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Posts Tagged ‘tongue cleaning leeds’

Cleaning Your Tongue – An Easier Business Than You Thought!

Monday, November 16th, 2015

2823674_blogMany people neglect their tongue when they clean their mouths, either simply from not knowing it should be cleaned or from not knowing the correct way to clean it. Many people simply don’t see the point in thoroughly cleaning their tongue, but it is actually strongly recommended by dentists.

It is advised to brush your teeth twice a day to dislodge plaque and food debris from your teeth and gums and to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. In comparison, the smooth surface of your tongue makes it hard for plaque to take root and it is often washed away by saliva. As such it isn’t as necessary to clean your tongue as often in regards to preventing gum and tooth decay.

So why should I clean my tongue?

The main reason it is advised to clean the tongue is to prevent bad breath. Although it is very hard for plaque to get a foothold on the tongue, bacteria that can cause bad breath is often found at the rear of the tongue, towards the throat. Although not dangerous in the same way as plaque, this can lead to very poor smelling breath if it is allowed to build up.

How should I clean my tongue?

Using a regular toothbrush on your tongue at the same time as you brush your teeth is an effective and simple way of getting rid of bacteria. When you brush your tongue you don’t need to put too much force behind it, this could cause more damage than good. Because the area mostly affected by this bacteria is the back of the tongue, using a toothbrush can sometimes make you gag. To stop this, specifically designed tongue cleaners known as tongue scrapers can be bought from many pharmacies or supermarkets.

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Anyone who is suffering from bad breath should clean their tongue on a regular basis if they are not already doing so as it is one of the leading reasons for bad breath. It should also be remembered that the best way to go about this is to clean the very back of the tongue, using either a toothbrush or a tongue scraper.

Why Taking Care of Your Tongue is So Important

Sunday, October 25th, 2015

357249_blogYou may assume that brushing your teeth is enough to keep oral health diseases at bay, however bacteria is present in all areas of the mouth and it is important to keep your tongue and gums clean, as well as your teeth.

Brushing and cleansing your tongue

You may be unaware but the back of your tongue has the highest concentration of microorganisms in your mouth and therefore keeping it clean is of vital importance. These microorganisms can contribute to oral health conditions, such as gum disease and decay, as well as bad breath (also known as halitosis). This is a very common problem, affecting 90% of people at some point in their lives.

Cleaning your tongue can help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay and keep your mouth feeling and smelling fresh and clean. You can use a traditional toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your tongue, but it is better to use a special tongue cleanser. Research shows that tongue cleansers are seven times more effective in reducing bacteria associated with bad breath than using a toothbrush alone.

Why is tongue cleansing important?

The tongue is a hotspot for bacteria and bacteria contribute to bad breath and oral health diseases. Removing bacteria helps to reduce the risk of these conditions and also keeps the mouth smelling fresh. Bad breath is a very common problem and can affect people’s confidence and the way they behave around other people. In the vast majority of cases bad breath reflects problems in the mouth and it is advisable to see your dentist.

Adding tongue cleansing to your usual oral hygiene routine will help to protect your teeth and gums from disease and ensure that you enjoy good oral health.

Scrubbing your Tongue in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 5th, 2014

585804_blogMany people generally know how to clean their teeth and gums correctly in the city of Leeds; you get the right products and learn how to use them. Doing this will remove bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and greatly reduce the opportunity of plaque getting a grip. What you might not though is that you should also clean your tongue as well. The tongue harbours more bacteria than any other part of the mouth and however much you clean your teeth and gums, the bacteria from the tongue will simply spread again as soon as you have brushed. Many modern hand held brushes have a tongue scrubber on the underside and you should use this every time you brush, especially if you are a smoker. However you need to be gentle when doing this otherwise you can cause damage. You can also use the brush to do this- electric brushes are extremely good for this, but again, go easy- the tongue is very delicate. You don’t necessarily have to do this each day, but just keep an eye out each night for discolouration on the tongue’s surface and once you have cleaned it then rinse with a mouthwash for a total cleanse of your mouth.

Tongue care in the City of Leeds

Monday, August 6th, 2012

We are behind constantly reminded about the benefits of good oral hygiene in the city of Leeds and it is important in order to keep our mouths healthy and free of bacteria.

Bacteria can quickly lead to plaque and then tooth decay, gum disease and eventually tooth loss. There are enough products in the form of toothbrushes, pastes, flosses and mouth-washes to help keep any problems at bay. But in all honesty, how many of you can admit to cleaning your tongue as well? The tongue is probably the greatest harbourer of bacteria in your mouth and however well you clean your teeth and gums, bacteria from the tongue can quickly transfer onto the areas you have cleaned.

On the market now, you can buy toothbrushes that have a tongue scraper, or you can get a tool that only focuses on the tongue. Essentially, you need to scrape the tongue a couple of times and then rinse with a good, strong mouth-wash, this will ensure that the bacteria is killed and/or removed and your tongue left with a nice pink hue- which is what you are aiming for as it implies that it is healthy.