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Handling a Rotten Tooth in Central Leeds

4868361_blogA rotten tooth is the direct result of terribly poor oral hygiene in central Leeds but if you don’t act on it, it can lead to horrible complications in the future. A tooth becomes rotten when plaque is not removed from around it: plaque is the start of all evil in the mouth and if you don’t brush your teeth properly, it will leap in with gay abandon. Caries will first start to appear and then you will need a filling; left any longer though and the decay will get inside your tooth and poison the pulp and the roots, Now you are in gum disease and abscess world and you really don’t want to be going down this avenue at all- because both are vicious and dangerous to your health. As long as you maintain a high level of oral hygiene at home and watch what you put in your mouth each day, you should fend off any threat of decay attacking your teeth. However, your dentist is your best ally on this front; just a quick look will determine if anything is going wrong, and if it has, it will be fixed quickly- but don’t take any chances when your teeth show signs of going rotten.


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