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How OsteoCare Dental Implants Can Work For You In Central Leeds

iStock_000001998629XSmallWe are delighted to offer OsteoCare dental implants in the heart of Leeds. These amazing implants are created by British company, OsteoCare, which was founded in 1999 and has grown extensively to become one of the world’s leading implant systems.

We use OsteoCare because they have a proven track record, they produce incredible aesthetics and they provide durability and functionality.

Why are Osteocare implants better than other implants?

OsteoCare implants offer a range of advantages, including:

  • Cost: OsteoCare implants are more affordable than other implants because of the simplicity of treatment and reduced treatment time.
  • Simplicity: the procedure to fit OsteoCare dental implants is much less invasive than other implant treatments because there is no need to create a gum flap; this also helps to reduce healing time and decrease the risk of complications, such as infection.
  • Reduced treatment time: in 75% of cases, we are able to fit new teeth on the same day as the dental implants; in the case of single teeth, we can fit a temporary crown and for denture stabilisation, we can fit the denture immediately after the implants.
  • Success rate: OsteoCare dental implants have a very impressive track record and a success rate of 90-95 per cent.

Is implant treatment for me?

Dental implants are among the most versatile treatments on the market and they bring a hot of benefits to most patients with missing teeth. As implants are compatible with different restorations, they can be used for most cases of tooth loss and they provide a solution for the future, offering long-term benefits.

If you have missing teeth and you’re thinking about dental implant treatment, call us now and come and see us to find out more.

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