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Posts Tagged ‘diet’

Self-help techniques for improved oral health

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

With many dental practices running a reduced service at the moment, dentists are urging patients to take good care of their teeth and gums. The Coronavirus lockdown has caused significant backlogs, and many dental teams are working to reorganise delayed and cancelled appointments before resuming routine services, such as check-ups. In the absence of the widespread availability of dental examinations, here are some self-help techniques you can utilise to keep your smile in check. 

Oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the most effective way to keep dental disease at bay and reduce the risk of ailments and unpleasant symptoms such as toothache, bleeding gums and infections. Ideally, your daily oral hygiene regime should include twice-daily brushing using fluoride toothpaste and daily flossing or interdental brushing. Clean your teeth for at least two minutes each morning and evening, and try and avoid brushing within 45 minutes of eating or drinking. When you brush, apply toothpaste to the bristles and gently guide the brush around your teeth, angling the head to reach right into the corners and covering every surface of each individual tooth. Try and resist the temptation to brush hard. If you brush too firmly, this can damage the enamel. It’s also beneficial to avoid rinsing after brushing to prevent removing fluoride from the tooth surface. Interdental cleaning using a small hand-held brush or floss is important for targeting areas that cannot be reached with a toothbrush. After cleaning your teeth, brush your tongue with your toothbrush or use a tongue scraper. This will help to remove bacteria and food debris and lower the risk of bad breath (halitosis).


Your diet has an essential role to play if you’re on a mission to protect your teeth and gums. While many foods, for example, dairy products, nuts, seeds and leafy green vegetables, are good for your teeth because they contain calcium, some can be harmful. Foods that contain a lot of sugar and acidic foods and drinks carry a risk of decay and gum disease. As well as keeping an eye on what you eat, it’s critical to think about when you eat. This is because bacteria release acids when they feed. These acids attack and weaken the tooth enamel temporarily, and the teeth can only withstand a limited number of acid attacks. Aim to stick to three main meals and avoid grazing. If you snack all day, your enamel will not get chance to recover, and it may become worn and weak. 

Dental care

It might not be possible to see a dentist every 6-12 months at the moment, but it’s vital to seek advice if you do have any concerns about your dental health. Contact your dentist if you have prolonged periods of toothache or severe pain, or you notice blood when you brush your teeth. Bleeding, sore and swollen gums are symptomatic of gum disease, while pain, fever, inflammation and tenderness can be linked to dental infections. Your dentist will be able to recommend pain relief options, and they can also book an appointment for you if you need immediate treatment. 


There are several very simple steps you can take to improve your dental health and reduce the risk of oral health problems. Twice-daily brushing, eating well and seeking advice if you notice unusual symptoms will stand you in good stead to avoid dental dilemmas. 

Dental Health and Pregnancy – What You Need to Know

Friday, February 28th, 2020

Croatian blogger Ella Dvornik recently shared some disturbing images which showed Ella’s gums bleeding profusely – a common side effect of pregnancy.

Ella’s posts prompted a flurry of responses from women who had suffered similar effects while pregnant. They highlighted the need for proper dental care during those crucial nine months.

Let’s take a look at some practical advice on the subject.


Ella’s condition is known as pregnancy gingivitis.  It’s usually the result of hormonal changes which lead to an increased build of plaque, in turn causing inflammation, bleeding and other symptoms of gingivitis.

Some specialists recommend increased intake of vitamins K and C to keep gums healthy, and it’s also important to avoid excessively sugary foods – a catalyst for tooth decay and gum disease.

Increasing your calcium intake with plenty of dairy products is also great for the teeth and can also promote the healthy development of your baby’s gums and bones.

Hygiene Routine

During pregnancy – and especially when living with the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis – you may be tempted to skimp on your usual daily dental routine.

But it’s actually more important than ever to keep things ticking along with daily brushing and flossing as usual.

You may also find that gargling with salt water relieves some of the symptoms – but remember not to swallow!

Visit Your Dentist 

Advice on dental treatment during pregnancy depends on how far along your pregnancy is. The good news is that you can still visit your dentist, although it’s best to let them know you’re expecting – even if you haven’t yet told your nearest and dearest.

Dentists will generally limit the treatments carried out during pregnancy to routine checkups and hygiene, only performing more complex work when absolutely necessary. That’s especially true during the first trimester when your baby’s vital organs begin to develop. 

If you do need treatment during this early stage, your dentist may recommend postponing treatment until around the third trimester.

Though generally considered safe, cosmetic treatments like whitening should be avoided altogether during pregnancy.

Top 5 Sugar Free Snacks to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Friday, April 7th, 2017

shutterstock_96256037Many of us try and adapt our diets to lose weight and trim down when the summer is approaching, but have you ever thought of making changes to keep your smile in shape? If you’d like healthier teeth and gums, here are 5 sugar-free snacks to add to your diet:

  1. Fruit: Fruit is not strictly sugar-free, but it contains natural sugars, which are much less harmful than the artificial, added sugars you find in sweets and cakes. Opt for strawberries if you’re keen to boost your vitamin intake, as well as making your teeth gleam. The rough coating of the skin helps to remove surface stains, giving you a gorgeous, bright smile.
  2. Natural Yoghurt: Yoghurts are a really popular snack, and they can be brilliant for your teeth, as they’re a good source of calcium. However, it’s important to choose the right products. Many flavoured yoghurts contain a lot of sugar, so try and stick to natural yoghurt. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, add a sprinkling of berries, a banana or a spoonful of honey.
  3. Raw vegetables: If you’re hungry between meals, there’s nothing better for your teeth than raw vegetables. Chewing raw carrots and celery increases saliva production, which neutralises acids in the mouth, and it can also stimulate blood flow to the gums. These snacks are completely sugar-free and they’re also high in fibre and a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Cheese: Cheese may not be the best option if you’re desperate to lose weight, but it’s very good for your teeth. Cheese is rich in calcium, and it’s also low in sugar. Cheese is also a good source of protein.
  5. Nuts: Nuts are often touted as a superfood snack because they contain essential oils and fatty acids. If you choose plain nuts, rather than sugar-coated or honeyed nuts, you should also find that they have low sugar content. You only need a small handful of nuts to keep you going between meals.

Bodily Health through Dental Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

585983_blogYour whole body is a beautiful machine where everything in it works in perfect harmony to keep you healthy- as long as you don’t abuse it, but ensure you give it the work-out and nourishment it needs: this coalition between all the organs is a wonderful thing. This is also true between your dental hygiene and your body as a whole. Your mouth is the gateway to the inside of you so you should ensure you keep it healthy at all times: always optimise and change your oral hygiene as often as you can and ensure you keep up with regular dental check-ups, just in case you may have missed something along the way; having a strong diet and avoiding nasty habits can also promote your oral health too. There is a very good reason for doing all of this: problems can spiral out of control very quickly if you aren’t in control of it all, and aside from tooth decay and then loss following, gum disease is an even more dangerous threat to the health of your body, as the toxins from it poisons your heart and other vital organs in your body- causing them to fail. If you ensure that you have a wonderful balance between mouth and body, then you should have a wonderful and healthy life in the city of Leeds.