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Life-Changing Lingual Braces

4207449_blogIt’s no understatement to say that a new smile could change your life and with lingual braces, you can achieve the dream of a perfectly straight smile in secret. Lingual braces offer an incredibly appealing option for people who are reluctant to have braces because they don’t want the hassle or stigma of wearing visible braces. These braces are fixed to the back of the teeth, so you won’t notice them when you smile and they will be completely invisible to other people.

At City Dental Leeds, we are proud to offer some of the world’s leading orthodontic treatments, such as STb Social 6 braces.

The ins and outs of STb Social 6 braces

Have you ever dreamed of having a flawless smile without having to show off a bulky, unattractive brace every time you speak or smile? If you have, STb Social 6 braces could be the ideal match for you. These sleek and light braces are attached to the back of the teeth, meaning that you can smile with confidence, safe in the knowledge that nobody will guess that you’re in the middle of treatment.

STb Social 6 braces are specifically designed to treat issues that affect the social 6. This is the name given to the front six teeth on the top and bottom arches. Although this treatment can benefit most patients, it is ideally suited to those who only have minor issues that require limited movement.

These braces use friction-free technology to move the teeth very quickly and they are smaller and less cumbersome than traditional fixed braces.

How long does treatment take?

The treatment time is one of the best perks of STb Social treatment. Unlike some systems, which take years to work, this treatment can transform the look of the smile in a matter of weeks. The average case is complete within 16 weeks.

If you’re ready to transform your smile and you like the sound of lingual braces, what are you waiting for? Call us today to start your journey to a stunning smile!

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