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The nasty nature of Bad Breath in Central Leeds

758140_blogBad breath is a horrible condition to suffer from in central Leeds; it can hold you back from truly expressing yourself in public and make you a social outcast. Worse than this though is that it implies that things are going wrong with the general status quo of your mouth and body and if you suffer from it, you should sit down and analyse it with your dentist and work through the possible causes of it. Firstly, you should check-out the state of your mouth, for if you are suffering from tooth decay and/or gum disease, these will give off foul odours in your mouth; of course this would have been caused by poor oral hygiene- so this needs to be addressed, as well as getting patched up by your dentist. However, you will also need to look into your daily lifestyle: do you drink, smoke and eat rubbish foods…..because if you do, this is a bad cocktail for your breath. Of course, a bad diet will also break down your immune system and cause problems throughout your body: if you go through these issues one by one and yet still the condition remains, this is very serious as it could mean that you are having gastric problems and you will need to see a doctor. Bad breath is not just a problem superficially, so please do something about it as soon as you can- it’s your life on the line here.

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