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Rooting out the rotten in the City of Leeds

3534882_blogIt is very easy to get complacent about caring for your teeth in the city of Leeds if you are young and care-free…that’s one of the joys about being young, you feel indestructible. But your oral health is important to your overall health and things can go wrong very quickly if you don’t care for your teeth properly. Plaque can build up very fast in your mouth and before you know it, you will be suffering from tooth decay. In the early stages, you can get patched up with a filling, but leave it any longer and the decay will eat into the inside of your teeth and then once this has happened, you will need root canal treatment in order to save your tooth and avoid the threat of periodontal disease and abscesses developing. This involves removing the rotten pulp from inside your tooth and then the infected roots down below, only then can the tooth be filled again and ultimately saved. It may sound rather dramatic but thanks to laser surgery, it has become a routine operation. However, bear this in mind: look after your oral hygiene and talk about stuff with your dentist. If you have to have this treatment, it means that you are being careless with your health- just be careful and mindful in the future eh?

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