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Posts Tagged ‘fluoride toothpaste’

Five Habits to Pick Up For Better Dental Hygiene

Friday, July 21st, 2017

shutterstock_106092377Good dental hygiene is your best way of fighting oral disease. If you’d like to improve your dental hygiene regime, here are 5 good habits to pick up:

  • Brush twice a day: when you brush your teeth, you remove bacteria and food debris from your mouth, and this helps to prevent the formation of plaque. Plaque is the most significant cause of decay ad gum disease. For the best results, you should brush twice a day, every day.
  • Set a timer: you may think that you’re doing a good job when it comes to brushing, but have you ever stopped to check that you’re brushing for long enough? Setting a timer is a great way of making sure that you brush for the recommended 2-minute period every time.
  • Floss: flossing is really important because it cleans the parts of your mouth that you can’t reach with a brush. When you floss, you can dislodge debris and bacteria from the tiny cracks between your teeth, reducing the risk of plaque formation.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste: fluoride is a mineral, which has benefits for your oral health because it helps to protect your enamel.
  • Swap your toothbrush: if you’ve been using the same toothbrush for as long as you can remember, it’s time to invest in a new brush or brush head if you have an electric toothbrush. Ideally, you should swap your brush every 3-4 months.

If you’re keen to brush up on dental hygiene, we’re here to help, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need advice or brushing or flossing tips.

5 Top Tips for Tooth Brushing

Friday, July 31st, 2015

iStock_000006052729XSmallEffective brushing makes a huge difference when it comes to our oral health. Here are five top tips to help you maximise the benefits of your daily brushing routine.

  1. Use an electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have been proven to remove plaque more effectively than manual brushes. This is because the brush head rotates at high speed and covers a lot of ground. You don’t need to pay a lot of money for a decent electric toothbrush and even the most basic models will provide you with an excellent clean.

  1. Don’t brush too hard

It’s understandable to believe that the harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth will be. In reality, brushing too firmly can cause damage to the enamel so it’s more beneficial to go gently. Guide the brush head around the teeth and softly clean along the gum line. If you use an electric toothbrush your brush will do most of the work for you!

  1. Use fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel and protect your teeth from decay and acid erosion. Follow the guidelines on your toothpaste tube for details regarding quantities and advice for children.

  1. Try inter-dental brushes

Inter-dental brushes are small brushes designed to target the cracks between the teeth, which we can’t reach with a standard toothbrush. For more information about inter-dental brushes and flossing, ask our friendly hygiene team!

  1. Set a timer

Mornings can be stressful and we often neglect our teeth during the mad rush. It’s important to take just two minutes each morning and evening to get a thorough clean, so why not set a timer on your phone or brush along to your favourite song?