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Posts Tagged ‘oral cancer’

The horror of Oral Cancer in Leeds

Sunday, May 26th, 2013

Your lifestyle is easy in a city like Leeds and there are so many temptations around- it is easy to go off the rails with your dental hygiene, enjoy fast foods and succumb to the delights of smoking and drinking. These could be setting you up for a big fall though and worst of all, oral cancer and this could make the bottom fall out of your world. If you are diagnosed, you will certainly have to change your ways a put in a lot of time and effort in order to beat the disease. The treatment will be harsh, as will the recovery afterwards, but it can be beaten if you are prepared to put in the hard work. Everything must change after you have been operated on- you will have help from a technical team, but it would of great comfort to you if you have the support of friends and family. The good news in all of this horror is that the recovery stats are very good for oral cancer, even better if it is caught in its infancy, so if you feel anything going wrong with your mouth, don’t delay and get along to the dentist for a check-up. It could just save you in the long run.


Horrible Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

In a vibrant place like central Leeds, it expects a lot from you: work-wise, you can be running around all day, stealing a bite here and there, taking the stresses on the chin and then when you finish, it’s time to play- hard and then it’s drinking, smoking and fast foods and dancing and things! It is lovely to be young and immortal….that is until of these extremities catch up with you and you are diagnosed with oral cancer. All of the aforementioned things like stress diet and lifestyle can really take its toll on your mouth and in the early days you may find yourself with niggling annoyances that won’t go away, ulcers, jaw aches, sores on the lips and a sore throat- all signs that you may have a problem and need to go for a few tests. Within days you will know the worst but by acting fast, you will have given yourself a chance of defeating the disease once you have had the therapy done. It will never be easy, but if you have the support of friends and family and a good after-care team, AND if you are prepared to stop doing the things that got you here in this pickle in the first place, there is no reason why you shouldn’t make a complete recovery and live out your life.


The obstacle of Oral Cancer in Leeds

Monday, December 17th, 2012

If you live an exuberant lifestyle in Leeds and you love to push the boat out, love smoking, drinking and fast foods, then you could be heading for a fall at some point in your life and be exposing your mouth to the threat of oral cancer. This disease as you may well know is far from being cured, whatever money is thrown at it, which rather suggests that no-one knows why it strikes in some people and not in others, but certainly, bad habits like the above will not help the cause. It is also wise to be aware of the symptoms. Generally anything that continues to linger is a threat: sore throat, ulcers, jaw and earaches and problems with swallowing certainly need looking at as soon as is possible because one of ways of beating the disease is to have it diagnosed and then treated early. The treatment of chemo, physical or radiotherapy will be quite severe on the body and your already bruised mind, so you need to get yourself ready for it and have people, both professional and social, waiting for you when you get out and ready to help you through it. When you come through the recovery stage and get yourself back to ‘normal’, it is probably time that you sat down and took a long hard look at the lifestyle that got you in this mess and then turn it around- it’s a simple equation: just do everything completely opposite to what you used to!

Managing Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

We all know our mouths quite well in the city of Leeds and should be able to identify problems when they arise. Getting down to the dentist fast will probably eradicate any problems. But it is when things like ulcers, cold-sores, sore throats and jaw aches keep offending regularly rather indicates sometime worse is afoot, and it could be oral cancer. If you are seriously concerned about anything going awry, your dentist will do a few tests on you in order to identify the problem. If your worse fears are realised and you do have oral cancer, then you will be sent for treatment immediately. The thing about oral cancer is that though it seems to be on the rise, if caught early on, it can be treated successfully, though it will be a battle the will change your life and the way you live your life after the treatment. Though the disease remains a bit of a mystery as to why it still continues to flourish, modern lifestyle is considered to be at the root of it. Poor diet will diminish the fight that your immune system puts up against disease and the stresses of modern living can also make you weak. But smoking, heavy drinking and cheap fast foods are also considered to lend a hand to the disease which is why you should learn all you can to avoid the disease from your dentist, and how to go about fighting it if diagnosed.

Living With Oral Cancer In Leeds

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Oral cancer is the most bitter pill to swallow if you have been diagnosed with it and can take all of the strength you can muster to fight it, along with friends and family to help. Just why the disease persists, and is on the increase in Leeds is anyone’s guess. Doctors and dentists will attribute the problem to poor lifestyle choices from smoking, drinking and diet, yet if that’s the case, why do some people do all of these and live an unblemished life. One thing is for sure though, if the disease is caught early, recovery rates are also on the increase- not the ideal solution but it’s a start, so it is always a good idea to familiarise yourself with the symptoms so that you can get a jump start on the problem. Typical things to watch out for are the repetition of issues in the mouth- aching jaws, sores, ulcers and anyway, you should know yourself when things don’t feel right in your mouth and then get yourself checked out. If the worst news comes through, at least you have given yourself an early chance and once you have been treated, then you can come out of the other side, recover and then focus on changing the lifestyle that got you at this point in the first place.


Overcoming Oral Cancer in Leeds

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

There are many things in life that can scare you to the core in life, especially if it’s health related and there is no bigger shock to the system than being diagnosed with some form of cancer: this disease is a real baffler as there seems to be no justification or reason behind what causes it- it can affect the most healthy person in the world.

With oral cancer, it’s still not black and white; however, there are certain things in life that you should avoid putting in your mouth in order to reduce the risk. Smoking, drinking and bad foods on a regular basis will give your mouth a battering and increase the risk of problems arising. Your lifestyle will also affect your immune system and stress levels- also linked to the disease and so we arrive at the conclusion that if you at least try to do everything in moderation and keep yourself on an even keel, you will give yourself a fighting chance in Leeds.

Being able to recognise changes in your mouth is also essential in order to catch things early and get them treated early- the only way to beat the disease. For example, continuous sore throats, coughing, sores and neck aches etc., are not normal conditions the mouth goes through; anything out the ordinary should be analysed immediately. Even though it never seems to go away, the disease is not as powerful as it was because of better treatments- it can be beaten if you are ready for the fight.

Leeds Dentist Raises Awareness of Oral Cancer

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Any form of cancer can devastate lives. Cases of oral cancer have been rising in recent years. It is important to understand the causes and how you can limit your risks. The good news is that new treatments are becoming increasingly successful at treating oral cancer when it is recognised early, for this reason it is vital to know the signs and symptoms of the development of oral cancer.

The most commonly found form of oral cancer is ‘squamous cell carinonas’. The cancer does not develop on your teeth but in any soft tissue in or around the mouth: gums, tongue, or mouth lining. The symptoms of oral cancer are varied and wide ranging. Red and/or white patches, persistent mouth ulcers, or swelling that does not disappear after several weeks can all be indicators. Pain when swallowing, or in the ear or neck can also be a sign of oral cancer. There are, of course, several causes for these symptoms, and so it is highly advised that you visit your local Leeds dentist for a full check up. Your dentist will refer you to a specialist if they believe you are at any risk of oral cancer.

While everyone is at risk from cancer, there are some things that can increase your chances of developing oral cancer. Smoking is a major cause of oral (and other) cancer, a large majority of all oral cancer cases are linked to smoking tobacco. High alcohol consumption also increases the chances of cancer. The spread of HPV (human papillomavirus), a STI, is thought to be the cause of rising cases of oral cancer in recent decades.

Getting yourself aware of Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

It’s a day you will never forget in the city of Leeds when you are diagnosed with oral cancer- your world has suddenly changed beyond all recognition and life looks horribly different. You will probably never know what caused it- it even baffles dentists too. Did you smoke, drink, were you under an enormous amount of stress, were you run down, bad diet? These are the normal things associated with the disease, yet if you did none of these things, then you are extremely unlucky indeed. You’ve obviously had the tests for them to come back positive and now you have to have the treatment which could involve chemo, radio and/or possibly physical surgery too. If it’s been caught early, there is every chance that your pull through and then the fight to prevent it returning begins. Your lifestyle must change completely and you must get as much support as you can to get you through the first few months. Some people change beyond recognition, take up yoga, get fit- some people swear that becoming vegetarian has helped. But the ray of hope, and it shines very brightly is that the number of people making a full recovery from the disease is soaring; sadly though, so is the number of people suffering from it. So, if you are having trouble swallowing, have neck and ear aches, constant ulcers in the mouth- anything untoward that you are unfamiliar with, please, get it checked out immediately.

Oral cancer successfully treated after it is spotted by Leeds dentists

Friday, August 19th, 2011

At your six month check up with your local dentist they will be looking out for the potential signs of a number of nasty dental conditions. They will look at your gums for indications of disease and your teeth for signs that cavities are forming. But at the more serious end of dental conditions, dentists are now trained to look for the any signs that you might be developing oral cancer.
This is a good job too because if cancer of the mouth is diagnosed early and then treated appropriately, the recovery rates are high. Your dentist will be looking for discoloured patches in your mouth and this is something that you can keep an eye out for at home too. These patches might be somewhat hardened too. Other common indicators can be a sudden period of weight loss without any other explanation.
Rates of oral cancer are highest in men and there have been links made with smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol regularly in excessive quantities. But everyone should be vigilant because a third of all cases of oral cancer do not come from one of these ‘higher risk’ groupings.
If your dentist spots the signs of oral cancer they will put in motion a referral to an oncologist so that you can be looked at by a cancer expert. The chances of catching a potentially fatal condition like oral cancer before it has the chance to take hold is another excellent reason to visit your Leeds dentist for regular appointments where your mouth can be checked. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment, even if it has been a while since your last. Your oral health is very important.

Oral cancer diagnosed in a dental surgery thanks to City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

There are many great reasons to go and see your dentist on a regular basis. They will be monitoring your teeth and gums for any signs of problems which need treatment. This is what they spend years training for and building up a wealth of pertinent experience. In recent times dentists have been trained to look for something else in the mouth which used to be the preserve of general practitioners.
Oral cancer can manifest itself in hardened, rusty coloured patches in the mouth and your dentist will be keeping vigilant for them during your six months check-ups. If you are an adult male who smokes and drinks then you are in the high risk groups but this doesn’t mean that others can be complacent as a quarter of all cases of oral cancer patients are not from any of these groups.
Once your dentist has spotted a warning sign he or she will know the procedure of referring you to specialist as soon as possible so that you can be more thoroughly examined by an oncologist. It might be that chemotherapy or radiotherapy is required. Oral cancer actually has very high survival rates compared to other cancers but it needs to be spotted early before it gets out of hand and begins to spread.
Make sure that you go and visit your City of Leeds every six months so that they can keep an eye out for signs of this potentially fatal condition in the mouth. It is always better to report something if you are worried about it too. Your dentist won’t think that you are just making a fuss; they will take your concerns seriously.