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Posts Tagged ‘halitosis Leeds’

The Effect Periodontal Disease Has On Your Health

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

944335_blogPeriodontal disease can cause a number of problems to oral health, often leading to the need for treatment like dental implants if not properly taken care of. It leads to bad breath and a growing number of studies have found that it can also cause a loosened hold on teeth from the gums and the eventual loss of teeth.

The disease is usually brought on by poor dental health and is becoming an increasingly common risk to oral health worldwide. It can be hindered from both the dental studio and at home and many dentists are urging patients at risk of the disease or who already suffer from it to use additional oral cleaning equipment such as rinses, floss and tongue scrapers.

A study at Kyushu Dental College in Japan attempted to answer the question: “Does periodontitis cause halitosis or does it occur alongside oral odour?” Halitosis is another word for bad breath and can be caused by a number of things, including dry mouth or particular foods and potentially periodontitis.

The study was conducted by observing the oral health of those with periodontal disease and those without. 101 adults volunteered for the experiment and their oral health was inspected. The volunteers included those with good oral health and those with periodontal disease. Saliva samples were taken from each patient in an attempt to discover exactly how periodontitis and bad breath are related.

The study eventually discovered that the presence of the bacteria – bacteroides forsythus – in the main area of the mouth shows positive links to bad breath. The bacteria is usually only found underneath the gums of people suffering from advanced periodontal decay.

The discovery of the exact bacteria present in the mouth of a person suffering from periodontal disease should go a long way towards curing halitosis in those with the disease, with eventual hopes that a prevention of the disease can be found. If this is not the case treatment such as dental implants may be recommended.

Using unusual ‘Sweet’ alternatives to beat Disease and Halitosis in Leeds

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Halitosis and gum disease go together in your mouth like a married couple; both love to feed of each and whilst one is destroying your mouth from the inside, the other is busy destroying your social life in Leeds on the outside. One of the major causes of the bacteria that will have started the gum disease is sugar in foods: let’s face it, there is nothing finer than chocolate and sweets in life; it is almost a ritual. However, if you do have a sweet tooth, treating the disease and quashing the smells coming out of your mouth may just come from a source that will also feed your taste for all things sweet. Research has shown that certain acids can help to neutralise these problems and they can be found in raisins and cranberries. Raisins can be found everywhere in shops, are sweet to the taste and have the acids to temper both the disease and the smell; but then so has cranberries- for all the same reasons. Chewing on them or even drinking their juice throughout the day can not only pamper to your lust for sugary stuff, but also be good for your oral health as well- result!


Don’t be Embarrassed by Bad Breath Says Dentist in Leeds

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Bad breath is embarrassing, there is no question of that. The smell, akin to rotting eggs, emanating from anybody’s mouth is unpleasant and off-putting to say the least. However, there are several ways to treat and prevent bad breath, all of which are easy and affordable.

Bad breath can be caused by bacteria culminating in the oral cavity, bacteria that thrive on the surface of the tongue and in the crevices between the teeth. A build up of bacteria will result in an unpleasant odour carried on the breath, as when they grow and reproduce, bacteria tend to emanate foul-smelling scent.

In addition, bad breath can be caused by the simple process of food digestion in the mouth. Food debris that are left behind will begin to give off an unpleasant smell unless they are removed by brushing and flossing. Alternatively, some chemical reactions may result in the production of foul-smelling gases when the food interacts with the enzymes which aid in their break-down.

In order to prevent the embarrassing problem of bad breath, the people of Leeds must understand both the short and long-term methods of combating the issue. Chewing gum, mouthwashes and mouth sprays are all good short term techniques to combat bad breath; menthol-based products are preferable as they eradicate the smell associated with bad-breath most successfully

For long-term relief, it is essential to avoid the build up bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. This can be achieved by brushing both your teeth and your tongue thoroughly, at least twice a day. Flossing should also be used in order to remove the food debris and bacteria that accumulate in the gaps between teeth, those areas that are hard to reach by brushing alone. Contrary to what people think, the foods you eat are not the cause of bad breath, they can only improve or worsen the general state of your problem.



Fighting off Gum Disease with Sweetness in Leeds

Friday, December 30th, 2011

If you are suffering from bad breath inLeeds, it really isn’t the ‘be all and end all’ in life if you are prepared to take a leap of faith and change your ways. For a start, bad breath stems from a pretty rubbish lifestyle like poor diet, smoking and heavy drinking- yes, you could get away with it when you were in your teens, but it is time to grow up and face the problem head on, because if you don’t, you will find yourself in an ever decreasing circle of friends to hang out with. It can be beaten if you are prepared to put in the mileage and change your ways. The first start is to admit that you have a problem; once you have leapt this barrier, then you can take the step forward by dealing with it. Your dentist will do everything possible to counter any hints of gum disease or tooth decay, but they will also sit you down to take a long hard look at yourself. Diet, lifestyle and habits need to be addressed in order to get the problem under control and you need to work hard to get on top of it. Oral hygiene is also so important to get in order to get bad breath under control and you must try everything, especially alternative herbal treatments in order to get your breath back on track. This condition should not be taken lightly either, as it means you are in a lot of trouble, not only orally, but could be bodily as well.

Awful Breath in Leeds

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Bad breath can lead to a bad social life in Leeds and the more you allow the condition to get on top of you, the more you will find yourself becoming a social reject. If that sounds a little harsh, it could become true so it’s time to do something about it. Take a step back and have a good hard look at your lifestyle. If you smoke, this can lead to the depletion of saliva levels in the mouth, the natural guard against the build up of bacteria. Poor diet can lead to the break down of your immune system again leading to a dry mouth- as can heavy medication. Firstly you must address these and then you can get to work on your mouth by upping your daily oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing regularly throughout the day, drinking lots of water, incorporating herbal remedies into your regime, avoiding caffeine based drinks and alcohol based mouthwashes, and the sucking/ chewing of sugar free sweets/gum can help to keep your mouth hydrated. Getting tips off your dentist will help, plus they can help treat things like tooth decay and gum disease that are also two of the main players in bad breath. If however, you have thrown the kitchen sink at the problem and the condition remains, it could mean that something more sinister is afoot within your body that may require you having a complete MOT down at the doctors.