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Introducing Sedation Dentistry For Nervous Patients

3534882_blogFor many, going to the dentist is a scary experience, but at City Dental Leeds, we are determined to help you conquer you fears and ensure that you feel comfortable every time you visit us.

Many of our patients feel anxious when their appointment approaches and for some, fear is so profound that they avoid seeing a dentist for long periods of time. If you’re a nervous patient, you suffer from severe anxiety or you have dental phobia, we are here to help. We offer sedation for nervous patients and we also adopt a friendly, compassionate approach; our team is highly trained and we have years of experience in treating anxious patients. We promise to do everything we can to ensure that you feel comfortable and we hope to help you overcome your dental fears.

What is sedation?

Sedation is a technique, which is used frequently in medicine and dentistry to help patients to feel comfortable when they are undergoing a procedure. Sedation involves using sedatives to induce a state of relaxation on the body and mind; it prevents you from feeling pain and also reduces anxiety.

When you are sedated, you don’t lose consciousness but you will feel a little drowsy; you’ll be able to hear what’s going on and you can talk to your dentist throughout the procedure if you would like to. Once your dentist has finished your treatment, they will give you medication to wake you up and the effects of the sedative will start to subside.

You may feel a little dazed and sleepy for a while after sedation, but you will be able to go home; we ask patients to ensure that they have somebody with them to accompany them home and sit with them until the effects have worn off completely. It’s important not to exercise, drink alcohol or drive for 24 hours after treatment.

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