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Posts Tagged ‘wisdom teeth’

Get Wise About Wisdom Teeth!

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

18625010Many people groan when others mention the words ‘wisdom teeth’, and sometimes they have good reason. For some, the wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems, but occasionally they can be very troublesome and if this is the case, extraction may be recommended.

A bit about wisdom teeth

The wisdom teeth are so-called because they develop in adult life when we are supposed to be wise, but they are also known as the third molars. These are the last teeth to erupt and there are four in total, with one located in each corner of the mouth. In some cases, the wisdom teeth develop without causing any discomfort at all, but often they are painful because there is not enough space for them to grow properly. If this is the case, the teeth can start to grow at an angle and push against the neighbouring teeth. This is known as an impacted tooth.

Why would I need my wisdom tooth extracted?

If your tooth is impacted or it has become decayed, the best course of action may be to remove the tooth. Strictly speaking, you don’t need your wisdom teeth and you will be able to cope just fine without them, so extraction can save you a lot of unnecessary pain.

The procedure

Wisdom tooth extraction is essentially very similar to normal tooth extraction, in that the tooth is loosened in the socket and then pulled out using specially designed dental instruments; however, it is often complicated by the location of the tooth and the angle it is positioned at and in this case, expertise is required. Our highly trained dentists have experience in oral surgery and will do all they can to remove your tooth with the minimum amount of fuss. We can offer sedation for extraction procedures if you are feeling nervous and we are on hand to offer advice after the procedure. It is normal to experience mild pain after extraction and we recommend taking over the counter pain relief.

Don’t Be A Fool – Keep Those LS1 Wisdom Teeth In Check

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

863081_blogIf you’re one of those people that instantly feels anxious when the words wisdom and teeth are uttered in the same sentence, we have good news! We have highly trained dentists who can help to alleviate pain caused by troublesome wisdom teeth and enable you to smile again!

The wisdom teeth are the final adult teeth to develop and they usually start to erupt between the ages of 16 and 25 years old, although this can vary wildly. Often, the wisdom teeth pop out with no trouble at all, but sometimes they really make their presence known and they can be very painful.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?

In some cases the wisdom teeth can be very painful because there is not enough space in the jaw for them to grow and develop normally. If there is a lack of space in the jaw, the tooth may start to grow towards the neighbouring tooth and push through at an angle and this is referred to as an impacted tooth. Impacted teeth can be painful and it may be the best course of action to remove them. Extraction is often recommended for the wisdom teeth because these teeth are not needed and they can cause more trouble than they are worth; removing troublesome teeth saves you from feeling pain and allows more room for your other teeth.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal is often recommended when a patient complains that they are suffering pain as a result of the teeth pushing through. Extraction is fundamentally the same as extracting any other tooth, but it can be a more complex procedure due to the fact that the tooth is located right at the back of the mouth; the angle of the impacted tooth can also be problematic.

We offer local anaesthetic and sedation for wisdom tooth removal to make you feel more comfortable and prevent pain.

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth in the City of Leeds

Friday, January 17th, 2014

3492515_blogJust when you think you have come through the worst that growing up with your teeth has thrown at you- you know, decay and fillings, secondary teeth coming through, braces and the like- BANG, wisdom teeth, and for most people this can be a mare of a time. Wisdom teeth don’t play by any rules; some may come through perfectly normal and can be with you for life, but generally, the modern mouth hasn’t evolved to have enough room for these big boys to come through, and as soon as the teeth get wind of this, they tend to grow in all directions and they may not even show at all- this is especially common with the lower wisdom teeth. This can be excruciatingly painful and the only remedy is to have them taken out. Now if you have this done, you may as well get it over with and get all four taken out at once. This will mean being hospitalised for a few days as it is a very tricky operation and there is a lot of force involved at removing these baddies. You’ll need to look after yourself and be very aware of your oral hygiene during this delicate time, just until the stitches can come out. The only solace here is this is the last serious thing that you and your teeth will naturally have to endure for the rest of your life in the city of Leeds…..he says!


The woes of Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

2143132_blogAh, the trials and tribulations of wisdom teeth: when these decide to make their debut in central Leeds, it can be quite a dramatic time for you. Wisdom teeth play by their own rules; on a good day, they may erupt quite naturally and though there will be some discomfort, it can be countered with soothing gels, herbal remedies and painkillers until they break through the gums- and if you are lucky, your wisdom teeth will be with you for life. However, for the majority of people, the story is very different; if there is not enough room to break through, wisdom teeth can grow in all directions and never show up at all- they become impacted. The inevitable outcome of this is to have them removed. Now this is not an easy procedure as the roots of the teeth are three-pronged and their foundations are strong, which means you may have to go into hospital, in which case, you will probably have all four out in one go. This is a delicate operation which requires a lot of force during the extraction and may well see you with stitches in your mouth for a while after until your mouth and body has fully recovered from the trauma.


There’s no Wisdom when it comes to Tooth Pain in Leeds

Monday, April 1st, 2013

When you grow up, your teeth go through a lot of changes- teething, secondary teeth and later maybe braces, but just when you think you have been through the worst of it all, along comes your wisdom teeth. Now this may not be a problem for the lucky few and some people live quite happily with them for the rest of your life; for most people in Leeds however, this is quite a painful time. The problem with these teeth is there just isn’t enough room for them to erupt naturally and so they grow in all manner of directions and may never even show, and then they become impacted and can cause a lot of pain: for the overall health of the mouth and to prevent further agony, compacted need to be extracted and this is why many people have all four done at once to get it. For the teeth that do come through, they can still cause problems as they break through and be painful; all you can do is to use soothing gels, painkillers and herbal clove oil to help take away some of the discomfort until the tissue breaks and then when it is over, you should be careful how you clean the gums, as they will be tender. Medicated mouthwash should be used and you should rinse with warm salt water after cleaning, as this will promote healing.


Preparing for Wisdom Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

There are some crisis’ that crop up in the mouth that can catch you quite off-guard, however, there are some you can get yourself prepared for well in advance and when it comes to the time your wisdom teeth are due an appearance, you may need to be ready, ready in the sense that you have a lot of medicine at hand should it be required.

Wisdom teeth are a force in their own right and have their own rules governing how they grow. For some lucky people in the city of Leeds, the teeth will erupt with the minimum of fuss and discomfort- you may be able to get by with a few painkillers and an anaesthetic gel, and the teeth will live with you happily ever after.

In most cases though, problems begin when there is not enough room to come through and the tooth will become impacted, that is, it could grow in any direction and never break through. This can cause tremendous pain and there is no other option but to remove the tooth. Wisdom teeth removal is a very dangerous operation as a lot of force may be required for extraction and this can cause tremendous pressure throughout the head.

If you have any worries about this coming event, you should find out as much as you can from your dentist beforehand.

Wisdom Teeth Coming Through? City of Leeds Dentist Discusses Options

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

Normally appearing between the ages of 18 and 25, wisdom are the final teeth to fully develop. All people possess wisdom teeth, though many people will never notice their appearance. Some people will suffer from impacted wisdom teeth when there is not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to fit. When this occurs it will likely be necessary to visit your City of Leeds dentist to have the wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth become impacted in different ways depending on the angle at which they grow. Wisdom teeth growing forwards are referred to as mesial impactions. Vertical impaction is when the teeth attempt to grow upwards but are blocked by other teeth. And sideways growing teeth are called horizontal impactions. Distal impaction occurs when the wisdom tooth grows in the opposite direction to the teeth on either side. Your dentist will be able to diagnose which of these you may be suffering from, and will be able to operate in the appropriate way to fix the teeth.

The arrival of your wisdom teeth may be accompanied by some pain. Visit your dentist to check they are developing in the correct manner and they may be able to help with the pain. Having your wisdom teeth checked early means you and the dentist have a wider range of options in dealing with them. It may well be the case that there is enough room for the wisdom teeth and it is safe and healthy to let the teeth develop naturally.

Painful Wisdom Teeth in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

A pain in the backside is nothing compared to a pain in the mouth in the city of Leeds and one of the most annoying is the time wisdom teeth rear their heads and decide to put in an appearance- this is a very tricky and complex time for some people. For some, the teeth come through quite easily and it’s all done and dusted in a couple of weeks. For others however, the wisdom teeth can grow at all angles which will involve having them removed, but before hand, they can be very painful. But there are ways you can make the whole experience a little easier. If you liaison with a dentist before this all gets started, they will be able to advise you about what’s coming; you can take pain-killers to take the ‘sting’ out of the process until the teeth come through and there are some good natural remedies around to help soothe the process. But throughout, one of the greatest factors to be aware of is to keep your mouth hygienic so that you avoid infection to the gums. Good cleaning, flossing and mouthwashes can help to avoid pain and infection; chewing gum can also help ease the process. But you should also not stand on ceremony either because if the pain becomes unbearable, you may need to take emergency measures by calling your dentist or getting your backside down to the hospital.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth In Central Leeds

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Between the ages of 17-25, almost all of us will be subject to the problem of wisdom teeth. In some people, they never develop, but if they do, they can cause multitude of problems, according to dentists in central Leeds. Generally, as wisdom teeth grow, there is not enough room for them to come through or they can grow at angles due to overcrowding- forwards, backwards, downwards, sideways. Sometimes, the teeth do not erupt at all. These situations are known as impacting and can lead to swelling, serious infections to other teeth, bad breath and tooth decay. Cavities can form, along with periodontitis, cysts and tumours. If a patient suffers such dental problems with their wisdom teeth, they should be removed. On the other hand, healthy impacted teeth only need to be monitored. Removing the teeth presents problems as well- nerve damage, damage to other teeth, bleeding and in rare cases, death. Such decisions about wisdom teeth are made by the dentist after x-rays and consultation. If the conclusion is that all four teeth are to be removed at the same time, it’s likely that the operation with be carried out in hospital. But in the case of only one extraction being necessary, this can be done by the dentist using a local anaesthetic. After the teeth are removed, the dentist will demand a strict regime of oral hygiene- such is the delicate nature of this procedure, infection at this stage can lead to serious complications and health problems.

Experiencing wisdom teeth pain? See a City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Are you experiencing a terrible pain at the back of your mouth? Then it could be that your wisdom teeth are erupting and causing trouble. It is not always the case that wisdom teeth cause pain and dental complications but some patients have too little room in their dental arc to accommodate any more teeth. This can cause the teeth to come through at an angle or get stuck against other teeth. Wisdom teeth affect more than three quarters of people in their twenties so it is always worth going to see a City of Leeds dentist to see if your wisdom teeth are likely to cause you problems.

The symptoms of wisdom teeth pain are a sore and tender feeling in the gums and jaw, headaches, swelling, bad taste in the mouth and very often, bad breath. It is possible for some people to feel a slightly uncomfortable and nauseating feeling even if the teeth are not coming through at an angle or causing a disruption. Painkillers such as aspirin and paracetmol can usually treat this kind of pain but you should see a doctor if the pain persists.

Impacted wisdom teeth are often removed if they are causing too much pain. This will happen in a dental surgery under a local anaesthetic. The process involves the dentist breaking the tooth into pieces to allow an easier removal of the tooth. Patients will usually feel pain and experience swelling after the surgery but this will recede after a few days. There are occasionally complications with removals so you will need to see your dentists soon after the operation to ensure there are no complications.