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Posts Tagged ‘dental health Leeds’

Which Lifestyle Factors are Harming Your Dental Health?

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Beautiful young lady smilingNo one wants to have poor dental health. People who are conscious of their teeth follow various oral hygiene steps to make sure that their teeth are doing well. However, even if you brush your teeth, floss and visit your dentist regularly, you can still have bad dental health if your lifestyle includes smoking, using other tobacco products and even sleeplessness.


All the effects of smoking are negative. Most people are aware of only few of the medical conditions, such as lung cancer, strokes and heart diseases caused by the use of tobacco. But there are quite a few dental conditions caused by smoking. Tooth discoloration, bad breath, build up of plaque and tartar on the teeth, gum disease, oral cancer and many more are all caused by smoking. Regular smokers have a very high chance of developing gum disease, as the tobacco in cigarettes weakens the attachment between the soft tissue and the bone. It is also interferes with the regular functions of the cells in the gums. This interference increases the risk of periodontal diseases.

Sleeping disorders

Sleeping disorders can also cause many dental conditions, since they weaken the immune system. We use our mouth to eat food, drink water and talk. However, every time we open our mouth, germs and bacteria are ready to get in and cause infection. The immune system of our body constantly fights these bacteria and allows us to lead a healthy life. People get sick because their immune system had lost the battle with harmful bacteria, virus or germs, due to inadequate strength. Therefore, apart from cleaning the mouth regularly and eating fresh fruit full of vitamins, it is also important to give your body a proper rest everyday in order to keep your immune system strong.

Sweets and treats

Even if you brush your teeth every day, it is important to brush your teeth after having sweets or carbonated drinks. This is because both sugar and acid stay active for at least one hour after you have them. Both sugar and acid will team up with the bacteria present in the plaque to produce harmful bacteria, which in turn will slowly eat away the enamel and make your teeth susceptible to various dental conditions.


Beware Drinks That Damage Your Teeth

Saturday, August 8th, 2015

235042_blogWe all know how eating sweets and puddings on a regular basis can harm our teeth, but have you ever thought about how what you drink affects your oral health? Often, drinks can be just as problematic as food when it comes to tooth damage.

How drinks can damage your teeth

Many drinks available in supermarkets, cafes and restaurants contain a lot of sugar and this spells bad news for oral health. A lot of drinks are also acidic, making them a major risk factor for acid erosion. Enamel is the hard outer layer of the tooth and acids wear down the enamel, weakening its structure and gradually forming cavities in the surface. Once the enamel is damaged, there is no way to restore. This elevates the risk of tooth decay.

When we drink fizzy drinks, fruit juice, fruit cider, alcopops and wine we coat the teeth in acid, increasing the risk of erosion.

Preventing acid erosion

The best way to prevent acid erosion is to avoid drinking and eating acidic products that contain a large amount of sugar. Yet there are some extra steps you can take to reduce the impact, such as:

  • Use a straw to drink through
  • Drink water or milk after consuming other beverages
  • Eat cheese or yoghurt when you drink acidic or sugary drinks
  • Wait at least 45 minutes to brush your teeth after eating or drinking

If you would like advice about healthy eating or more information about which foods are harmful for your teeth and gums, our dentists and dental hygienists will be happy to help.

How to Brush your Teeth in Leeds

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

So, you’ve gone and got yourself a new toothbrush from a chemist in Leeds: it’s sympathetic to your needs, the bristles are just right for you and it has just the right amount of give for you to brush with. Now before you start to use it in earnest, you might like to pop along to your dentists first and find out if you are brushing correctly. Now that may sound silly, but over the years, your technique may become lazy and a little refresher may be just what you need to start brushing correctly again. Practise in front of the mirror for a week or so in order to get a good technique going again. This is essential for your oral hygiene and along with all the other products, it should be enough to keep your mouth healthy. Of course, there are some amazing electric toothbrushes that you can go out and buy, and that will take the hard work away from your wrists, but the same principle applies. Practise in front of the mirror so that you can move it around your mouth freely into all of the areas it needs to go and don’t apply pressure to it, let it do the work for you.

Good Food – Bad Food and your Mouth in the Central Leeds

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

Looking after your teeth is not just all about getting the right toothpaste, brush and flosses in central Leeds: of course it helps. But it is also important to understand that the reason you use these products in the first place is to ensure you remove the residue of the food and drinks that you nourish your body with. Having a good diet will help build up your strength and immune system so that all of your body will be on top form to fight off anything the world throws at it- as is with your teeth. The mouth is very suceptible to what you put in it and there are some food and drinks that will attack your teeth and gums more viciously than others. Starch based foods such as potatoes are lovely to taste, but they are notoriously bad for breeding bacteria, as they tend to cling between the teeth and gums, and they soon start to attack the mouth with their acids. Sugar based foods and drinks also release serious acids into the mouth that attack the teeth’s enamel and if they are allowed to operate with freedom, will soon eat into the teeth and cause decay; some fruit will too. As much as we have increased the products to fight these problems, you should also read the labels of the food that you put in your mouth as well, if only to work out the levels of toxins in your food that are going to do you the most damage to your teeth and gums. Talking to your dentist and a nutritionist can help guide you through the choices you have to get the right food.