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Don’t Be A Fool – Keep Those LS1 Wisdom Teeth In Check

863081_blogIf you’re one of those people that instantly feels anxious when the words wisdom and teeth are uttered in the same sentence, we have good news! We have highly trained dentists who can help to alleviate pain caused by troublesome wisdom teeth and enable you to smile again!

The wisdom teeth are the final adult teeth to develop and they usually start to erupt between the ages of 16 and 25 years old, although this can vary wildly. Often, the wisdom teeth pop out with no trouble at all, but sometimes they really make their presence known and they can be very painful.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?

In some cases the wisdom teeth can be very painful because there is not enough space in the jaw for them to grow and develop normally. If there is a lack of space in the jaw, the tooth may start to grow towards the neighbouring tooth and push through at an angle and this is referred to as an impacted tooth. Impacted teeth can be painful and it may be the best course of action to remove them. Extraction is often recommended for the wisdom teeth because these teeth are not needed and they can cause more trouble than they are worth; removing troublesome teeth saves you from feeling pain and allows more room for your other teeth.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal is often recommended when a patient complains that they are suffering pain as a result of the teeth pushing through. Extraction is fundamentally the same as extracting any other tooth, but it can be a more complex procedure due to the fact that the tooth is located right at the back of the mouth; the angle of the impacted tooth can also be problematic.

We offer local anaesthetic and sedation for wisdom tooth removal to make you feel more comfortable and prevent pain.

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