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Posts Tagged ‘halitosis’

Dealing With Bad Breath

Saturday, September 19th, 2015

4546258_blogBad breath (halitosis) is something we all have to deal with from time to time, but if this is a persistent problem for you, your dentist can help. Bad breath is a very common problem and it’s nothing to be ashamed about; dental treatments, including hygiene sessions, can help to banish bad breath for good, helping you to feel more comfortable and confident.

Why have I got bad breath?

Bad breath is commonly associated with bacteria, which collect and multiply in the mouth; when bacteria feed, they release gases, which have an unpleasant odour and this is why you experience bad breath. Bacteria usually gather as a result of poor oral hygiene. Smoking and eating foods that have a strong flavour or odour can also contribute to bad breath. Many cases of halitosis are linked to bacteria on the tongue, as this is often missed out when cleaning.

Dealing with bad breath

It’s perfectly normal to have bad breath in the morning or after eating, but if you find that you have bad breath most of the time or it is starting to impact on your confidence or the way you live your life, it’s time to seek help. Seeing your dentist and making regular appointments with your dental hygienist will make a massive difference to your oral health, as well as your confidence. The best treatment for bad breath is intensive cleaning and it’s also really important to maintain good oral hygiene at home. Your dental hygienist can chat through cleaning techniques with you and regular sessions will help to keep bacteria at bay and boost your oral health.

If you have problems with bad breath, don’t suffer in silence; call your dentist now to make an appointment and tackle bad breath for good.

Banish Bacteria Before It Causes Dental Disaster And Halitosis

Saturday, October 18th, 2014

595603_blogThere are some bacteria, which are essential for good health, but others are downright nasty and we need to banish them before they contribute to dental disasters.

Good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the best form of defence against harmful bacteria. With an effective regime of brushing and flossing, you can maximise your chances of good oral health. Ideally, you should brush every morning and evening for at least 2-3 minutes each time and floss daily; it’s important to do this to remove bacteria from your mouth and reduce the risk of plaque forming. Plaque is a sticky film, which is made when bacteria, food debris and saliva come together. Plaque is the most common cause of gum disease and decay.

Bacteria and halitosis

Halitosis (bad breath) is a very common problem, which is almost always associated with oral bacteria. When bacteria feed, they give off gases, which smell very unpleasant and this is why you get bad breath. Smoking and taking some types of medication can also increase the risk of halitosis. The best way to prevent bad breath is to stick to a good daily oral hygiene regime and to chew sugar-free gum after eating. It is also highly beneficial to see a dental hygienist in addition to your routine dental check-ups.

Dental checks

Dental appointments are really important because they enable your dentist to keep tabs on the mouth and identify any dental issues at an early stage. Dentists can then arrange any relevant treatment and they can also give the mouth a good clean, which removes surface stains to give the teeth a healthy white glow.

Check In And Polish Away Those Dental Cobwebs

Monday, September 29th, 2014

18625010If you’re due a check-up or you’ve you haven’t been to see a dentist for a while, it’s time to pick up the phone and arrange an appointment to brush away those dental cobwebs. Regular check-ups are important for both your dental and general health and they only take a few minutes.

Dental checks

Dental checks take less than ten minutes, but they have a major bearing on your oral health. During a check-up, your dentist will examine your mouth and check for any signs, which could potentially be worrying. If you have early signs of decay or gum disease, treatment can be administered to prevent it from getting any worse and this will save you pain and suffering, time and money.

Ideally, we recommend 6 monthly check-ups, as this enables dentists to keep an eye on the mouth and identify any potential problems as early as possible. If you have dental pain or any symptoms such as bleeding or swollen gums, in the meantime, it’s important to see your dentist as early as you can, rather than waiting for your next routine appointment.

Hygienist sessions

In addition to regular dental checks, it’s also highly beneficial to see a dental hygienist on a regular basis. Hygienists are experts in the prevention of dental disease and even a short session can make a massive difference. Hygienists provide a range of dental treatments, including scale and polish, gum disease treatment and prevention and preventative services, such as sealants and fluoride varnish, and they are particularly beneficial for patients who have a high risk of gum disease and those who suffer from halitosis (bad breath).

City Leeds Can Rid You Of That Bogus Breath

Friday, July 18th, 2014

2464492_blogDo you dread work meetings and presentations? Do you feel nervous in social situations? If you do and bad breath is to blame, we can help! We are experts in banishing bad breath for good and we can help you to feel confident, whether you’re aiming for a promotion, sealing a deal or going on a first date.

Bad breath is something, which affects most people at some point. In the majority of cases, people suffer from unpleasant smelling breath in the mornings or after eating or drinking certain foods, but sometimes, people suffer from persistent bad breath and this may indicate that there is an underlying dental cause.

What causes bad breath?

If you have persistent bad breath (known as halitosis), this is almost always the result of bacteria build-up in the mouth. When bacteria collect in the mouth and start to feed, this causes them to release odorous gases, which is why your breath smells unpleasant. Commonly, bad breath is linked to bacteria at the back of the tongue. Bacteria can be removed by regular brushing and flossing; if you neglect your oral hygiene routine, bacteria multiply and the risk of bad breath is much higher.

Bad breath can also be caused by smoking and it can be a side-effect of taking some types of medication.

Treating bad breath

If you suffer from bad breath, you’re not alone and we have treatments and therapies that can help to ensure your breath is fresh and clean smelling. Our oral hygiene treatments provide intensive cleaning to rid the mouth of armful bacteria and plaque, cleanse the tongue and clean and polish the teeth. We recommend regular hygiene sessions coupled with a thorough oral hygiene regime at home.

We also recommend steering clear of food triggers and smoking and chewing a piece of sugar-free gum after eating.

Banish That Bad Breath Bacteria In The Centre Of Leeds

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

758140_blogBad breath is a common problem, which can affect patients of all ages. The medical name for bad breath is halitosis. If you suffer from bad breath, there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed; we are here to help and we’ll have you beaming with confidence in no time!

Causes of bad breath

There are many causes of bad breath, from smoking and eating spicy and strong foods, to taking some forms of medication, but most cases are associated with poor oral hygiene. Neglecting brushing and flossing leads to a build-up of bacteria inside the mouth and when these bacteria combine with food debris and saliva, this forms plaque, a leading cause of gum disease and decay. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth release acids and gases, which smell unpleasant and this is why you suffer from bad breath. It is particularly common for bad breath to be caused by bacteria collecting on the tongue.

What can you do to battle bad breath?

Good oral hygiene will drastically reduce your risk of suffering from bad breath, as it helps to prevent bacteria from gathering in your mouth. Brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash can really help to keep your breath smelling fresh.

Chewing sugar-free gum can also help to prevent bad breath, especially if you find that you suffer after eating.

If you have persistent bad breath, we recommend seeing a dental hygienist, who can provide intensive cleaning treatment to banish bacteria, remove plaque and give your mouth a really thorough clean. Hygienists have experience in treating bad breath and they can help to solve the immediate problem, as well as preventing halitosis in the future. As well as providing hygiene treatments, we can also offer advice about oral hygiene at home.

Beat The Bad Breath Bully When You Come To Leeds

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

3062480_blogBad breath can be a really embarrassing problem, but if you have halitosis, this doesn’t mean that you have to hide away and suffer in silence. We can help!

Bad breath is commonly caused by bacteria collecting in the mouth. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth feed and then release gases, which smell unpleasant and this is why you get bad breath. If you have a good daily oral hygiene routine, these bacteria shouldn’t be able to gather in your mouth and you should find that your breath smells much fresher and cleaner. Ideally, you should brush your teeth twice a day each day for at least 2 minutes each time and floss regularly to keep bad breath at bay.

If you have persistent bad breath, we can offer intensive hygiene treatments, which give the mouth a deep clean and remove bacteria, which may be lurking in areas that you can’t reach with your toothbrush.

Some people find that they have bad breath after eating or drinking foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, spicy meals and garlic. If this sounds familiar, chewing sugar-free gum can help to neutralise acids in your mouth and make your breath smell fresher after eating. Make sure you choose sugar-free gum, as sugary foods increase the risk of decay and gum disease.

The nasty nature of Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Monday, January 6th, 2014

758140_blogBad breath is a horrible condition to suffer from in central Leeds; it can hold you back from truly expressing yourself in public and make you a social outcast. Worse than this though is that it implies that things are going wrong with the general status quo of your mouth and body and if you suffer from it, you should sit down and analyse it with your dentist and work through the possible causes of it. Firstly, you should check-out the state of your mouth, for if you are suffering from tooth decay and/or gum disease, these will give off foul odours in your mouth; of course this would have been caused by poor oral hygiene- so this needs to be addressed, as well as getting patched up by your dentist. However, you will also need to look into your daily lifestyle: do you drink, smoke and eat rubbish foods…..because if you do, this is a bad cocktail for your breath. Of course, a bad diet will also break down your immune system and cause problems throughout your body: if you go through these issues one by one and yet still the condition remains, this is very serious as it could mean that you are having gastric problems and you will need to see a doctor. Bad breath is not just a problem superficially, so please do something about it as soon as you can- it’s your life on the line here.

Sweetening-up your Breath in Leeds

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

293756_blogIt shouldn’t come as a shock to you in Leeds that delicious sugary foods are bad for your teeth for they speed up the plaque process and before you know what’s hit you, the tooth decay process will begin and cavities will form- this is only going to go one way, tooth loss. Even before that, the treatments to solve decay can be complex, painful and very expensive. You are also running the risk of suffering from gum disease and inevitably bad breath. However much sugar is pleasant to the palette, you can ease your cravings by finding sweet alternatives that will lower the risk of decay and that will also be good for your breath and any disease you may have. Dried fruits will not cause damage to your teeth and are good for the gums- apricots and raisins and are sweet to the taste; cranberries are particularly good for this. In fact most fruits are good for this and will help to freshen up your breath again. You don’t have to eliminate sugars altogether- everything in moderation as you well know, but it is best to cut right back on it if you want to beat bad breath and keep your mouth fresh and these sweet alternatives are the way forward to achieve this.

Bad Breath and the connection with Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

297243_blogGum disease is one of those conditions that you really want to avoid breaking out in your mouth in Leeds. Aside from the important fact that it can lead to destructive conditions in your heart and other organs in your body, it will ravish your gums and teeth, leading to loss in the long run. If this is not enough, it can also lead to bad breath. Fighting this condition gets harder and more expensive the longer it is left, so it is vital that you look out for the early signs of bleeding and weeping gums; if something tastes bad in your mouth, it could give off pungent smells as well. You have to look at every aspect of gum disease: your dentist is the first port of call in order to tackle any damage done, but then, you will have to change your ways. A poor diet, smoking, drinking and heavy medication all add to the problem of this disease and bad breath, as does poor oral hygiene, so all of these must be addressed. Changing the products you use will increase the chances of your gums recovering, and that may well include the use of herbal remedies- these with help to soothe your mouth and make it fresher. Your mouth needs to be constantly hydrated too, so drinking plenty of caffeine free liquids and chewing on gum and sugar-free sweets will help to keep saliva levels high in the mouth- the natural agent in the body to fight against bad breath and disease.



Leeds Dentist has Solutions for Bad Breath

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Bad breath strikes everyone at some point in their lives. You can significantly reduce the chances of it occurring by following the dental health routine suggested by your Leeds dentist. Known medically as ‘halitosis’, bad breath is unpleasant for yourself and for those around you. If it is persistent it can be a sign of more serious underlying problems and you should speak to your dentist about this.

The major cause of bad breath is the breaking down of food particles, that remain in your mouth after eating, by naturally occurring bacteria. The best preventative measure for bad breath is to have a regular process of cleaning your teeth. Brushing should be done at least twice a day, a third time is can also be beneficial. Using a fluoride tooth paste this also combats the onset of tooth decay which can cause pain, discomfort and the loss of teeth. Many people find that brushing is not enough to combat bad breath, flossing alongside brushing will also have a significant impact. Flossing is particularly effective because over time food particles become stuck between your teeth where your brush simply cannot reach. Over time this food decomposes and creates the unpleasant odour associated with bad breath. Tongue cleaning can also help to remove any excess bacteria or food that builds up on the tongue.

Bad breath can ruin your social life and destroy your self-esteem. Make sure you continue this simple dental routine and you will most likely prevent bad breath. If it is persistent, try altering your diet to blander foods for a while and see if this makes a difference. If the bad breath is accompanied with any other symptoms, such as inflamed gums, toothache, or any others, makes an appointment with your dentist and they will be able to check for any other causes.