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Posts Tagged ‘emergency dental treatment Leeds’

What To Do If You Knock Your Tooth Out

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

2143132_blogEven the most careful among us suffer accidents from time to time. Oral injuries can be incredibly painful, and if left untreated can go on to cause further problems – decay, disease and eventually loss of speech function or the ability to eat normally. It goes without saying that damage to teeth must be treated quickly and effectively.

Evulsed teeth

Serious damage can result in a tooth being completed knocked out. This is called evulsion. The first thing to do is to make a dental appointment as soon as possible, preferably immediately. If you can find the tooth that has been evulsed, gently clean it by rinsing it, but do not remove dirt by scrubbing it. When you are cleaning the tooth, hold it by the crown. Never hold the root of the tooth, as this may damage the delicate cells still attached, which are needed to re-implant the tooth. After the tooth has been cleaned, put it in your mouth between the cheek and gum. If the tooth cannot be stored in the patient’s mouth – for example, as would be the case with a small child, store it in some milk. If you are able to see the dentist within half an hour of the damage being done, it is possible that the tooth could be re-implanted, which is why you should endeavour to see the dentist as quickly as possible.

Extruded teeth

When a tooth has suffered slightly less severe damage and merely been knocked out of place, so it is protruding inward or outwards, try to re-position it to normal position using very gentle pressure. Above all, do not force the tooth into position. Attempt to hold the tooth in position with dampened tissue and again, try to see a dentist as soon as possible, ideally within thirty minutes.

Emergency Procedures That Can Help You

Monday, October 19th, 2015

3520145_blogIn the case of a dental emergency swift, appropriate action is the best way to respond. The American Dental Association recommends that you take the following action if a dental emergency strikes:

  • If a tooth is knocked out, rinse it with water and gently re-embed it. Do not scrub or remove any attached tissue fragments and always hold the tooth by the crown. Time is precious in the case of a knocked out tooth because minute by minute more root cells die. Go straight to the dentist or A & E to save your tooth.
  • If you break or chip a tooth, swill your mouth with warm water and hold a cold compress to the face to reduce swelling before seeing your dentist.
  • Treat a bitten tongue or lip by gently cleaning with a cloth and apply a cold compress to the swelling. If bleeding is heavy or doesn’t stop, see your dentist or go to A and E.
  • If you have a persistent, painful toothache then rinse your mouth with warm water and gently floss around the tooth to remove any food that may be trapped around it. Take a painkiller and see your dentist.
  • For a jaw injury or fracture hold a cold compress to the face and go straight to your dentist or A & E department.
  • If your brace suddenly breaks or wires are sticking into your mouth and gums, cover with gauze and go straight to your dentist.
  • If a dental emergency strikes while you are travelling, check the yellow pages under ‘dentist’.
  • If a crown or filling comes out, use sugar free chewing gum to cement it back in place and go straight to your dentist or A and E department.

Emergency procedures used by dentists

Sometimes your dentist may ask you how you want your dental emergency to be treated unless there is a serious risk of infection.

  • For a knocked out tooth your dentist will re-implant it. Failure to have your tooth professionally reimplanted within the first 30 minutes to 2 hours of the tooth falling out may result in root canal treatment, veneers or dentures.
  • Permanently lost teeth will be replaced by dentists. Failure to have lost teeth replaced may result in damage to your speech and ability to chew. Nowadays dental implants are used which provide stable support for artificial teeth.
  • For a chipped or cracked tooth your dentist will consult you on how you want it to be corrected. Veneers, crowns and fillings are all common procedures and you won’t be able to tell the difference!

Emergency Dentistry Hints and Tips

Saturday, October 3rd, 2015

3534882_blogA dental emergency can happen to anyone. We never know when one is going to occur and it is probable that you will require treatment immediately to fix it. This is why we offer emergency appointments to our patients. They can be necessary for a number of problems, highlighted below:

Knocked Out Teeth

If one of your teeth gets knocked out, you should gently lift it by the crown and clean it with care. Sometimes there will still be gum tissue so you can leave this and carefully return the tooth to the empty socket. Alternatively, place the tooth into a container filled with milk or hold it next to the cheek inside your mouth until you reach the dentist. You should make an appointment as soon as possible to increase the chance of saving the tooth.

Broken Teeth

If part of a tooth has been knocked out or damaged following an accident you should call immediately for an emergency appointment. In the meantime ease any pain or swelling by cleaning your mouth with warm water and using a cold compress on the swollen area.

Bitten Lip or Tongue

If you accidentally bite your tongue or lip so badly that you are bleeding and in pain, go to an emergency room as stitches may be necessary. This should only be done if the bleeding cannot be stopped with a cloth or compress.

Possible Broken Jaw

You may need to visit the hospital if your jaw has suffered an accident or injury. Swelling can be eased by using a cold cloth.


Toothache can happen for a few reasons, but the most common one is dental infection. If it gets worse with time, rinsing your mouth with warm water can help, followed by gentle flossing to get rid of any food debris that can lead to infection. Corsodyl or another specialist mouthwash can help prevent excess bacteria. If the pain persists contact your dentist for treatment so that the infection does not spread.

If you do use painkillers to help with pain in gums and teeth, it is important not to allow them to rest on the gums as they will lead to burning in the gum tissue.



The worry of a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

1850411_blogThe city of Leeds is a very vibrant and busy place to live for 24 hours a day. Now sometimes, this can be hard to adjust to and become too much at times, but there are certain advantages too, especially if you have a crisis crop up- like a dental emergency. Whatever concerns you, there are dentists that offer out of hour’s services that can help you with your problems, plus, if you can’t get to a dentist and the problem is serious, like the loss of a tooth or an abscess, then, you always have A&E at the hospital to turn to. Though, all said and done, it would be wise to do a little homework with your dentist and go through the other possible scenarios that may present themselves: losing a crown, a veneer, a bridge or a filling; chipping a tooth or the eruption of a wisdom tooth can all offer their own problems but it would be wise to see what you can do at home to help ease your worries, even by just taking painkillers, as this will not only ease the immediate situation until you can get seen, but it will help you to avoid making knee jerk reactions to a minor crisis; that said, it is your health we are talking about and if you feel threatened in any way by any dental emergency, then get all the help you can.