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Posts Tagged ‘abscessed tooth’

Dentist in the City of Leeds Discusses the Problem of an Abscessed Tooth

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

An abscessed tooth is a bacterial infection in the pulp of the tooth. Pus is enclosed at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. An abscessed tooth is painful and is more often than not caused by severe tooth decay. Other causes include chipping or breaking a tooth and gum disease.

With an abscessed tooth, you will experience severe and constant toothache. The pain is often described as throbbing or sharp and shooting. You may also experience fever, sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, a bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, swelling in the gums, neck glands, and areas of the upper and lower jaw.

Without treatment, the infection will spread very quickly and destroy vulnerable tissue. Even if your pain subsides after you notice an infection, it is unlikely that the infection has healed on its own. Do not risk the loss of your teeth by neglecting to see your dentist about this matter.

If you are experiencing such symptoms, call your dentist in the City of Leeds straight away as an abscessed tooth must be treated as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of infection. An abscessed tooth may be saved with a root canal and a crown placed once the infection has been drained. You may also need antibiotics to fight severe infection.

Abscessed Tooth Not a Problem for Leeds Dentist

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Are you looking for a good dental practice in Leeds that can take care of your abscessed tooth? An abscess is a very painful thing to have and it happens if you neglect certain problems of your teeth and gums, leading to an infection. Your gum will have a painful swelling that is filled with fluid and which makes talking or eating very difficult. In addition to that, the treatment for this problem can be very lengthy and painful, as well as being costly.
You can save yourself the entire problem by avoiding it in the first place. If you go to a good dental practice in Leeds, the dentist there will teach you ways of preventing one from happening. In case you are cleaning your teeth incorrectly, a dentist will teach you how to do it correctly. Most people are not aware of the precise method of brushing teeth and do a very quick job. They are always in a hurry to finish the job, and do not spend sufficient time brushing their teeth. Another problem is that people don’t always floss their teeth. This is as important as brushing teeth in maintaining clean teeth and gums.
Apart from teaching you correct oral hygiene, the dentist will also examine your teeth regularly to check for any cavities so that they can be cleaned and fixed before the situation worsens. You should get any problem with your teeth checked before it worsens and gets to the point of an infection.

Protect yourself from tooth and gum disease at Leeds dentist

Friday, April 9th, 2010

It is very important to look after your teeth and gums. It is all to easy to assume that they will be fine as long as they are not causing you any problems and carry on with your simple routine of brushing in the morning and evening. But in reality, your teeth need a lot more care and when it’s too late you really might regret not being more careful about how you took care of them.

Tooth and gum disease is not a laughing matter. Just ask anyone who has suffered from the pain of toothache or an abscessed tooth. Even those who take relatively good care of their teeth with effective brushing and flossing can still be at risk form dental or periodontal disease. It is important that you make sure you see your dentist every six months to keep your teeth as clean and healthy as possible.

Tooth and gum disease begins when bacteria and plaque is allowed to build up on the surface of the teeth or gums. This reacts and releases an acid, which gradually erodes the protective enamel layer of the teeth and on the gums it causes the tissue to break down. In both cases this may ultimately lead to infection which can be very painful and lead to lost gum tissue or even lost teeth. Not only will this be very unpleasant but may also cost a small fortune in dental bills to restore the appearance of the teeth.

Looking after your teeth only takes a few minutes a day extra cleaning and half an hour every six months at a Leeds dentist. It is a small sacrifice to protect yourself from what may otherwise be many months or even years of anxiety and suffering because of unhealthy teeth.