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Posts Tagged ‘fillings’

Prevent Dental Decay With A Quick And Simple Leeds Check Up

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallDental decay can be a real pain, but with our quick and simple check-ups, we can make sure that your teeth remain healthy, strong and cavity-free. We recommend 6 monthly check-ups for adults and children.

What happens when you have a check up?

Routine check-ups only last a few minutes and you don’t need to worry about a thing; we promise that there won’t be any pain and we do our best to make you feel as comfortable as possible in the dental chair. A check-up is a chance for us to have a look at your teeth and gums and check the soft tissue in your mouth; we will check the teeth for any signs of cavities or decay and make sure there are no signs of gum disease. We record any changes in your notes and discuss any potential issues with you; if you do need treatment, such as a filling, we will arrange an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. We offer oral cancer screening, but we also carry out checks during our routine check-ups. We can also offer advice about teeth cleaning and oral hygiene, diet and giving up smoking.

The importance of check-ups

Check-ups are important for a number of reasons; firstly, they give us a chance to spot developing problems at an early stage and this prevents you from suffering, increases the chances of successful treatment and saves you money. Oral health is really important, not just because we don’t want you suffering with aches and pains or swollen gums, but also because research suggests that gum disease can increase your risk of developing other serious health conditions, including heart disease.  We also perform oral cancer checks as part of your dental check-ups and the earlier signs are spotted, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

With regular check-ups, you can make major strides towards a beautiful, healthy smile; call us today to book your appointment.

The Silver Fox Filling in the City of Leeds

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

There is a lot of bad mouthing going on about amalgam filling these days, even in dental circles in the city of Leeds, that has tended err towards outlawing the very thought of using it again. It is because or the lead and mercury content in its chemical mix which yes, are highly toxic. Certain countries inScandinaviahave already banned its use, but let’s take a step back for a second and calm down before we consign the amalgam filling to the gallows. What’s the alternative? Ceramic and resin fillings look beautifully natural and fresh, and they are by no means toxic. However, they still haven’t been able to offer the longevity that is required in a filling just yet and have the annoying habit of falling out. Gold is good, but again, being soft and malleable, it too has the tendency to fall out.  It would be foolhardy, and very traumatic, to start ripping out perfectly good amalgam fillings based on this evidence alone. As for the toxic levels and how they affect people, again a bit of a mystery. Talk to someone from a couple of generations ago who still have their teeth and ask them about their fillings and when they got them, because the chances are, they have been in all their life, and they’re still alive. If by have ceramic fillings you will live forever- fine, but that’s doubtful. So, how about looking at the positives of this silver fox and just how strong it is, maybe adapt it, cover it with white resin, use it for its better qualities and stop hunting it.

The Art of the Dental Check-up in Leeds

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

If you have a magnificent dentist in Leeds, you may well be ignorant of just exactly how good they are when you pop in for a dental check-up and think it’s just a look inside and a quick clean. But any dentists worth their weight in salt will be checking for things that you take for granted. Depending on the age of a patient, they will follow a strict guideline laid down by general procedures of practice to ensure your mouth is healthy. The basic check-up will involve searching for signs of decay in the teeth, disease in the gums, erosion, and then treat if necessary followed by a clean and polish. But the dentist should also take digital x-ray as well to check for problems in other areas in the mouth such the way your mouth is ‘biting’, check the jaw joints for wear, the roots of the teeth and the gum line. They will check your fillings and any other fitting you may have had done. But the best thing of all that you get from a dental check-up is the chance to have a say about your concerns. It’s not all about axes and hammers with dentists’, they can be gentle and offer a really good counseling service to you when you have problems. Most important of all, they can give you advice about dental emergencies and what to do in a crisis. A check-up should be embraced and used constructively, after all, in general, you only have two a year.

Understanding Dental Procedures in Leeds

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

All dentists will offer you a basic range of procedures to keep your teeth healthy and this will start with a basic check-up. This can involve the taking of X-rays to check the growth of the teeth and the health and condition of your teeth. They will carry out de-scaling of plaque and tartar, fillings, fluoride treatments and extractions and offer any anaesthetics if required to carry out your treatment. If your teeth need straightening, you may require braces or aligners to solve the problem- there are plenty of choices in Leeds. But as we get older, our teeth may grow tired; cracks, gaps, chips and general wear and tear may have set in. We may also suffer from a little gum disease and tooth decay. All these may require work of a cosmetic nature- we may need a little dental bonding, the odd crown, bleaching or veneers if we feel vain enough, just so we can restore that smile to the mouth. A dentist will be able to help you with tooth loss too. You can have a bridge fitted to make up for your loss and in the most extreme situation of all, fit you with dentures. And bringing every thing up to date, implant technology allows not only an odd tooth, and even all the teeth to be replaced, they aid in the fitting of dentures. Everything is available in the city and its all there for you.