptible to dental decay and catching it early could be the difference between keeping and losing a tooth. Dentists are also able to examine and clean areas of the teeth that are very difficult to clean with manual brushing and flossing. These are the areas that are most at risk from dental decay, precisely because they are hard to reach.

As well as giving teeth a thorough clean, a dentist can also offer further advice on effective cleaning, treat any first signs of decay or other dental problems and examine you mouth for other dental concerns such as gum disease and oral cancer. In the world of dentistry prevention is always better than cure. Half an hour at a City of Leeds dentist every six months could save you time and money in the future and help to keep your teeth and mouth clean and healthy for a lifetime.