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Posts Tagged ‘6 months smile’

How To Get Your Smile Back In Just 6 Months In Leeds

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

If you keep your mouth healthy throughout your life, you will keep your body healthy too and dentists in Leeds have a lot of things up their sleeves to help the cause. One of issues that may arise at some point in your life is the occlusion or ‘bite’ of your mouth and in order to keep this true, you may need to have a brace fitted. The only drawback to this though is the time involved and it tends to put people off the idea- 2-3 years is a long time to have a fixed brace fitted. However, braces have come a long way and these days, the treatments have become a lot quicker- prime example of this is the 6 months smile. Its origins can be linked directly to old fashioned braces but with a very modern twist. It still works on the age old problems of over, under and cross biting, even overcrowding, but it hones in more on just the teeth that are causing the problems. When it is fitted, it’s far more discreet that traditional braces because it is made from very discreet materials that mirror the colour of your teeth: a number of small ceramic plates are linked together with a wire and anchored at the rear of the mouth and as the treatment goes along, the wire is tightened by your dentist regularly which keeps the teeth on the move and therefore, the treatment can be over in as quickly as 6 months. So if you are one of these people having problems and need a quick fix, check out this brace.