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Posts Tagged ‘Gum disease Leeds’

The topsy-turvy world of Gum Disease and Diabetes in Leeds

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

572684_blogIf your body works on a very healthy basis and in unison with itself, your immune system should be strong enough to help fight off many evils that can arise. However, one blow to this balance throughout, your body becomes weak and vulnerable. Such an example of this is the relationship between gum disease and diabetes. In some cases, the toxins from gum disease that are carried around the body infect the most vital of organs and help to diminish the immune system: this can help promote diabetes. Similarly, if you have diabetes, your immune system is weakened already; this can leave saliva levels low in the mouth and expose your gums to the threat of gum disease. These two conditions are very nasty on their own, but together, they are an evil alliance so you need to be aware of the dangers. If you are worried about either, pop into your dentists in Leeds and have a chat; the more you know, the easier it will be for you to avoid the danger in the future.

How to have a happy Heart with your Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Monday, July 8th, 2013

748875_blogFor some people in Leeds, the daily routine of brushing your teeth can come as a bit of a chore, but it imperative that you keep this ‘chore’ going at least twice a day. You must get a good brush, paste, floss and mouthwash, and make sure you learn to use them correctly. You also have your dentist to back you up in times of need: your dentist can also help you on subjects of diet, even help you give up smoking and offer tips on how to care for your mouth. So, you may ask, why all of this fuss? Well, sit down and take note: plaque is one of the biggest agitators that are ready to strike on a daily basis in your mouth and if it gets through unchecked, you will soon find yourself dealing with tooth decay and then gum disease. Gum disease can be lethal in the long term: it will obviously lead to tooth loss further down the line, but more sinister is the fact that it will start to poison your bloodstream as soon as it takes hold; these foul toxins will then be pumped around your body and deposit themselves in your heart. Over a long period, the heart will become diseased and in the end, fail. Please, please, please, do not take your oral hygiene as being a chore, but see it as part of the jigsaw to having a healthy and long life, as well as a vibrant heart.

The threat of Smoking to Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

383291_blogWhenever you have any type of operation in Leeds, you will be advised to cut out any smoking that you may do, both before and after, as this will seriously hinder the healing process, even prevent it; similarly with anything that may go wrong with your mouth- a dry socket or a pulled tooth for example. One of the ways it can really interfere is if you if you are being treated for gum disease; it can even promote this dangerous condition. Smoking tends to dry out the saliva in the mouth as well as the gums and if you are serious about beating this disease, stop the risk of heart disease, stop your teeth from falling out and prevent it from returning in the future, you must stop smoking altogether. Many people will suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives, but you need to fight it on all fronts and only by giving up the fags will you give yourself a chance. You need to work on it at home and get your dentist on board to help treat your gums: there is also a moral here to keeping your dentist around. Dentists today know all about the affects that diseases in the mouth have on the body and can help and advise you on many ways to help improve your lifestyle: if you are serious, they will also help you kick the habit.

Grasping Gum Disease By The Throat In The City of Leeds

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

There are some conditions that start quite innocently in the mouth but then turn out to be right killers: an abscess can get out of control quickly, sleep apnea can get you over time, but then, so can gum disease. Gum disease will affect quite a few people in the city of Leeds during their lives but it should by no means be taken lightly. You have to revert to the original perpetrators to find the cause of the problem. It all starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene and the avoidance of dental check-ups that allows the old enemy of plaque and tartar to set up shop around the teeth. These will start to release toxins into the gums which in turn become infected. The early signs are weeping and/or bleeding gums combined with a bad taste in the mouth. To combat the problem at this stage, involves some deep scaling from the dentist and the use of medicated toothpastes and mouthwashes at home. Rinsing with salty water can help, as can the use of herbal products. If the problem is allowed to get worse however, the gums will start to recede and the teeth will become loose and in danger of falling out. During all of this time though, the diseased gums would have started to release toxins into the bloodstream and end up deposited in the body’s most vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver and before long, they will fail. So it is imperative that a dentist is brought on board immediately in order to save your teeth…..and your life.


Prevent Gum Disease with Good Dental Hygiene in Leeds

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Gum disease is a condition associated with the build up of tartar on the surface of the teeth and gums, which provides the perfect environment for the growth and replication of infectious bacteria.

Bacteria invade the oral cavity through the air we breath and the food or drinks we consume, they can also be transferred by the interactions between our hands and our mouths. In order to avoid gum disease it is essential to reduce the build up bacteria around the teeth and the gums

Preventative dentistry is the optimum way to ensure periodontal disease is kept at bay, it includes the proper cleaning of teeth, flossing, the avoidance of tobacco and the adoption of a healthy diet.

Cleaning your teeth is as natural a routine as any that has been picked up during childhood. However, many people forget that it is not just an absent-minded technique, it should involve thorough cleaning of the teeth, tongue and gums with a fluoride toothpaste and a clean toothbrush. Flossing should always follow the brushing of teeth, dentists in Leeds say, as this can remove any debris or plaque that are out of reach in the crevices between the teeth.

Smoking should be avoided in order to prevent gum disease as the tobacco found in cigarettes can help reduce the flow of oxygen to the gums and can aid the introduction and colonization of bacteria into the area. In order to lower your risk of developing periodontal disease, giving up smoking is a step in the right direction.

Adopting a healthy diet will reduce the amount of sugar you consume and will strengthen your teeth against the harmful side-effects of gum disease such as tooth loosening, loss of enamel and tooth breakages or loss.

Finally, the best form of preventative dentistry is regular check-ups with your local doctor. Only they will be able to tell you if you are suffering from gum disease, if you are at risk of suffering, or if you need treatment for your condition. Neglecting to attend these appointments could lead to a painful and expensive dental condition.


The link between Smoking and Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Despite the government hiking up the price of cigarettes and tobacco, there are just as many people smoking or taking it up as ever there was in the city of Leeds. In moderation, like anything that we do to our bodies, it may not do that much harm over a short period, but over a sustained length of time, it will start to do damage in some form or other, especially to the mouth. Smoking tends to dry out the mouth and evaporate the saliva, and by doing so, leaves the mouth open to attack from gum disease. This condition thrives on dry mouths and breaks down the gums, causing them to recede and decay. Once this starts to happen, the whole mouth is vulnerable to further damage from tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you do smoke, and you don’t feel the inclination to give up, you must work twice as hard with your oral hygiene and to ensure that your mouth is hydrated as much as possible. However if you already have signs of gum disease, smoking will speed up the affects that the disease will have and you are then putting your whole mouth in danger. Of course, it would be better to give up and your dentist and doctor will be able to help you out with quitting. But you have been warned; smoking and gum disease combined will result in you losing your teeth at some point.