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Posts Tagged ‘mouth ulcer Leeds’

How to Treat a Mouth Ulcer

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

2143132_blogMouth ulcers are sores that tend to develop  inside the lips and cheeks. They are very common and most people will have at least a few ulcers in their lifetime. If you have a troublesome ulcer or you keep getting mouth ulcers, we may be able to help.

About mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are characterised as painful open sores, which are usually blue, grey or yellow in colour. In most cases, they develop following an injury or accident that causes the skin to be broken. If you accidentally catch yourself when eating or bite your tongue, for example, and ulcer may occur. Ulcers can also be caused by jagged or uneven tooth surfaces, loose fillings or sharp foods like crisps.

Possible causes of recurrent ulcers include stress, anxiety, eating certain types of food and hormonal changes in the body. In some cases, there may also be family history.

Treating mouth ulcers

In most cases, ulcers don’t cause any problems and they disappear after a few days without any need for treatment. However, in some cases they can be very painful and treatment may be recommended. You can buy over the counter medication, usually in the form of topical gels, which are applied directly onto the surface. These treatments help to ease pain and speed up the healing process.

If you get ulcers on a recurrent basis or you have an ulcer that is taking a long time to heal, it is advisable to see your dentist. Sometimes, sores that take longer than normal to heal can be symptomatic of oral cancer and although this is very unlikely, it is always best to get checked out.

If you have an ulcer, there are some simple self-help techniques that can help to reduce discomfort, such as avoiding sharp and acidic flavours, being careful when chewing food and avoiding the ulcer when you brush your teeth. It may also be helpful to keep a food diary if you find that you get ulcers on a regular basis. This could help to identify potential triggers to be avoided in the future.



Spiteful Mouth Ulcers in Leeds

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

2143132_blogMost problems that arise in the mouth can be identified by their cause and then treated accordingly. However, there are still some conditions that still baffle professional dentists in Leeds today as to exactly what the cause of them are; mouth ulcers are one of these; these are spiteful and painful and you’ll know when you have one. Many theories are that they can be brought on by abrasion to the gums, highly acidic foods, burns from hot food and drinks, drugs, lacerations and stress. However, they aren’t instantly got rid of either but if you watch yourself for a few days, you should get through. Firstly avoid spicy foods and hot drinks and maintain a high level of oral hygiene throughout; use an anti-sceptic mouthwash and try to keep everything away from the ulcer. If you constantly are under stress though and chewing your gums to pieces, you may need to sit down with a psychiatrist to sort out your personal issues. There are some cracking gels, creams and antiseptic sprays that will relieve a lot of the pain- as well as taking painkillers. There is a huge word of warning here though: ulcers come and cause havoc for only a few days, but if you find them hanging around for weeks, even if you have treated them, then something more sinister is afoot and it could be the early signs of oral cancer. Always check out an ulcer anyway with your dentist to put your mind at rest.