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Posts Tagged ‘bad breath’

Unsociable Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Your only hope in knowing that you have bad breath in central Leeds is that you have a really good friend to point it out for you, otherwise, you are not going to be popular and your social circle will diminish. Once you realize that you have this problem, it’s obvious that you need to change the way you go about things. At home, you can start with your oral hygiene. Change all of your products and get new ones and then work hard at learning to use them, and include herbal remedies as well in your daily routine. Always make sure you drink lots of water and that your mouth is hydrated- this can be aided by chewing or sucking on sugar-free sweets. Watch your smoking and drinking habits if you have them and try to live by a good balanced diet. However, there will be some things that you can’t do, like tackling gum disease and tooth decay, two of the main sponsors of bad breath. For this you will have to enlist the help of your dentist to help patch you up. With hard work, you can overcome the condition of bad breath. However, bad breath can emanate from within the body, and if after trying everything you can to get rid of the problem and it still sticks around, you should consult your doctor.


The battle against Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Anyone would agree that bad breath is a real no-no and to be avoided at all costs, not just from a social point of view when you go out in Leeds, but from a health angle too, as bad breath rather implies that something, somewhere is going wrong in your mouth or in your body.

With hard work and dedication, it can be eradicated. You first need to talk to the dentist about the problem to see if any repair work is needed to your teeth and gums- tooth decay and gum disease are good allies to bad breath. Then you need to talk about your lifestyle and diet to see just what you are doing wrong: a bad diet can lead to a breakdown of your immune system and the drying up of saliva in the mouth- the naturally agent that fights bacteria in the mouth.

You should try to ease back on smoking and drinking and start a healthy diet. Of course, bad oral hygiene is also a big contributor to bad breath so this needs to be improved greatly; a lot of people also turned to natural herbal remedies to fight bad breath. Finally, you should always keep your mouth hydrated by drinking a lot of water and maybe chewing sugar-free gum and sweets that can help activate saliva levels.


Leeds Dentist has Solutions for Bad Breath

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Bad breath strikes everyone at some point in their lives. You can significantly reduce the chances of it occurring by following the dental health routine suggested by your Leeds dentist. Known medically as ‘halitosis’, bad breath is unpleasant for yourself and for those around you. If it is persistent it can be a sign of more serious underlying problems and you should speak to your dentist about this.

The major cause of bad breath is the breaking down of food particles, that remain in your mouth after eating, by naturally occurring bacteria. The best preventative measure for bad breath is to have a regular process of cleaning your teeth. Brushing should be done at least twice a day, a third time is can also be beneficial. Using a fluoride tooth paste this also combats the onset of tooth decay which can cause pain, discomfort and the loss of teeth. Many people find that brushing is not enough to combat bad breath, flossing alongside brushing will also have a significant impact. Flossing is particularly effective because over time food particles become stuck between your teeth where your brush simply cannot reach. Over time this food decomposes and creates the unpleasant odour associated with bad breath. Tongue cleaning can also help to remove any excess bacteria or food that builds up on the tongue.

Bad breath can ruin your social life and destroy your self-esteem. Make sure you continue this simple dental routine and you will most likely prevent bad breath. If it is persistent, try altering your diet to blander foods for a while and see if this makes a difference. If the bad breath is accompanied with any other symptoms, such as inflamed gums, toothache, or any others, makes an appointment with your dentist and they will be able to check for any other causes.

Find Out from a Central Leeds Dentist Why Some Oral Products Worsen Bad Breath

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Bad breath is one of the most common yet feared dental problems you could suffer from. Bad breath can lead to a decrease in an individual’s self-confidence and an awkwardness in social interactions. Seeking advice from your Central Leeds dentist on how to avoid this embarrassing condition may provide some news that might just surprise you.

As it turns out, many of the commercial products on offer that promise to fight your bad breath do exactly the opposite. It is the ingredients within them that cause the mouth to dry out and to harbour more of the bacteria that causes bad breath,

For example, many toothpastes contain either baking soda or peroxide as these are materials that are known to increase the whiteness of teeth. However, using these products when you suffer from bad breath will prove to be detrimental to your condition, as both baking soda and peroxide are drying agents that will dry out your mouth and make it even harder to remove the stubborn bacteria that is causing your problem.

In addition, many mouthwashes contain alcohol, another drying agent that will dehydrate your mouth and turn it into the perfect environment in which bacteria can grow and thrive. In order to prevent this problem, it is essential that when using an alcohol based mouthwash, you rinse thoroughly with water afterwards to moisten the mouth and remove any remaining bacteria.


Bad Breath is No Longer a Dental Issue in the City of Leeds

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

Bad breath? Bad luck. How many of us have suffered with that embarrassing condition, characterized by the smell of rotting food, at some point in our lives? Not only does it decrease your self-confidence, it can be seen as a personal hygiene problem, although this is not always the case.

There are however several ways in which you can avoid the embarrassment of bad breath, just follow the advice given by respectable dentists from the City of Leeds.

Firstly it is important to understand what causes bad breath, only then can you understand how to treat and prevent it. Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, bacteria that builds up over time and emits foul odours as they grow in the oral cavity. It may also be caused by the break-down of the food that we consume. During some reactions between our food and our saliva, unpleasant smelling gases are given off, these also contribute to that most embarrassing of conditions.

If you wish to treat your bad breath immediately, short term methods such as mouthwashes and chewing gum are definitely recommended. Menthol-based mouth sprays are also a good way to fight off the odours and can be carried around at all times, unlike some larger mouthwashes.

For long term treatment of bad breath, it is essential to remove the majority of bacteria from the mouth, in this way they will be unable to produce an odour that is powerful enough to be carried on your breath. To avoid a build up of bacteria thorough brushing of the teeth is vital, as is ensuring daily cleaning of the tongue. Bacteria tend to accumulate on the tongue, but this is an area that often gets neglected when it comes to cleaning teeth. Scrubbing the tongue gently, twice a day, should be sufficient to lower the presence of bad-breath-causing bacteria. Finally, to remove plaque and food debris from hard to reach areas, dental flossing should be performed at least once a day. Floss can reach areas your toothbrush cannot, between teeth for example.



Don’t be Embarrassed by Bad Breath Says Dentist in Leeds

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Bad breath is embarrassing, there is no question of that. The smell, akin to rotting eggs, emanating from anybody’s mouth is unpleasant and off-putting to say the least. However, there are several ways to treat and prevent bad breath, all of which are easy and affordable.

Bad breath can be caused by bacteria culminating in the oral cavity, bacteria that thrive on the surface of the tongue and in the crevices between the teeth. A build up of bacteria will result in an unpleasant odour carried on the breath, as when they grow and reproduce, bacteria tend to emanate foul-smelling scent.

In addition, bad breath can be caused by the simple process of food digestion in the mouth. Food debris that are left behind will begin to give off an unpleasant smell unless they are removed by brushing and flossing. Alternatively, some chemical reactions may result in the production of foul-smelling gases when the food interacts with the enzymes which aid in their break-down.

In order to prevent the embarrassing problem of bad breath, the people of Leeds must understand both the short and long-term methods of combating the issue. Chewing gum, mouthwashes and mouth sprays are all good short term techniques to combat bad breath; menthol-based products are preferable as they eradicate the smell associated with bad-breath most successfully

For long-term relief, it is essential to avoid the build up bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. This can be achieved by brushing both your teeth and your tongue thoroughly, at least twice a day. Flossing should also be used in order to remove the food debris and bacteria that accumulate in the gaps between teeth, those areas that are hard to reach by brushing alone. Contrary to what people think, the foods you eat are not the cause of bad breath, they can only improve or worsen the general state of your problem.



Combat Bad Breath from Gum Disease in Leeds

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem for many people. Caused by a build up of bacteria in the mouth, bacteria that can produce foul smelling odours, bad breath is commonly associated with gum disease.

Gum disease occurs when there is an accumulation of infectious bacteria colonising the area below the gum line, it can be caused by smoking, diabetes or general poor dental hygiene.  Alongside gum recession and tooth loss, bad breath is one of the most embarrassing symptoms of gum disease. The smell, akin to rotten eggs, is hard to hide and can damage confidence and personal relationships, it is not a problem to be taken lightly.

Luckily for the people of Leeds, there is a solution, several in fact. For temporary relief from bad breath, the common treatments such as mouthwashes, menthol sprays and chewing gum are all very effective. However, if the symptoms of bad breath prove to be chronic, there are some professionally recommended treatments that tackle the root of the problem and eliminate the source directly.

Firstly, ensure that when brushing your teeth you thoroughly clean your tongue as well as your teeth. Most bad breath-causing bacteria is found at the back of the tongue and so paying careful attention to this area when brushing will prove effective. Secondly, use a fluoride toothpaste as this will ensure the removal of any plaque or digested food fragments from around the teeth and gums.

Throughout the day, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, this will keep your mouth moist and wash away any build up of bacteria. Finally, it is essential that smoking and the use of any tobacco-based products is stopped immediately. Smoking increases your risk of developing gum disease and also interferes with any treatment to combat the symptoms. If problems with bad breath persist, surgery may be required to remove all the infected tissue from around the gums in a process which eliminates disease pockets.



How good products cause Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

If you suffer from a little from bad breath inLeeds, you probably rely a lot on products on the market to help you beat it and there are some good ones. But in a clamor to fight the problem we can often go a little over the top, which in the end actually adds to the problem. One of the most prevalent causes of bad breath is down to the lack of saliva in the mouth which causes dryness: saliva is the mouth’s agent to fight bacteria. Some products however, are alcohol based and it is the chemicals in these products that often have an adverse affect and make the bad breath worse. This is certainly the case with strong mouthwashes; they never really help in the fight against bad breath, they just act as a masking agent. There are numerous ways of fighting bad breath, but in doing so we try and over compensate by brushing three times as much with stronger toothpastes, thinking that it will attack the problem three times as much. It is quite the reverse- what the gums and teeth require is a softly-softly approach, what they don’t need is constant brushing as this will just cause them to get weaker, when they need to be getting stronger.

Fighting Bad Breath simply in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

Finding simple ways to tackle bad breath isn’t that hard if you care enough to do some research and put in the overtime in the city ofLeeds. Firstly, do you smoke, drink, have a bad diet? If you do, then it means that your immune system could be taking a battering which will have a knock on affect by drying up your saliva- your natural ally in the fight against bacteria. Then you have to change your diet; this in place, then you can then tackle your mouth effectively. Oral hygiene might be obvious, but make sure you are doing it correctly and not just your teeth and gums- clean that smelly old carpet the tongue as well, for this loves bacteria. Most brushes come with a tongue scraper these days and don’t just settle for the products in the shop, throw in some herbal remedies as well when you brush and floss. Chewing gum can help promote saliva, so can taking on lots of water and sucking on sweets. If however, when you have tried your best and failed, it could mean something more evil is happening and you should consult with your doctor.

Fighting off Gum Disease with Sweetness in Leeds

Friday, December 30th, 2011

If you are suffering from bad breath inLeeds, it really isn’t the ‘be all and end all’ in life if you are prepared to take a leap of faith and change your ways. For a start, bad breath stems from a pretty rubbish lifestyle like poor diet, smoking and heavy drinking- yes, you could get away with it when you were in your teens, but it is time to grow up and face the problem head on, because if you don’t, you will find yourself in an ever decreasing circle of friends to hang out with. It can be beaten if you are prepared to put in the mileage and change your ways. The first start is to admit that you have a problem; once you have leapt this barrier, then you can take the step forward by dealing with it. Your dentist will do everything possible to counter any hints of gum disease or tooth decay, but they will also sit you down to take a long hard look at yourself. Diet, lifestyle and habits need to be addressed in order to get the problem under control and you need to work hard to get on top of it. Oral hygiene is also so important to get in order to get bad breath under control and you must try everything, especially alternative herbal treatments in order to get your breath back on track. This condition should not be taken lightly either, as it means you are in a lot of trouble, not only orally, but could be bodily as well.