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Posts Tagged ‘mouth ulcers’

Dealing With Mouth Ulcers

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

2143132_blogMouth ulcers are not usually anything to worry about, but occasionally, they can be very painful and make life a little trickier than usual. If you’re fed up of ulcers or you’re prone to developing mouth sores, here is a brief guide to help you cope:

About mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are oral sores, which tend to form after the delicate skin inside the cheeks and lips has been damaged or broken. This may occur after an injury or in the event that you catch yourself when eating something, for example. It is very common to develop ulcers from time to time, but if you have recurrent ulcers, this may be a sign of underlying problems, such as tiredness, stress or increased susceptibility to illness.

Ulcers are open sores, which are most commonly found on the inside of the cheeks and lips; they are usually yellow or grey in colour and they should heal within 1-2 weeks.

Treating mouth ulcers

In the vast majority of cases, it’s not necessary to treat ulcers formally, but if an ulcer is causing you pain or interrupting your day to day life, it may be worth visiting your local pharmacy and buying over the counter treatment, such as pain-relieving gel. These gels help to speed up the healing process and reduce discomfort. You can also use some self-help techniques to ease pain, such as avoiding acidic flavours and sharp foods, such as crisps, rinsing your mouth out regularly and taking extra care when you brush your teeth.

Mouth ulcers can be a symptom of oral cancer and although this is rare, if you have ulcers or sores, which take a long time to heal, you notice red or white patches in your mouth or you have difficulty swallowing, it is advisable to see your dentist. Mouth ulcers are usually absolutely harmless, but it’s always best to get checked out.

If you are worried about an ulcer or you seem to be getting ulcers on a regular basis and you would like advice, our dental team will be happy to help.


How to Treat a Mouth Ulcer

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

2143132_blogMouth ulcers are sores that tend to develop  inside the lips and cheeks. They are very common and most people will have at least a few ulcers in their lifetime. If you have a troublesome ulcer or you keep getting mouth ulcers, we may be able to help.

About mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are characterised as painful open sores, which are usually blue, grey or yellow in colour. In most cases, they develop following an injury or accident that causes the skin to be broken. If you accidentally catch yourself when eating or bite your tongue, for example, and ulcer may occur. Ulcers can also be caused by jagged or uneven tooth surfaces, loose fillings or sharp foods like crisps.

Possible causes of recurrent ulcers include stress, anxiety, eating certain types of food and hormonal changes in the body. In some cases, there may also be family history.

Treating mouth ulcers

In most cases, ulcers don’t cause any problems and they disappear after a few days without any need for treatment. However, in some cases they can be very painful and treatment may be recommended. You can buy over the counter medication, usually in the form of topical gels, which are applied directly onto the surface. These treatments help to ease pain and speed up the healing process.

If you get ulcers on a recurrent basis or you have an ulcer that is taking a long time to heal, it is advisable to see your dentist. Sometimes, sores that take longer than normal to heal can be symptomatic of oral cancer and although this is very unlikely, it is always best to get checked out.

If you have an ulcer, there are some simple self-help techniques that can help to reduce discomfort, such as avoiding sharp and acidic flavours, being careful when chewing food and avoiding the ulcer when you brush your teeth. It may also be helpful to keep a food diary if you find that you get ulcers on a regular basis. This could help to identify potential triggers to be avoided in the future.



Mouth Ulcers-What Are They And How Can I Treat It?

Saturday, November 29th, 2014

758140_blogMouth ulcers are small sores, which develop in the mouth; they are not usually anything to worry about, but they can be painful and if they linger around, it’s best to get them checked out.

About mouth ulcers

Ulcers are painful sores, which are found most commonly on the inside of the cheeks or lips; they usually develop after you’ve cut your mouth. Many people find that they get an ulcer when they’ve accidentally caught the inside of their cheek or their tongue when chewing food. Ulcers can be yellow, grey or blue in colour; sometimes they are completely harmless, but they can be often be painful, especially if you touch them by accident when you’re brushing your teeth or eating something sour or sharp, such as a fizzy sweet or a crisp, for example.

It’s common to have an ulcer, but if you develop them on a regular basis, this can be symptomatic of stress and feeling unwell or run down.

What can I do for an ulcer?

In most cases, ulcers go away within 7 days without the need for any treatment; however, if you have an ulcer that is causing you problems, you can buy gels to help reduce pain. These are available at chemists; if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your pharmacist or give us a quick call.

In very rare occasions, ulcers can be symptomatic of oral cancer and we strongly advise patients to arrange an appointment with us or their GP if they have ulcers that appear to be healing very slowly. If you’ve had an ulcer for 2 weeks or longer, it’s best to get it checked out. In the vast majority of cases, there will be nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Sometimes, ulcers appear when you’re stressed and tired; if you’re find that you are stressed out on a regular basis, try to reduce stress levels by taking time out to relax, using breathing exercises and sharing any problems you have.

There’s No Need For Mouth Cancer To Be A Scream With A Screen

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

4683491_blogCancer is a word that provokes fear in most of us and oral cancer is becoming more common in the UK. Our aim is to raise awareness of oral cancer and encourage our patients to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms. We provide oral cancer screening to ensure that cases are identified and diagnosed at a very early stage when the chances of treatment proving successful are much higher.

About oral cancer screening

Oral cancer screening enables us to identify changes in the soft tissue at a very early stage; we use advanced technology, which allows us to spot abnormalities before they become visible to the naked eye. If abnormalities are detected, we can then arrange for more tests and a diagnosis can be made at the earliest possible stage. With cancer, time is of the essence, as the disease develops and spreads; if oral cancer is diagnosed and treated early, the chances of survival are up to 90 per cent higher.

Screening is pain-free and quick; we simple use a device to look around the mouth and check the soft tissue; the test takes just a few minutes, but it could save your life.

November is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month and we are inviting everyone to come for screening. We cannot stress the benefits of screening enough and we are also on hand to discuss the causes and symptoms and talk to patients about mouth cancer.

Spotting the signs of oral cancer

The most common signs of oral cancer include mouth ulcers that take a long time to heal (see your dentist if you have had an ulcer for more than 2 weeks), red or white patches in the mouth or any lumps or abnormal swelling. Other signs may include problems with swallowing and a sore throat, which doesn’t improve after 7-14 days. It’s worth pointing out that in the vast majority of cases, these signs will not mean that you have oral cancer, but it is always best to be cautious and to get symptoms checked out by your doctor or dentist.

We Can Help To Put A Stop To Your Mouth Ulcer Woes

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

3534882_blogMouth ulcers are usually harmless, but they can be very painful. If you have mouth ulcer woes, we are here to help!

About mouth ulcers pain

Mouth ulcers are open sores, small in size, which tend to develop on the inside of the cheeks and lips. In most cases, ulcers form when you’ve caught or cut yourself accidentally when you’ve been chewing food, but they can also occur more frequently when you are stressed or feeling run down. Ulcers can be blue, yellow or grey in colour and they are usually nothing to worry about, although they can be very sore.

What can I do for an ulcer?

If you have an ulcer and it’s troubling you, it is possible to buy over the counter treatment to ease discomfort. If then, you find your ulcer isn’t bothering you, it will usually heal independently and disappear within 7-10 days. If you have an ulcer, which takes a very long time (more than 2 weeks) to heal, we advise arranging to come in for a dental check-up as slow-healing sores can be a symptom of mouth cancer. It’s very unlikely that this is the case, but we always prefer to err on the side of caution.

If you have an ulcer, it’s a good idea to take extra care when you are eating and brushing your teeth. It can be painful if you catch an ulcer and you may find that your ulcer stings if you eat something with a sharp or acidic flavour.

If you have troublesome ulcers, don’t hesitate to ring and book an appointment; we will have you pain-free and fighting fit again in no time!

Managing Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

We all know our mouths quite well in the city of Leeds and should be able to identify problems when they arise. Getting down to the dentist fast will probably eradicate any problems. But it is when things like ulcers, cold-sores, sore throats and jaw aches keep offending regularly rather indicates sometime worse is afoot, and it could be oral cancer. If you are seriously concerned about anything going awry, your dentist will do a few tests on you in order to identify the problem. If your worse fears are realised and you do have oral cancer, then you will be sent for treatment immediately. The thing about oral cancer is that though it seems to be on the rise, if caught early on, it can be treated successfully, though it will be a battle the will change your life and the way you live your life after the treatment. Though the disease remains a bit of a mystery as to why it still continues to flourish, modern lifestyle is considered to be at the root of it. Poor diet will diminish the fight that your immune system puts up against disease and the stresses of modern living can also make you weak. But smoking, heavy drinking and cheap fast foods are also considered to lend a hand to the disease which is why you should learn all you can to avoid the disease from your dentist, and how to go about fighting it if diagnosed.

Annoying Mouth Ulcers in Central Leeds

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

There is no denying that one of the most irritating conditions that can arise in the mouth is a mouth ulcer; spitefully painful and sore.

They are also quite difficult to know what cause them- they are certainly not infectious, but damaging the inside of your cheek accidentally is considered to be one of the main catalysts, along with hormonal change, hereditary, anxiety and certain foods, but they are viscous by nature although they will go as quickly as they came.

They can be treated too- they are some fine gels on sale in most chemists in central Leeds that will get to work quickly on an ulcer. You should also try to avoid abrasive and overly acidic foods until the problem start to subside- painkillers are also an option if the pain is unbearable as are herbal remedies such as clove oil.

Normally, ulcers are more associated with teenage life and although frustrating, they don’t normally hang around for long. If however they are extremely persistent and keep re-offending, you should seek immediate medical help, as it may indicate something more serious and sinister going on in the mouth.

Your Central Leeds Dentist can help with Mouth Ulcers

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Mouth ulcers can appear for numerous reasons, making eating, drinking and talking a painful experience. The vast majority of people will have the unpleasant experience of a mouth ulcer at some point in their lives. For some it is a short experience which, though uncomfortable, quickly heals and disappears. For others, numerous mouth ulcers can appear, become highly inflamed and make everyday life miserable. Whichever is your situation, your Central Leeds dental surgery will have a range of preventative measures and treatments to help deal with the problem.

The most frequent cause of mouth ulcers is a cut to the inside of the mouth. These cuts can easily become infected and inflamed. To prevent this be extra careful when eating hard and sharp foods that could be damage to the lining of your mouth. For some people ulcers can be a chemical reaction caused by a range of products, alcohol and aspirin are two common causes. If you have had unprotected sex there is the possibility you have contracted herpes, mouth ulcers are a obvious symptom of this, you can have a health check from your local GP or sexual health clinic if you think this might be the case.

There is no single, ideal treatment for mouth ulcers. Generally it is a matter of waiting for the ulcer to heal and beginning preventative measures for the future. Eliminating any chemical or food products that may be causing the ulcers is the best first step. If you find your are consistently biting your cheek, your dentist may recommend filing down a tooth if it is particularly sharp. Gargling water with either salt or paracetamol will provide temporary relief from the pain.

The Problems Of Oral Cancer In Leeds

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

1We should all know our mouths and be able to detect any problems in order to seek treatment, echoed by a dentist in Leeds. But to hear the word cancer in a diagnosis can bring the world tumbling down around you. Almost 5000 people a year are treated for oral cancer and it’s on the increase. So it’s important to educate ourselves into the causes of this disease, for prevention is more preferable to cure and with modern advances in the treatment of cancer, it has become less of a taboo than it used to be, but only if it is detected in its early stages. Excess and over indulgences in the search of the good life can be some of the causes of bad oral hygiene. The combination of smoking and heavy drinking are the greatest enemies of the mouth. But cancer can develop from bad diet, over exposure to sun or UV light and a low immune system also contribute to the build up of the disease. Symptoms follow- ulcers that don’t heal, lumps in the mouth, bad breath and loose teeth. A dentist would be able to spot these problems, so it’s important to have regular check-ups. If there are any signs of cancer, diagnosis will be made after a biopsy. Depending on the level of the problem, radio/ biological therapy, chemo or physical surgery will be required to remove all the infected areas. This can be a very distressing period and the recovery from such a trauma requires delicacy and support. Your dentist will be able to recommend the best solutions in order for you to make a full and complete recovery.