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Posts Tagged ‘oral hygeine’

Cure embarrassing bad breath with Central Leeds dentist

Monday, December 21st, 2009

When it comes to personal hygiene, without question one of the most common and unpleasant qualities is bad breath. Having breath that smells can be very unpleasant for others and make you significantly less attractive to the opposite sex. What most people don’t realise however, is that in over 90 per cent of cases, bad breath is caused by poor standards of oral hygiene and easily treated.

The smell itself is caused by decaying bacteria or food matter that is stuck between the teeth and in the grooves of the tongue. This releases nasty smelling sulphurous chemicals which are carried out on the breath. These bacteria and chemicals can easily be stopped with more effective brushing and flossing. If you are unsure about the proper oral hygiene methods you can ask advice from a Central Leeds dentist who can instruct you how to properly clean your teeth.

The two most important factors are brushing twice a day for three minutes with a suitable brush held at a 45-degree angle to the teeth. This removes bacteria and food from the surface of the teeth, helping to prevent bad breath. Flossing the gaps between the teeth removes other debris that is hard to reach with a normal brush and cleans below the gum line.

Other dental hygiene tools may be used such as inter-dental brushes or mouthwash but it is always a good idea to consult your dentist before using these products. In some cases mouthwash can remove some of the saliva production from the mouth making the problem worse.

Effective oral hygiene advice from Leeds dentist prevents tooth decay

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Everybody knows the saying that prevention is better than cure. Nowhere is this more true than with regards to oral hygiene. In the rest of the body illness and disease can strike no matter what the patient’s lifestyle. Even the healthiest of patients are still susceptible to most diseases. However, when it comes to dental hygiene, effective cleaning and maintenance can prevent both tooth decay and gum disease. While there are treatments available for both gum disease and tooth decay, ask anybody who has suffered from either and they will certainly tell you that a few minutes a day looking after your teeth is far more preferable to hours of painful, uncomfortable and costly repair work and treatment.

Dentists advise all patients to brush their teeth for three minutes twice a day and to floss at least once a day. It is also important to use a brush that is suitable for your teeth. A Leeds dentist will be able to advise you which kind of brush will be most effective for your teeth. Brushing and flossing are the first line of defence against all forms of decay and oral disease and their importance cannot be underestimated.

If patients do not brush and floss regularly enough then it allows plaque to build up in the mouth. Plaque is a filmy substance made up of bacteria and other debris that attacks the enamel of the teeth causing decay and cavities. If this decay is allowed to continue it will eventually reach the pulp of the teeth which will be become infected and destroyed. This will eventually lead to tooth loss and the spread of infection to other areas in the mouth, not to mention being excruciatingly painful. If the infection is allowed to enter the bloodstream in the mouth it can also lead to a more widespread infection of the body and even contribute to heart disease.

The oral cavity is one of the dirtiest places in the human body. This is an unpleasant thought but nevertheless true. Over 500 million bacteria call the moist and warm conditions in the human mouth home. Not only can this bacteria cause disease and decay, but it is also responsible for over 90 per cent of cases of bad breath. So brushing and cleaning are not only good for your health but also your social life. Bad breath is caused by decaying food matter that releases foul-smelling sulphurous compounds that can easily be removed by effective cleaning.

Good oral hygiene doesn’t involve too much of a sacrifice. Effective cleaning and regular check ups with a Leeds dentist can help to keep all forms of disease and decay at bay and could save you from a lifetime of unpleasant dental problems.

Good oral hygeine can prevent toothache

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Unfortunately many people don’t visit their dentist until they get toothache. In most cases this pain can be avoided by good oral hygeine and regular dental check ups. Good oral hygeine means effectively removing decay causing plaque from your teeth and gum surfaces. At City Dental we can show you how to do this and also show you which toothbrush is most suitable for your mouth. Our hygeinists are highly skilled and will use professional polishes and pastes to remove any plaque and tartar which cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. At your six monthly dental check up we look for early signs of decay and gum disease so that we can easily treat them before they progress and cause toothache which becomes more difficult to treat. At City Dental we strongly believe in the motto – prevention is better than the cure!!